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 The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge

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The '59 Sound
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PostSubject: The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge   The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge Icon_minitimeTue Oct 30, 2012 12:29 pm

I don't think this idea has been posted before so thought I would post it. Partly because I am bored and also because I thought it would be quite interesting to see what different people came up with geek

Basically the idea is to pick a favourite song for each track number out of all of Gaslight's four albums. For example Track 1 would be a choice of one of a) Boomboxes & Dictionaries, b) Great Expectations c) American Slang d) "45". This would apply to all the other track numbers. Obviously there are not the same number of tracks on each album so I have included an album of 12 songs with 2 bonus tracks (in which I have included a song from Senor and the Queen). Got it? Very Happy This is obviously not a ultimate Gaslight album as you are restricted because of the track number stipulations. Anyway I thought it was something different and will also be interesting to see which album's songs come up most frequently. Here's mine:

01. Great Expectations
02. Handwritten
03. Old White Lincoln
04. Mulholland Drive
05. 1930
06. Miles Davis & The Cool
07. The Patient Ferris Wheel
08. Casanova, Baby!
09. The Spirit Of Jazz
10. Mae
11. Here's Looking At You, Kid
12. The Backseat

2 Bonus Tracks:

13. Blue Dahlia
14. Blue Jeans & White T-Shirts

Sink or Swim = 1, The '59 Sound = 7, Senor and the Queen = 1, American Slang = 1, Handwritten = 4

That was really hard! I think track 4 was the hardest could have easily been We Came To Dance or TDCSC.
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A Contender
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PostSubject: Re: The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge   The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge Icon_minitimeTue Oct 30, 2012 12:53 pm

This forum is ridiculous, but so damn fun. I'm up.

1. American Slang
2. The 59 Sound
3. Bring It On
4. We Came To Dance
5. 1930
6. The Navesink Banks
7. The Patient Ferris Wheel
8. Biloxi Parish
9. Angry Johnny & The Radio
10. Mae
11. Here's Looking At You, Kid
12. The Backseat

Bonus Tracks
13. The Blue Dahia
14. Blue Jeans & White T-Shirts

I noticed track number 8 is my least favourite track listing. Biloxi is great and wins by a landslide, the other songs listed at 8 are all kinda 'meh' to me.

SOS - 4, T59S - 4, AS - 2, H - 2
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The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge   The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge Icon_minitimeTue Oct 30, 2012 12:54 pm

This was quite fun, but very hard; especially leaving out Great Expectations!

01. American Slang
02. The 59 Sound
03. Bring It On
04. We Came To Dance
05. Film Noir
06. Miles Davis And The Cool
07. Boxer
08. I'da Called You Woody, Joe
09. The Spirit Of Jazz
10. Mae
11. Here's Looking At You Kid
12. The Backseat

SoS = 2, T59S = 5, AS = 4, H/Written = 1

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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge   The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge Icon_minitimeTue Oct 30, 2012 1:39 pm

I used to do this all the time when I was younger!! Pick the best track number to make a band's greatest hits. I called them "All Star Tracks" and saved them on Word Documents. Oh how simple it used to be to entertain myself. pirat
Anyways, this is very difficult.
1. Great Expectations
2. Handwritten
3. Bring It On
4. The Diamond Church Street Choir
5. The Queen of Lower Chelsea
6. Miles Davis & the Cool
7. Howl
8. Biloxi Parish
9. The Spirit of Jazz
10. We Did It When We Were Young
11. National Anthem
12. The Backseat

Bonus Tracks
She Loves You
Wherefore Art Thou, Elvis?

SoS = 0, 59 = 3, AS = 5, Handwritten = 4

It's not that I don't like Sink or Swim, I just happen to be more connected with the songs from other albums. Especially American Slang I love you
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I'da called you Woody
I'da called you Woody

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The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge   The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge Icon_minitimeTue Oct 30, 2012 1:55 pm

DeathoftheCool wrote:
I used to do this all the time when I was younger!! Pick the best track number to make a band's greatest hits. I called them "All Star Tracks" and saved them on Word Documents. Oh how simple it used to be to entertain myself. pirat
Anyways, this is very difficult.
1. Great Expectations
2. Handwritten
3. Bring It On
4. The Diamond Church Street Choir
5. The Queen of Lower Chelsea
6. Miles Davis & the Cool
7. Howl
8. Biloxi Parish
9. The Spirit of Jazz
10. We Did It When We Were Young
11. National Anthem
12. The Backseat

Bonus Tracks
She Loves You
Wherefore Art Thou, Elvis?

