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 Jimmy Fallon July 27, 2012

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Red In The Morning
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Jimmy Fallon July  27, 2012 - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jimmy Fallon July 27, 2012   Jimmy Fallon July  27, 2012 - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 28, 2012 10:53 am

StateOfLoveAndGaslight wrote:
Just watched the show on the Fallon website, immediately noticed that Ian wasn't there and came here to find out why. Now that I think about it, Brian definitely seemed pissed off/upset about something, and given that Ian wasn't there at the show, but clearly was there earlier in the day, (and his guitar was exactly where it should have been), I'm guessing it had something to do with that.

Also there this from Brian's twitter earlier in the week:

Brian Fallon ‏@briangaslight

You know what rules? Coming home from tour and finding your refrigerator leaked through your basement ceiling! At 4am!!!!! #wahmbulance

Sounds like he's just having a rough week

Ians absence could also explain why the mix was so off. Brian's guitar was probably turned down because Ian was supposed to be there he obviously wasn't thus the weak flat guitar sound.
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Red In The Morning
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Jimmy Fallon July  27, 2012 - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jimmy Fallon July 27, 2012   Jimmy Fallon July  27, 2012 - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 28, 2012 10:54 am

Bri needs to chill out a little. Dunno if its the fame, pressure or intensity getting to him but his character's changed a lot in a couple of years since T59S days, hes very serious these days. Everybody's different and has a different reaction to fame, sure, but Frank Turner shows that you can be successful (i'd say hes more popular than Gaslight) and still be totally cool and accessible with folks who support your music.
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Red In The Morning
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Jimmy Fallon July  27, 2012 - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jimmy Fallon July 27, 2012   Jimmy Fallon July  27, 2012 - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 28, 2012 11:05 am

IAmDisappeared wrote:
Bri needs to chill out a little. Dunno if its the fame, pressure or intensity getting to him but his character's changed a lot in a couple of years since T59S days, hes very serious these days. Everybody's different and has a different reaction to fame, sure, but Frank Turner shows that you can be successful (i'd say hes more popular than Gaslight) and still be totally cool and accessible with folks who support your music.

To an extent, but you've also got to remember that often-agonized, painful lyrics like Brian writes don't come from someone who's perpetually happy. Honestly, I'm surprised he's usually as happy of a guy as he is, given how heavy his lyrics usually are.
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Red In The Morning
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Jimmy Fallon July  27, 2012 - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jimmy Fallon July 27, 2012   Jimmy Fallon July  27, 2012 - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 28, 2012 11:25 am

IAmDisappeared wrote:
Bri needs to chill out a little. Dunno if its the fame, pressure or intensity getting to him but his character's changed a lot in a couple of years since T59S days, hes very serious these days. Everybody's different and has a different reaction to fame, sure, but Frank Turner shows that you can be successful (i'd say hes more popular than Gaslight) and still be totally cool and accessible with folks who support your music.

It could also be with the increased fame the increased attention paid to his actions due to more people paying attention. He's a human, we all hve bad days we all take it out on the wrong people. I've met Brian five times and he has never been anything but sincere, humble, completely down to earth and came off as enjoying taking to the fans possibly more than they were to meet him. For all we know something is going on in his personal life that's over shadowing his professional life it happens.
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I'da called you Woody
I'da called you Woody

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Jimmy Fallon July  27, 2012 - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jimmy Fallon July 27, 2012   Jimmy Fallon July  27, 2012 - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 28, 2012 11:40 am

Yeah, let's not read too much into his being in a bad mood. He's allowed to have an off day!
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I'da called you Woody
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Jimmy Fallon July  27, 2012 - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jimmy Fallon July 27, 2012   Jimmy Fallon July  27, 2012 - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 28, 2012 12:28 pm

So for the first time Alex R was way louder than brian, lols. Sounded pretty good. Love how Brian has been saying "cause I Aaacheee"
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First Among Equals
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Jimmy Fallon July  27, 2012 - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jimmy Fallon July 27, 2012   Jimmy Fallon July  27, 2012 - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 28, 2012 12:49 pm

StitchesOnTheRadio wrote:
'49mercury wrote:
HEY everyone, i was at the recording, they play 45.

It was so weird seeing them play from essentially Benny's POV.

were you wearing a blue v-neck?

yes - and i think the quotes got flipped in your post b/c what is says you said, i said and vice versa, lol.

