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 Gaslight taking a hiatus

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Red In The Morning
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Gaslight taking a hiatus - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gaslight taking a hiatus   Gaslight taking a hiatus - Page 7 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 10, 2016 11:54 am

steady now steady now wrote:
It's bittersweet to find that Painkillers is so brilliant that the Gaslight Anthem may well be dead and buried.

However, surely Brian will either have to incorporate the entire TGA song catalogue into future tours or, if the Gaslight Anthem were to rise again, Brian will need to be happy to play non-TGA songs with them. He always declined to play Horrible Crowes songs at TGA shows, but who is going to go to a TGA show (if any) in the future and not want to hear songs off Painkillers?

Right now it doesn't really matter to me who his backing band is (as much as I love Benny), as long as Brians keeps doing what he does and, at least after this tour, draws on his whole song catalogue at shows.

I don't think Brian will play songs from Painkillers if TGA were ever to play again.
Simply because he never did in with THC either, and everyone wanted to hear that.

I like the way he keeps everything seperated, it makes the solo shows more special I think.
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A Contender
A Contender

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Gaslight taking a hiatus - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gaslight taking a hiatus   Gaslight taking a hiatus - Page 7 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 10, 2016 1:20 pm

I'd be fine going to a TGA show and not hearing Painkillers songs. There's a place for both things in the future if Brian wants. I look at it this way: Brian will always make music. When TGA (hopefully) returns, they'll do a record and a year or so of touring, then he'll do his solo stuff (records/tours) in between. The in between gaps will presumably be longer. I think both things can easily be separate and satisfy fans. Now if TGA is completely done, I'm gonna need him to incorporate those songs into the solo show because they're too good to never get played again.
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A Contender
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Gaslight taking a hiatus - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gaslight taking a hiatus   Gaslight taking a hiatus - Page 7 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 10, 2016 3:11 pm

steady now steady now wrote:
It's bittersweet to find that Painkillers is so brilliant that the Gaslight Anthem may well be dead and buried.

However, surely Brian will either have to incorporate the entire TGA song catalogue into future tours or, if the Gaslight Anthem were to rise again, Brian will need to be happy to play non-TGA songs with them. He always declined to play Horrible Crowes songs at TGA shows, but who is going to go to a TGA show (if any) in the future and not want to hear songs off Painkillers?

Right now it doesn't really matter to me who his backing band is (as much as I love Benny), as long as Brians keeps doing what he does and, at least after this tour, draws on his whole song catalogue at shows.


Why can't there be two things.

Enjoy now
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A Contender
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Gaslight taking a hiatus - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gaslight taking a hiatus   Gaslight taking a hiatus - Page 7 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 10, 2016 6:53 pm

Por que no los dos? My hope for the future is for Gaslight to come back within the next 2-3 years, but still have Brian do as much solo stuff as he wants. I prefer Gaslight, but I love most of the solo stuff as well.

He said in an interview earlier this week (can't remember which one) that if Gaslight decided they were never coming back, he would play those songs in his solo stuff, but for now they'll stay with Gaslight.
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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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Gaslight taking a hiatus - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gaslight taking a hiatus   Gaslight taking a hiatus - Page 7 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 10, 2016 7:42 pm

mja271 wrote:
I'd be fine going to a TGA show and not hearing Painkillers songs. There's a place for both things in the future if Brian wants. I look at it this way: Brian will always make music. When TGA (hopefully) returns, they'll do a record and a year or so of touring, then he'll do his solo stuff (records/tours) in between. The in between gaps will presumably be longer. I think both things can easily be separate and satisfy fans. Now if TGA is completely done, I'm gonna need him to incorporate those songs into the solo show because they're too good to never get played again.