SoS = 0, 59 = 3, AS = 5, Handwritten = 4

It's not that I don't like Sink or Swim, I just happen to be more connected with the songs from other albums. Especially American Slang I love you

Im astounded that yo think WDIWWWY is better than Meet Me by The Rivers Edge
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A Contender
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The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge   The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge Icon_minitimeTue Oct 30, 2012 2:20 pm

alright, I'll play:

1. 45
2. Handwritten
3. Old White Lincoln
4. Mulholland Drive
5. 1930
6. Orphans
7. Howl
8. I'da Called You Woody, Joe
9. Angry Johnny & The Radio
10. Mae
11. We're Getting A Divorce, You Keep The Diner
12. The Backseat

13. Senor and the Queen
14. Wherefore Art Thou, Elvis?

hardest decision was OWL vs. Bring it On for the 3 spot. next hardest was choosing Mae over Drive.

final count:
SoS - 4
T59S - 2
AS - 1
Handwritten - 5
SatQ - 2
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge   The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge Icon_minitimeTue Oct 30, 2012 2:23 pm

Jerseyrain wrote:
DeathoftheCool wrote:
I used to do this all the time when I was younger!! Pick the best track number to make a band's greatest hits. I called them "All Star Tracks" and saved them on Word Documents. Oh how simple it used to be to entertain myself. pirat
Anyways, this is very difficult.
1. Great Expectations
2. Handwritten
3. Bring It On
4. The Diamond Church Street Choir
5. The Queen of Lower Chelsea
6. Miles Davis & the Cool
7. Howl
8. Biloxi Parish
9. The Spirit of Jazz
10. We Did It When We Were Young
11. National Anthem
12. The Backseat

Bonus Tracks
She Loves You
Wherefore Art Thou, Elvis?

SoS = 0, 59 = 3, AS = 5, Handwritten = 4

It's not that I don't like Sink or Swim, I just happen to be more connected with the songs from other albums. Especially American Slang I love you

Im astounded that yo think WDIWWWY is better than Meet Me by The Rivers Edge

I actually had Meet Me By The River's Edge first, but I feel like We Did It When We Were Young is kind of their best song. There's the two Brians singing, and it's so stark and different compared to the rest of their songs and I think it sounds like nothing I've ever heard them or anyone else do. So it's one of my favorites. As is MMBTRE farao
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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge   The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge Icon_minitimeTue Oct 30, 2012 2:41 pm

Glad to have so many responses so quickly Smile I almost didn't have any AS tracks in there as Desire and The Spirit of Jazz were really hard to choose between. Also first track could have been "45" instead of Great Expectations.
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PostSubject: Re: The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge   The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge Icon_minitimeTue Oct 30, 2012 2:45 pm

1 American Slang
2 Stay Lucky
3 Bring It On
4 We Came To Dance
5 1930
6 Too Much Blood
7 The Patient Ferris Wheel
8 I’da Called You Woody, Joe
9 Angry Johnny and the Radio
10 Mae
11 She Loves You
12 The Backseat

AS - 4 SoS - 4 T59S - 2 H -2
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The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge   The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge Icon_minitimeTue Oct 30, 2012 3:27 pm

1 - Great Expectations
2 - Handwritten
3 - Old White Lincoln
4 - We Came To Dance
5 - 1930
6 - Orphans
7 - The Patient Ferris Wheel
8 - I'd Called You Woody, Joe
9 - Angry Johnny And The Radio
10 - Mae
11 - We're Getting A Divorce, You Keep The Diner
12 - The Backseats

SOS = 5 '59 = 4 AS = 1 HW = 2
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The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge   The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge Icon_minitimeTue Oct 30, 2012 5:29 pm

Interesting. Not an all time list, but today i'll go for:

1. American Slang
2. The '59 Sound
3. Here Comes My Man
4. High Lonesome
5. 1930
6. Miles Davis & The Cool
7. The Patient Ferris Wheel (featuring Dicky Barrett)
8. Biloxi Parish
9. Even Cowgirls Get the Blues
10. Drive
11. Here's Looking at You, Kid
12. The Backseat

13. Blue Jeans & White T-Shirts
14. She Loves You

SoS - 2
SATQ - 1
T59S - 7
AS - 1
Handwritten - 2
Others - 1

The only decisions there that didn't take a LOT of thinking about were 6, 9, 11 and 12. Leaving Great Expectations, OWL, Stay Lucky, DCSC, Film Noir, Howl, Casanova, River's Edge and Mae out were really tough calls.

Incidentally, that looks like it would work superbly on paper. I might have to put a playlist together.
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Down by the Mersey
Down by the Mersey

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PostSubject: Re: The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge   The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge Icon_minitimeTue Oct 30, 2012 6:00 pm

1) Boomboxes
2) Handwritten
3) Old White Lincoln
4) We Came to Dance
5) 1930
6) Miles Davis & The Cool
7) The Patient Ferris Wheel
Cool I'da Called you Woody, Joe
9) Angry Johnny & The Radio
10) Drive
11) She Loves You
12) The Backseat

sos = 6
59 = 4
AS = 1
Handwritten =1

Mine is very SoS heavy. Must just be in one of those moods tonight Wink
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First Among Equals
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The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge   The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge Icon_minitimeTue Oct 30, 2012 6:54 pm

This is so hard!

1 American Slang
2 Handwritten
3 Bring it on
4 Mulholland Drive
5 1930
6 Orphans
7 Boxer
8 I'da Called You Woody, Joe
9 Even cowgirls get the blue
10 Mae
11 We're Getting a Divorce, You keep the diner
12 The Backseat

13 She Loves You
14 Blue Jeans & White T-shirts

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A Contender
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The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge   The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge Icon_minitimeTue Oct 30, 2012 7:25 pm

1. Great Expectations
2. '59 Sound
3. Bring It On
4. Diamond Church Street Choir
5. Queen of Lower Chelsea
6. Miles Davis
7. Patient Ferris Wheel
8. Casanova Baby
9. Even Cowgirls Get The Blues
10. Mae
11. Here's Looking At You, Kid
12. The Backseat

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The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge   The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge Icon_minitimeTue Oct 30, 2012 8:21 pm

1. Great Expectations
2. The '59 Sound
3. Here Comes My Man
4. High Lonesome
5. 1930
6. The Navesink Banks
7. Boxer
8. Casanova, Baby!
9. Angry Johnny and the Radio
10. Mae
11. Here's Looking at You Kid
12. The Backseat

6 from 59 Sound, 3 from SoS, 2 from Handwritten, 1 from American Slang.

My extras would be:
13. Blue Jeans and White T Shirts
14. Blue Dahlia
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Red In The Morning
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The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge   The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge Icon_minitimeTue Oct 30, 2012 8:21 pm

Great idea. Let's see...

1. 45
2. The '59 Sound
3. Bring It On
4. The Diamond Church Street Choir
5. Film Noir
6. Miles Davis & The Cool
7. Boxer
8. Biloxi Parish
9. Even Cowgirls Get the Blues
10. Meet Me By The Rivers Edge
11. National Anthem
12. The Backseat

Bonus Tracks
13. She Loves You
14. Blue Dahlia

SoS - 0, T59S - 6, AS - 4, HW - 4

I really don't dislike SoS!!! Just one of those things that there seems to be a song I prefer a slight bit more at each number! So many amazing tracks I can't fit in.
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The Navesink Banks
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The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge   The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge Icon_minitimeTue Oct 30, 2012 8:31 pm

1. Boomboxes
2. The 59 Sound
3. Wooderson
4. We Came to Dance
5. 1930
6. Orphans
7. The Patient Ferris Wheel
8. I'da Called You Woody, Joe
9. Even Cowgirls Get the Blues
10. Drive
11. We're Getting a Divorce
12. The Backseat