Last edited by StitchesOnTheRadio on Sat Jul 28, 2012 1:23 pm; edited 1 time in total
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First Among Equals
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Jimmy Fallon July  27, 2012 - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jimmy Fallon July 27, 2012   Jimmy Fallon July  27, 2012 - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 28, 2012 12:56 pm

I think we need to chill out about Brian and assume that there's something we don't know going on plus the pressure of him being the person everyone wants attention from. He's human, we shouldn't jump all over him every time he doesn't go above and beyond for a bunch of strangers. He's a different personality type from Frank Turner or from Benny or from whoever. It doesn't mean he thinks he's better than those people or than you or me. He just maybe can't give as much of himself as we want sometimes. That's all I'm saying.
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I'da called you Woody
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Jimmy Fallon July  27, 2012 - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jimmy Fallon July 27, 2012   Jimmy Fallon July  27, 2012 - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 28, 2012 1:06 pm

What Stitches said, but my own take on it-

Pretty sure, he's just a normal human being. No need to look into it. Just normal emotions. If you're looking into someones moods become a psychologist or social worker. Getting to that awkward point where people are trying to look deep into the guys personal lives. Sorry if this sounds snobby, but at the end of the day, they're normal people.
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First Among Equals
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Jimmy Fallon July  27, 2012 - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jimmy Fallon July 27, 2012   Jimmy Fallon July  27, 2012 - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 28, 2012 1:13 pm

IKeeptheDiner wrote:
What Stitches said, but my own take on it-

Pretty sure, he's just a normal human being. No need to look into it. Just normal emotions. If you're looking into someones moods become a psychologist or social worker. Getting to that awkward point where people are trying to look deep into the guys personal lives. Sorry if this sounds snobby, but at the end of the day, they're normal people.

Just so you know I wasn't attempting to psycho-analyze why he does what he does. The personality type thing is pretty obvious, and there's nothing wrong with wondering why someone seems in a bad mood but you gotta just leave it at that. He's in a bad mood, and it's none of our business why. And I agree, speculating about the psychology behind every little thing he does would be ridiculous.
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Red In The Morning
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Jimmy Fallon July  27, 2012 - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jimmy Fallon July 27, 2012   Jimmy Fallon July  27, 2012 - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 28, 2012 1:21 pm

StitchesOnTheRadio wrote:
'49mercury wrote:
HEY everyone, i was at the recording, they play 45.

It was so weird seeing them play from essentially Benny's POV.

were you wearing a blue v-neck?

No that was my buddy though, i was the one in the black shirt.
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I'da called you Woody
I'da called you Woody

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Jimmy Fallon July  27, 2012 - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jimmy Fallon July 27, 2012   Jimmy Fallon July  27, 2012 - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 28, 2012 1:23 pm

StitchesOnTheRadio wrote:
IKeeptheDiner wrote:
What Stitches said, but my own take on it-

Pretty sure, he's just a normal human being. No need to look into it. Just normal emotions. If you're looking into someones moods become a psychologist or social worker. Getting to that awkward point where people are trying to look deep into the guys personal lives. Sorry if this sounds snobby, but at the end of the day, they're normal people.

Just so you know I wasn't attempting to psycho-analyze why he does what he does. The personality type thing is pretty obvious, and there's nothing wrong with wondering why someone seems in a bad mood but you gotta just leave it at that. He's in a bad mood, and it's none of our business why. And I agree, speculating about the psychology behind every little thing he does would be ridiculous.

My bad. I got what you were saying, was agreeing to what you said. Just seems like other people were looking too much into it. My bad haha.
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First Among Equals
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Jimmy Fallon July  27, 2012 - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jimmy Fallon July 27, 2012   Jimmy Fallon July  27, 2012 - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 28, 2012 1:28 pm

IKeeptheDiner wrote:
StitchesOnTheRadio wrote:
IKeeptheDiner wrote:
What Stitches said, but my own take on it-

Pretty sure, he's just a normal human being. No need to look into it. Just normal emotions. If you're looking into someones moods become a psychologist or social worker. Getting to that awkward point where people are trying to look deep into the guys personal lives. Sorry if this sounds snobby, but at the end of the day, they're normal people.

Just so you know I wasn't attempting to psycho-analyze why he does what he does. The personality type thing is pretty obvious, and there's nothing wrong with wondering why someone seems in a bad mood but you gotta just leave it at that. He's in a bad mood, and it's none of our business why. And I agree, speculating about the psychology behind every little thing he does would be ridiculous.

My bad. I got what you were saying, was agreeing to what you said. Just seems like other people were looking too much into it. My bad haha.

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I'da called you Woody
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Jimmy Fallon July  27, 2012 - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jimmy Fallon July 27, 2012   Jimmy Fallon July  27, 2012 - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 28, 2012 1:29 pm

Bummed that they only played one song, especially after I spent a few hours figuring out how to download videos from hulu.

The OTA broadcast turned out all right. I was worried about the schedule being off because of the Olympics but it seems like it was right on time.
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A Contender
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Jimmy Fallon July  27, 2012 - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jimmy Fallon July 27, 2012   Jimmy Fallon July  27, 2012 - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 28, 2012 1:39 pm

StitchesOnTheRadio wrote:
I think we need to chill out about Brian and assume that there's something we don't know going on plus the pressure of him being the person everyone wants attention from. He's human, we shouldn't jump all over him every time he doesn't go above and beyond for a bunch of strangers. He's a different personality type from Frank Turner or from Benny or from whoever. It doesn't mean he thinks he's better than those people or than you or me. He just maybe can't give as much of himself as we want sometimes. That's all I'm saying.