I also see that..I think after Brian's solo record there will be a further Gaslight album and than again a solo record..just as The Killers have done it recently...
I don't think Brian will play any 'Painkillers' songs with TGA that would be a bit strange because those are his own songs and don't have anyting to do with the band... but again..thats my opinion..of course I won't mind if he plays some songs of his own with TGA
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A Contender
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Gaslight taking a hiatus - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gaslight taking a hiatus   Gaslight taking a hiatus - Page 7 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 10, 2016 9:00 pm

I tried to search on the site for this topic, and couldnt seem to find it. Im sure its out there, but if not, do people think Alex Levine and Benny are offended, or upset in any way they arent involved in Brians other stuff? Ian has done elsie, and now with the solo album. Same with Alex. But benny and alex l have been left off all the other stuff. Think everything is cool about that? I find it hard to imagine they dont feel a little slighted. Hope its not a big deal.
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First Among Equals
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Gaslight taking a hiatus - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gaslight taking a hiatus   Gaslight taking a hiatus - Page 7 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 11, 2016 3:07 am

turnitin2004 wrote:
I tried to search on the site for this topic, and couldnt seem to find it.  Im sure its out there, but if not, do people think Alex Levine and Benny are offended, or upset in any way they arent involved in Brians other stuff? Ian has done elsie, and now with the solo album.  Same with Alex.  But benny and alex l have been left off all the other stuff.  Think everything is cool about that?  I find it hard to imagine they dont feel a little slighted.  Hope its not a big deal.

Well if they had been involved it would be a Gaslight album, no?
I'm pretty sure they're all cool with their decisions.
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First Among Equals
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PostSubject: Re: Gaslight taking a hiatus   Gaslight taking a hiatus - Page 7 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 11, 2016 3:13 am

TooMuchGaslight wrote:
steady now steady now wrote:
It's bittersweet to find that Painkillers is so brilliant that the Gaslight Anthem may well be dead and buried.

However, surely Brian will either have to incorporate the entire TGA song catalogue into future tours or, if the Gaslight Anthem were to rise again, Brian will need to be happy to play non-TGA songs with them. He always declined to play Horrible Crowes songs at TGA shows, but who is going to go to a TGA show (if any) in the future and not want to hear songs off Painkillers?

Right now it doesn't really matter to me who his backing band is (as much as I love Benny), as long as Brians keeps doing what he does and, at least after this tour, draws on his whole song catalogue at shows.

I don't think Brian will play songs from Painkillers if TGA were ever to play again.
Simply because he never did in with THC either, and everyone wanted to hear that.

I like the way he keeps everything seperated, it makes the solo shows more special I think.

I'm totally with you on that. Even though there might (will) be crossovers of songs in either direction I like it when he keeps them separate. Lots of bands don't mix the band and the solo material live.

And I wouldn't say that there is no chance that TGA won't ever return. Let's wait and see.

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A Contender
A Contender

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PostSubject: Re: Gaslight taking a hiatus   Gaslight taking a hiatus - Page 7 Icon_minitimeSun Mar 13, 2016 11:17 am

Just for the record. Besides the two guys that are in his band now being in Gaslight. I saw Alex
L at the show last night and heard Benny was there also. So point being, these guys support each other and are still a band.

So let's all enjoy this moment (and Brian's songs) and when the boys are ready they'll be ready
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A Contender
A Contender

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Gaslight taking a hiatus - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gaslight taking a hiatus   Gaslight taking a hiatus - Page 7 Icon_minitimeSun Mar 13, 2016 11:59 am

miked331 wrote:
Just for the record. Besides the two guys that are in his band now being in Gaslight. I saw Alex
L at the show last night and heard Benny was there also. So point being, these guys support each other and are still a band.

So let's all enjoy this moment (and Brian's songs) and when the boys are ready they'll be ready

Oh yea, Im not rushing them back together by any means.  Just was hoping everyone was cool with everything just on a personal level, cause i'd be sad, band or not, if they had issues.  glad to hear everyone is cool, whether they get back together or not.

agree, love brians new solo stuff.
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