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 Jimmy Fallon Video Casting - July 27th 2012

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First Among Equals
First Among Equals

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Join date : 2010-08-24
Location : London, UK / Vienna, Austria

Jimmy Fallon Video Casting - July 27th 2012 Empty
PostSubject: Jimmy Fallon Video Casting - July 27th 2012   Jimmy Fallon Video Casting - July 27th 2012 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 25, 2012 1:07 pm

I hope I didn't miss that this was already posted but I got this email today. As it is open to all fans I included the link they sent.

Casting Call for Jimmy Fallon!

Attention Gaslight Anthem fan club members:
On Friday, July 27th, 2012 The Gaslight Anthem will be performing on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. Here is where you come in...
How would you like a chance to be close to The Gaslight Anthem's performance on the show?

Click on the link below and you will be directed to our "Band Bench" Sweepstakes entry form. Enter for a chance to win seats on our band benches and an opportunity to surround the stage during The Gaslight Anthem's performance.

Please make sure you include the following band code: "GAS", in your entry form.
The rules are strickly set up by the Jimmy Fallon show production company, and 45 RPM Club has nothing to do with fan selection and this is open to all fans as well.

FC Staff
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Jimmy Fallon Video Casting - July 27th 2012
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