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 Your favourite TGA song and why?

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Your favourite TGA song and why? - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Your favourite TGA song and why?   Your favourite TGA song and why? - Page 5 Icon_minitimeThu Dec 15, 2011 9:13 pm

I know it's a newer one, but definitely "Orphans." The lyrics just blew me away and touched me deeply, I went ahead and assigned my own meaning to the song too LOL.
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Your favourite TGA song and why? - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Your favourite TGA song and why?   Your favourite TGA song and why? - Page 5 Icon_minitimeThu Dec 15, 2011 9:37 pm

We Did it When We Were Young. Even though I didn't like it much when I first heard it.
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The Angry Johnny Revue
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Your favourite TGA song and why? - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Your favourite TGA song and why?   Your favourite TGA song and why? - Page 5 Icon_minitimeThu Dec 15, 2011 11:30 pm

I've been liking TGA for probably 2 years now, maybe a bit more, but it wasn't until last year around Christmas that I actually started listening to TGA. We were on our way back to New Zealand for Christmas having not been back in 3 or so years and we'd stopped over in LA for the night and I remember driving down the pacific coast highway on a bloody brilliant evening, having just discovered that in a few month's time we'd be moving to the States, and bored of every song on my ipod and I remembered that I'd bought the majority Gaslight's back catalogue on a whim, as I'd recieved £30 from Granddad as a Christmas present before I left. At that time I knew and enjoyed all of the singles from The 59 Sound, but I think I had dismissed American Slang as some horrible pop punk/pop rock (pop whatever) record which is what had put me off listening to the rest of their stuff. Anyhoo I'm so glad that I gave them another try, as after that night I decided that them over to America was going to be awesome and I would come back to LA one day and drive down that highway blasting Sink or Swim & The 59 Sound as loud as I could.

The one song that stuck out for me was Even Cowgirls Get The Blues, I just had to listen to it over, and over, and over. I was so stunned that night by the pure power of Brian's vocals in the chorus, it just took every music I had listened to up to that point and made it sound like any poorly written Rihanna single that is released every fortnight in comparison. Those two albums but more specifically that song was the soundtrack to the greatest summer of my life. Every time I hear Even Cowgirls Get The Blues no matter where I am or whatever mood I'm in I'm reminded of spending those mornings under the roasting Gisborne sun, surfing at Wainui Beach, occasionally coming in to check the scores of the Test Match, then evenings of backyard cricket/rugby and barbecue's with the lads.

I'm looking forward to seeing how this song stands the test of time with me. I reckon I've been listening to half decent music since I was 8, but with the exception of Red Hot Chili Peppers I doubt there's a band I listened to back then that I don't shudder or cringe now if I tried to listen to them. That said I've never felt anyway about music in the past 5 years than I have with TGA and Even Cowgirls Get The Blues. I see people on here who are super passionate about TGA, and even more passionate Bruce Springsteen who they discovered in the late 70's/early 80's, and I just really hope that can be me in 30 years time.

So that may have all sounded like a bunch of sentimental bullshit but that is why Even Cowgirls Get The Blues is so special to me. This fact was only strengthened when the guys played it the other night at Asbury Park. I was still in shock that my heroes were there only a few feet away from me playing all those songs I've been singing along to for all of my early teen years. They weren't just something on my iPod that I discussed online occasionally, as it turned out they were real life people and they decided to play my favourite song just for me. There was nobody else in the room for those 3 minutes. Just my heroes and me.
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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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Your favourite TGA song and why? - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Your favourite TGA song and why?   Your favourite TGA song and why? - Page 5 Icon_minitimeFri Jan 06, 2012 1:25 am

I really don't have a favorite song, more like favorite lines from a song. But the acoustic version of The 59 Sound gets me every time. 2/3 of the song is just hauntingly beautiful. I lost my mother in 09' to Pancreatic Cancer. She passed away in ICU after surgery. She was coherent but on a respirator and unable to speak. Family was there (those who had the courage) and we all said our goodbyes. Chokes me up every time to remember her tearing from the pain. All she could do is nod for more medicine to ease the suffering. What they don't tell you is that they can't pull the plug till your heart beats at a certain level. I would post the lyrics, but I just ask to go listen to the acoustic version again.

I like to write lyrics in my free time so I'll share a little something that relates:

"And then I thought I felt your heart beat again,
But it was just the drip drip of the medicine
That was keeping you, alive."
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The Navesink Banks
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Your favourite TGA song and why? - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Your favourite TGA song and why?   Your favourite TGA song and why? - Page 5 Icon_minitimeFri Jan 06, 2012 8:25 am

LuckyinLV wrote:
I really don't have a favorite song, more like favorite lines from a song. But the acoustic version of The 59 Sound gets me every time. 2/3 of the song is just hauntingly beautiful. I lost my mother in 09' to Pancreatic Cancer. She passed away in ICU after surgery. She was coherent but on a respirator and unable to speak. Family was there (those who had the courage) and we all said our goodbyes. Chokes me up every time to remember her tearing from the pain. All she could do is nod for more medicine to ease the suffering. What they don't tell you is that they can't pull the plug till your heart beats at a certain level. I would post the lyrics, but I just ask to go listen to the acoustic version again.

I like to write lyrics in my free time so I'll share a little something that relates:

"And then I thought I felt your heart beat again,
But it was just the drip drip of the medicine
That was keeping you, alive."

Thanks for sharing your story and your lyrics, LuckyinLV. Your lyrics are painfully beautiful; they made me cry.

My family lost my aunt to breast cancer in '06, so I can sort of relate to what you wrote. It helps to have music that puts words to the sorrow.
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The '59 Sound
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Your favourite TGA song and why? - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Your favourite TGA song and why?   Your favourite TGA song and why? - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSat Jan 07, 2012 12:32 pm

High Lonesome. Played it on the day after my girlfriend and I met, still together one year later!
THC favorite song is Blood Loss. I love the reference to 'the sirens' at the end of the song.
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PostSubject: Re: Your favourite TGA song and why?   Your favourite TGA song and why? - Page 5 Icon_minitime

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