Wherefore Art Thou Elvis?
Blue Jeans & White T-Shirts
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The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge   The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge Icon_minitimeTue Oct 30, 2012 9:14 pm

01. Great Expectations
02. I Coul'da Been A Contender
03. Here Comes My Man
04. Mulholland Drive
05. The Queen of Lower Chelsea
06. Orphans
07. The Patient Ferris Wheel
08. I'da Called You Woody, Joe
09. Even Cowgirls Get the Blues
10. Mae
11. Here's Looking At You, Kid
12. The Backseat

2 Bonus Tracks:

13. Blue Dahlia
14. She Loves You

Sink or Swim = 2, The '59 Sound = 5, Senor and the Queen = 0, American Slang = 2, Handwritten = 3
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The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge   The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge Icon_minitimeTue Oct 30, 2012 9:50 pm

1. Great Expectations
2. Handwritten
3. Old White Lincoln
4. High Lonesome
5. 1930
6. Miles Davis and the Cool
7. Patient Ferris Wheel
8. I'da Called You Woody, Joe
9. Desire
10. We Did It When We Were Young
11. Here's Looking At You, Kid
12. The Backseat

13. Blue Jeans and White T-Shirts
14. Wherefore Art Thou, Elvis?
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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge   The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge Icon_minitimeWed Oct 31, 2012 9:12 pm

1. Boomboxes and Dictionaries
2. I Coulda Been A Contender
3. Old White Lincoln
4. We Came To Dance
5. The Queen of Lower Chelsea
6. Miles Davis
7. Boxer
8. Old Haunts
9. Cowgirls
10. Mae
11. Here's Lookin' At You Kid
12. The Backseat

Bonus tracks
13. Blue Dahlia
14. Blue Jeans & White T-shirts
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A Contender
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The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge   The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge Icon_minitimeThu Nov 01, 2012 1:17 pm

1- Boomboxes and Dictionaries
2- The 59 Sound
3- Bring It On
4- Mulholland Drive
5- 1930
6- Miles Davis & The Cool
7- Red In The Morning
8- Old Haunts
9- The Spirit Of Jazz
10- Drive
11- Here's Looking At You Kid
12- Backseat

- She Loves You
- Our Father's Sons
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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PostSubject: Re: The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge   The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge Icon_minitimeThu Nov 01, 2012 1:35 pm

So do you guys all love Mulholland Drive or do you just think #4 is a weak spot?
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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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PostSubject: Re: The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge   The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge Icon_minitimeThu Nov 01, 2012 1:55 pm

simo wrote:
So do you guys all love Mulholland Drive or do you just think #4 is a weak spot?

4 was one of the hardest for me. I absolutely love Mulholland Drive so it just beat the other contenders. TDCSC and WCTD are both brilliant as well just not quite as good as Mulholland in my opnion.
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A Contender
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PostSubject: Re: The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge   The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge Icon_minitimeThu Nov 01, 2012 3:48 pm

I do love the other #4's to, but I do think MD is the best one. Apperantly you don't agree?
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PostSubject: Re: The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge   The Gaslight Anthem Album Challenge Icon_minitimeThu Nov 01, 2012 4:52 pm

1-Boomboxes and Dictionaries
2-The '59 Sound
3-Bring It On
4-The Diamond Church Street Choir
5-Film Noir
6-The Navesink Banks
8-I'da Called you Woody, Joe
9-Angry Johnny and the Radio
10-Meet me by the Rivers Edge
11-Here's looking at you, kid
12-The Backseat

-Blue Jeans & White T-shirts
-Blue Dahlia

So this would be:

It's not that I don't like American Slang - i love it - but my favorites "American Slang" and "Spirit of Jazz" had no chance against my all-all time favorites "Boomboxes and Dictionaries" and "Angry Johnny". To put "Boomboxes" into the first slot and not "Great Expactations" was even harder, but this pumping C in "Boomboxes" beats the Vinyl Sound in "Great Expactations" Very Happy
Also Angry Johnny beats Biloxi Parish - my favorite out of Handeritten - so the old Records won outright king

"Blue Jeans" is a standard i think and yea, "Blue Dahlia" is perfect to complete this "Blue" B-side Like a Star @ heaven
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