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 2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details)

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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details) - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details)   2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 18, 2014 1:47 am

StitchesOnTheRadio wrote:
The Last Jukebox Romeo wrote:
Barresi wrote:
Jack wrote:
I talked to Ian for a while after the Menzingers show at the Asbury Lanes and asked him if Halloween was going to be on the record. He said they recorded a new version but he doesn't know if it's going to be released.

There's hope.

Words can't express how much I'm hoping for Halloween to be on this album, throw Misery in there as well and make the album follow that direction. THAT would be great!

I'd love it as a bonus track, just because I don't like previously released songs getting stuck in the middle of new albums. But I totally agree about Misery just to get that song back into the mix! Although judging by Brian's expression when it was mentioned at Crossroads, that song is gone for good  Sad 

How did it get brought up at Crossroads/what was his expression?
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First Among Equals
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2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details) - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details)   2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 18, 2014 2:08 am

Jack wrote:
StitchesOnTheRadio wrote:
The Last Jukebox Romeo wrote:
Barresi wrote:
Jack wrote:
I talked to Ian for a while after the Menzingers show at the Asbury Lanes and asked him if Halloween was going to be on the record. He said they recorded a new version but he doesn't know if it's going to be released.

There's hope.

Words can't express how much I'm hoping for Halloween to be on this album, throw Misery in there as well and make the album follow that direction. THAT would be great!

I'd love it as a bonus track, just because I don't like previously released songs getting stuck in the middle of new albums. But I totally agree about Misery just to get that song back into the mix! Although judging by Brian's expression when it was mentioned at Crossroads, that song is gone for good  Sad 

How did it get brought up at Crossroads/what was his expression?

Not sure exactly, but he was saying something about a song that had the word misery in the title and some dude up front got excited and thought he was talkin about the TGA song and brian said something like "what? oh, our song?" and shook his head as if to say "nah, not that garbage." (my words not his). and then he went on about this other song. someone else might remember details better than I do.
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First Among Equals
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2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details) - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details)   2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 18, 2014 2:38 am

Haha glade to be "some dude"   Cool 
I knew what he said. Just jokingly bantering/ hoping he would play it. I mean imagine if he did lol!

I just went back and watched the vid. He was just joke bantering he doesn't seem to be negative or have any disdain towards the song at least to me watching. Has a classic Brian jokingly pondering facial expression after "misery?" Into ohhhhh laugh/head shake after "......."

Here's the rough transcript.

Brian: Kathy bates she's breaking ankles in misery - you guys remember misery? It's a Terrible movie

Me: Great song though.

Brian; Misery?... .Oh our song
No miss misery by Elliot smith is the greatest song.
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First Among Equals
First Among Equals

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2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details) - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details)   2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 18, 2014 6:27 am

Debonair wrote:
Haha glade to be "some dude"   Cool 
I knew what he said. Just jokingly bantering/ hoping he would play it. I mean imagine if he did lol!

I just went back and watched the vid. He was just joke bantering he doesn't seem to be negative or have any disdain towards the song at least to me watching. Has a classic Brian jokingly pondering facial expression after "misery?" Into ohhhhh laugh/head shake after "......."

Here's the rough transcript.

Brian: Kathy bates she's breaking ankles in misery - you guys remember misery? It's a Terrible movie

Me: Great song though.

Brian; Misery?... .Oh our song
No miss misery by Elliot smith is the greatest song.

Haha, was it you? I didn't even see. I thought it was the tall guy in the grey (not the drunk, the one in front of him). I was partially distracted by something but I heard the word "Misery" and my ears perked up, so to speak. I'm glad you did mention it because if there was any chance he would have played it it was worth trying! That's the one song where if Brian came out and played only that and then left, I'd go home happy.