Please guys we may not know the half of it. Lay off.
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Jimmy Fallon July  27, 2012 - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jimmy Fallon July 27, 2012   Jimmy Fallon July  27, 2012 - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 28, 2012 2:29 pm

Must say I thought they sounded great on Jimmy Fallon - minus the extra guitar they sounded energetic and revitalised - Alex R's guitar loud and clear, Brians vocals strong above the mix - awesome!!!
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Red In The Morning
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Jimmy Fallon July  27, 2012 - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jimmy Fallon July 27, 2012   Jimmy Fallon July  27, 2012 - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 28, 2012 2:31 pm

chaingangchorus wrote:

Please guys we may not know the half of it. Lay off.

I've got nothing to "lay off", I'm merely suggesting Brian seems to be struggling with fame and doesn't seem to be having the same kinda fun as T59S days.
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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Jimmy Fallon July  27, 2012 - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jimmy Fallon July 27, 2012   Jimmy Fallon July  27, 2012 - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 28, 2012 3:20 pm

IAmDisappeared wrote:
chaingangchorus wrote:

Please guys we may not know the half of it. Lay off.

I've got nothing to "lay off", I'm merely suggesting Brian seems to be struggling with fame and doesn't seem to be having the same kinda fun as T59S days.

Suggest all you want. Doesn't make it fact.
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A Contender
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Jimmy Fallon July  27, 2012 - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jimmy Fallon July 27, 2012   Jimmy Fallon July  27, 2012 - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 28, 2012 3:24 pm

Alex R's guitar sounded odd, to me. And yes, Brian's emotion from an anger point came across...but I thought that was pretty cool.

I don't think he's struggling at all, at least he's not in front of people usually. He seemed VERY happy and jovial at the Lawrence show I went to, and in listening to the cast from the Keg and Eggs breakfast, he was joking and very engaging.

Had a bad day. Let's not play it out to some 2 year life event.
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Red In The Morning
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Jimmy Fallon July  27, 2012 - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jimmy Fallon July 27, 2012   Jimmy Fallon July  27, 2012 - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 28, 2012 3:41 pm

NeverTrustAJunkie wrote:
IAmDisappeared wrote:
chaingangchorus wrote:

Please guys we may not know the half of it. Lay off.

I've got nothing to "lay off", I'm merely suggesting Brian seems to be struggling with fame and doesn't seem to be having the same kinda fun as T59S days.

Suggest all you want. Doesn't make it fact.

hence the use of the word "suggest" not "fact" Rolling Eyes
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I'da called you Woody
I'da called you Woody

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Jimmy Fallon July  27, 2012 - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jimmy Fallon July 27, 2012   Jimmy Fallon July  27, 2012 - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 28, 2012 3:43 pm

I bet Brian was angry that he had to wear long sleeves and cover his tattoos again. Sad
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Red In The Morning
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Jimmy Fallon July  27, 2012 - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jimmy Fallon July 27, 2012   Jimmy Fallon July  27, 2012 - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 28, 2012 4:02 pm

ral wrote:
I bet Brian was angry that he had to wear long sleeves and cover his tattoos again. Sad

hahaha Razz

lets just chalk this up to a human being having a bad day, it happens. any other points anyone notice?
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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Jimmy Fallon July  27, 2012 - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jimmy Fallon July 27, 2012   Jimmy Fallon July  27, 2012 - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 28, 2012 4:32 pm

IAmDisappeared wrote:
NeverTrustAJunkie wrote:
IAmDisappeared wrote:
chaingangchorus wrote:

Please guys we may not know the half of it. Lay off.

I've got nothing to "lay off", I'm merely suggesting Brian seems to be struggling with fame and doesn't seem to be having the same kinda fun as T59S days.

Suggest all you want. Doesn't make it fact.

hence the use of the word "suggest" not "fact" Rolling Eyes

I used "suggest" too! Smile
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I'da called you Woody
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Jimmy Fallon July  27, 2012 - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jimmy Fallon July 27, 2012   Jimmy Fallon July  27, 2012 - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 28, 2012 5:36 pm

Thought they sounded awesome, and the band bench looked cool.

Brian looked relaxed and happy at the NYC show on stage. I hope whatever he's been having a tough time with isn't too serious and gets resolved soon, I feel bad
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I'da called you Woody
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Jimmy Fallon July  27, 2012 - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jimmy Fallon July 27, 2012   Jimmy Fallon July  27, 2012 - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 28, 2012 5:49 pm

I do, however, think it's legit to ask where Ian was. Any ideas anyone?
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Jimmy Fallon July  27, 2012 - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jimmy Fallon July 27, 2012   Jimmy Fallon July  27, 2012 - Page 3 Icon_minitime

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