Care to share that video? haha, I mean, seeing an actual image would be better than trusting my own memory, but I recall a reaction that wasn't like disgust or anything, just like, it gave me the impression he didn't hold it particularly high regard. I wish there were more words in the English language for describing facial expressions because I'm having issues saying what I mean here, haha. It's an expression I've seen him make a lot though.
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2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details) - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details)   2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 18, 2014 3:13 pm

I've got to say, i don't really understand you guys who are so keen to see the likes of Misery and Halloween on the next album. I'm assuming you've already heard them and/or got them, surely, so i can't get my head around it.

Wouldn't you rather have an album full of new tracks?

A tiny bit of the fun was taken out of Handwritten for me because i'd heard Biloxi Parish so far ahead of the album's release.
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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details) - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details)   2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 18, 2014 3:16 pm

CapedAvenger wrote:
I've got to say, i don't really understand you guys who are so keen to see the likes of Misery and Halloween on the next album. I'm assuming you've already heard them and/or got them, surely, so i can't get my head around it.

Wouldn't you rather have an album full of new tracks?

A tiny bit of the fun was taken out of Handwritten for me because i'd heard Biloxi Parish so far ahead of the album's release.

Personally, I am with you on the "album full of new tracks" but it would be worth it to have Misery on the new album if only because I would love to see them play it live on the supporting tour.
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details) - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details)   2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 18, 2014 3:55 pm

CapedAvenger wrote:
I've got to say, i don't really understand you guys who are so keen to see the likes of Misery and Halloween on the next album. I'm assuming you've already heard them and/or got them, surely, so i can't get my head around it.

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First Among Equals
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2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details) - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details)   2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 18, 2014 4:17 pm

I much rather have new material always. And anything kinda "old" becomes a b-side.
Biloxi was a little weird hearing on handwritten. It was over a year old at that point and pretty regularly being played live.

Halloween I would like re-recorded/released only because the quality/mixed on the current one is just weird at times and can be annoying. But I would only like it rereleased as a b-side. I know the song already, free it up for new material.

Misery doesn't need to be re-recorded and or released. I have no problems with it quality wise or any other way. But if by some chance it was for this new record - b-side. It's like any song released, it will be played live and you have to be lucky enough to be at the show. Rereleasing it with the hopes of them playing it live, to me, would be like rereleasing "bring it on" or "1930" because they haven't played it in forever Razz
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A Contender
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2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details) - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details)   2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 18, 2014 5:32 pm

yeah I want all new stuff!! (also I was disappointed when we finally got the album version of Biloxi because I loved the verse that ended up getting cut out. I wouldn't mind getting a version of the HCMM ep legally, though. If I'm correct, it was never released here any way except on vinyl?

I know this isn't the thread but since you mentioned b sides in general I just have to say that I am also disappointed in the B-sides release because none of those were new

they played 1930 last summer! I just want everything from American Slang that they never play to come back Sad I have resigned myself to the idea that they will never again play "Stay Lucky." maybe with the new album they will FINALLY change up their set lists (more than giving/taking away like ONE SONG) and we'll get more AS and maybe some stuff off SoS that they never play (I know I'm like the only one but I'd love to hear "Red in the Morning")
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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details) - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details)   2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 18, 2014 7:50 pm

flannel wrote:

they played 1930 last summer!  I just want everything from American Slang that they never play to come back Sad I have resigned myself to the idea that they will never again play "Stay Lucky."  maybe with the new album they will FINALLY change up their set lists (more than giving/taking away like ONE SONG) and we'll get more AS and maybe some stuff off SoS that they never play (I know I'm like the only one but I'd love to hear "Red in the Morning")

you're not the only one,  Smile Red In The Morning is one of my favorite songs, my god that would be so awesome if they played it live!!!
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First Among Equals
First Among Equals

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2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details) - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details)   2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeWed Feb 19, 2014 12:51 am

I miss Bring it On an the original version of Boxer Sad

Honesty though, as long as the album (minus b-sides) is all new, and anything that could happen to get Misery played live even ONCE (I will settle for watching a YouTube video from some random show even) does happen, then that's enough for me. But I do miss most of AS and SOS at shows.
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details) - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details)   2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeWed Feb 19, 2014 5:24 am

StitchesOnTheRadio wrote:

Care to share that video? haha, I mean, seeing an actual image would be better than trusting my own memory, but I recall a reaction that wasn't like disgust or anything, just like, it gave me the impression he didn't hold it particularly high regard. I wish there were more words in the English language for describing facial expressions because I'm having issues saying what I mean here, haha. It's an expression I've seen him make a lot though.

Kinda like "Pshh... that old song".

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First Among Equals
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2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details) - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details)   2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeThu Feb 20, 2014 1:43 am

NeverTrustAJunkie wrote:
StitchesOnTheRadio wrote:

Care to share that video? haha, I mean, seeing an actual image would be better than trusting my own memory, but I recall a reaction that wasn't like disgust or anything, just like, it gave me the impression he didn't hold it particularly high regard. I wish there were more words in the English language for describing facial expressions because I'm having issues saying what I mean here, haha. It's an expression I've seen him make a lot though.

Kinda like "Pshh... that old song".


Yeah kinda. I have since seen video of his expression and it wasn't as harsh as I thought it was more like "nah" than "god no" but it wasn't particularly positive. he did say "oh our song? No. Miss Misery is the greatest song."
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The '59 Sound
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2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details) - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details)   2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeThu Feb 20, 2014 5:21 am

flannel wrote:
yeah I want all new stuff!!    (also I was disappointed when we finally got the album version of Biloxi because I loved the verse that ended up getting cut out.  I wouldn't mind getting a version of the HCMM ep legally, though.  If I'm correct, it was never released here any way except on vinyl?

I know this isn't the thread but since you mentioned b sides in general I just have to say that I am also disappointed in the B-sides release because none of those were new

they played 1930 last summer!  I just want everything from American Slang that they never play to come back Sad I have resigned myself to the idea that they will never again play "Stay Lucky."  maybe with the new album they will FINALLY change up their set lists (more than giving/taking away like ONE SONG) and we'll get more AS and maybe some stuff off SoS that they never play (I know I'm like the only one but I'd love to hear "Red in the Morning")

They can't play "red in the morning" cause Brian fucks up the lyrics every time haha
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The Navesink Banks
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2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details) - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details)   2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeThu Feb 20, 2014 11:08 am

I still would love a performance of "The Blues, Mary".
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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details) - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details)   2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeThu Feb 20, 2014 11:52 am

flannel wrote:
I know I'm like the only one but I'd love to hear "Red in the Morning")

The second time I saw them (Boston House of Blues in 2010), they played it and it absolutely ripped live.
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The Navesink Banks
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2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details) - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details)   2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeThu Feb 20, 2014 12:54 pm

I am still waiting for the single, whatever it is.
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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details) - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details)   2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeThu Feb 20, 2014 1:27 pm

I saw them play Red In The Morning at Penn's Landing in 2010. I mean, it's not one of my favorite songs of theirs but it was cool to see a rarity like that.
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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details) - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details)   2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeThu Feb 20, 2014 3:12 pm

there a really nice pictures which appeared of them where they are in the studio, I can't wait for the album... I'm just curious if the album of M&TZ or TGA will be released at first.
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First Among Equals
First Among Equals

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2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details) - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details)   2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeThu Feb 20, 2014 3:53 pm

Anya_TGA wrote:
there a really nice pictures which appeared of them where they are in the studio, I can't wait for the album... I'm just curious if the album of M&TZ or TGA will be released at first.

No doubt it'll be MATZ. Brian said they were going to do the Red Bull thing and we should be able to get it not long after that. They don't have to do months of building up hype and releasing singles and all that nonsense either for it. Plus, they already recorded it. Gaslight isn't supposed to get into the studio until March. It'll be nice to have the Molly stuff to hold us over! Can't wait for it. Hopefully we'll get an update on that on Saturday.
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details) - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details)   2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeThu Feb 20, 2014 5:09 pm

HorribleCrowe wrote:

They can't play "red in the morning" cause Brian fucks up the lyrics every time haha

I've been told by more than one band that one of the reasons they don't play some songs is they simply forgot how to play them.
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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details) - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details)   2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeThu Feb 20, 2014 7:39 pm

StitchesOnTheRadio wrote:
Anya_TGA wrote:
there a really nice pictures which appeared of them where they are in the studio, I can't wait for the album... I'm just curious if the album of M&TZ or TGA will be released at first.

No doubt it'll be MATZ. Brian said they were going to do the Red Bull thing and we should be able to get it not long after that. They don't have to do months of building up hype and releasing singles and all that nonsense either for it. Plus, they already recorded it. Gaslight isn't supposed to get into the studio until March. It'll be nice to have the Molly stuff to hold us over! Can't wait for it. Hopefully we'll get an update on that on Saturday.

Me too I can't wait for it Very Happy

I was a little bit confused, because Alex Levine wrote on twitter:
Quote :
Cold day in the studio today....@gaslightanthem @TigerCuts1
and he posted a picture of Brian...
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A Contender
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2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details) - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details)   2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeFri Feb 21, 2014 12:45 am

HorribleCrowe wrote:
flannel wrote:
yeah I want all new stuff!!    (also I was disappointed when we finally got the album version of Biloxi because I loved the verse that ended up getting cut out.  I wouldn't mind getting a version of the HCMM ep legally, though.  If I'm correct, it was never released here any way except on vinyl?

I know this isn't the thread but since you mentioned b sides in general I just have to say that I am also disappointed in the B-sides release because none of those were new

they played 1930 last summer!  I just want everything from American Slang that they never play to come back Sad I have resigned myself to the idea that they will never again play "Stay Lucky."  maybe with the new album they will FINALLY change up their set lists (more than giving/taking away like ONE SONG) and we'll get more AS and maybe some stuff off SoS that they never play (I know I'm like the only one but I'd love to hear "Red in the Morning")

They can't play "red in the morning" cause Brian fucks up the lyrics every time haha

to be fair, Brian fucks up the lyrics to a lot of things. i saw him fuck up "Handwritten" last summer on the third night in a row they had opened with it Wink

regarding albums and instagrams, I thought we weren't expecting a MATZ album any time soon? And that the insta pics are of Gaslight times (or just messing around at Tiger Cuts, idk what goes on anymore)
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First Among Equals
First Among Equals

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2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details) - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details)   2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeFri Feb 21, 2014 1:21 am

flannel wrote:
HorribleCrowe wrote:
flannel wrote:
yeah I want all new stuff!!    (also I was disappointed when we finally got the album version of Biloxi because I loved the verse that ended up getting cut out.  I wouldn't mind getting a version of the HCMM ep legally, though.  If I'm correct, it was never released here any way except on vinyl?

I know this isn't the thread but since you mentioned b sides in general I just have to say that I am also disappointed in the B-sides release because none of those were new

they played 1930 last summer!  I just want everything from American Slang that they never play to come back Sad I have resigned myself to the idea that they will never again play "Stay Lucky."  maybe with the new album they will FINALLY change up their set lists (more than giving/taking away like ONE SONG) and we'll get more AS and maybe some stuff off SoS that they never play (I know I'm like the only one but I'd love to hear "Red in the Morning")

They can't play "red in the morning" cause Brian fucks up the lyrics every time haha

to be fair, Brian fucks up the lyrics to a lot of things.  i saw him fuck up "Handwritten" last summer on the third night in a row they had opened with it Wink

regarding albums and instagrams, I thought we weren't expecting a MATZ album any time soon?  And that the insta pics are of Gaslight times (or just messing around at Tiger Cuts, idk what goes on anymore)

Well when I say album I'm meaning the Red Bull thing because I don't know if we'll ever get a real album and based on the photos we saw I'm getting the impression it's about as close to a real album as they could get without breaching any contracts Brian may have with Mercury. But Andy Diamond said this is coming early March.
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The Navesink Banks
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2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details) - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details)   2014 new Gaslight Anthem album news (pre-details) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeFri Feb 21, 2014 5:57 am

I think I saw something today online that said the new album was "sounding heavy." Interesting
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