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 Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating

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Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating Empty
PostSubject: Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating   Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating Icon_minitimeThu Jul 26, 2012 4:52 am

A silly, and only slightly interesting way to rank the albums, I came up with a simple rating system to numerically show you how you feel about the band's releases in comparison to one another. Basically, you go song by song on each album, scoring each song from 1 to 4. To make it fair, I include 'She Loves You' on American Slang and 'Blue Dahlia' (though you could substitute Teenage Rebellion, I just haven't listened to it enough) on Handwritten to put each album at 12 songs. If you wish to include Senor and the Queen like I did, simply multiply the end number by 3, and that will get you to 12. Inaccurate, I know.

1- Songs that you may have posted in the 'least favorite Gaslight songs' thread, you skip often, etc.
2 - Solid Gaslight tracks, very listenable, but not close to favorites or album standouts.
3 - Obviously above average songs, on the edge of your top 5 or top 10.
4 - Finally, your favorite songs, reserved for only a few tracks (if that) on each album.

My album rankings:
1. The '59 Sound - 71%
2. Handwritten - 71%
2. Sink Or Swim - 68%
3. Senor and the Queen - 63%
4. American Slang - 59%

*. Elsie - 79%

[Edit] The percentage idea is much better.

Last edited by Yozzy on Tue Nov 06, 2012 3:04 am; edited 11 times in total
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I'da called you Woody
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Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating   Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating Icon_minitimeThu Jul 26, 2012 5:11 am

Handwritten 32
American Slang 25
Senor 33
Sink or Swim 27
59 Sound 36
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The '59 Sound
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PostSubject: Re: Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating   Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating Icon_minitimeThu Jul 26, 2012 10:18 am

I'll probably do this at some point, but I need to point out that including She Loves You only brings American Slang to 11 tracks, not 12.
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Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating   Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating Icon_minitimeThu Jul 26, 2012 10:36 am

Handwritten (W/Blue Dahlia) - 40
The '59 Sound - 39
Handwritten (W/Teenage Rebellion) - 38
American Slang (W/Our Fathers Sons to make it 12) - 37
Sink or Swim - 35

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Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating   Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating Icon_minitimeThu Jul 26, 2012 10:53 am

Not meaning to piss on your bonfire, but isn't it easier to just mark them out of how many tracks there are? For instance '59 Sound, would be a mark out of 48 (12x4), American Slang 44 (11x4)? Then make it a percentage (score divided by total possible score x100). Sorry if that sounds like too much maths but it's pretty simple really :p.
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Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating   Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating Icon_minitimeThu Jul 26, 2012 11:28 am

so i just did it the "old way" so no % or points out of total Smile

THE 59‘ SOUND 42

SINK or SWIM - 37



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A Contender
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Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating   Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating Icon_minitimeThu Jul 26, 2012 2:34 pm

JackStreetcar wrote:
I'll probably do this at some point, but I need to point out that including She Loves You only brings American Slang to 11 tracks, not 12.

That's right, my apology I forgot all about it.
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Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating   Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating Icon_minitimeThu Jul 26, 2012 2:36 pm

Ghost wrote:
Not meaning to piss on your bonfire, but isn't it easier to just mark them out of how many tracks there are? For instance '59 Sound, would be a mark out of 48 (12x4), American Slang 44 (11x4)? Then make it a percentage (score divided by total possible score x100). Sorry if that sounds like too much maths but it's pretty simple really :p.

Haha true, probably!
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The Navesink Banks
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Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating   Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating Icon_minitimeThu Jul 26, 2012 2:41 pm

Senor and the Queen: 16/16 = 100%
Sink or Swim: 45/48 = 93.75%
59 Sound: 45/48 = 93.75%
American Slang: 32/40 = 80%
Handwritten: 29/44 = 65.91%

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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating   Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating Icon_minitimeThu Jul 26, 2012 3:12 pm

The '59 Sound = 79.2%
Sink or Swim = 72.9%
Handwritten = 65.9%
American Slang = 65%
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Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating   Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating Icon_minitimeThu Jul 26, 2012 4:30 pm

Well, Senor and the Queen would win out for me, then, but it's shortness probably unfairly stacks the deck. It has 4 of my favorite songs of all time, so it'd get a perfect score.
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First Among Equals
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PostSubject: Re: Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating   Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating Icon_minitimeThu Jul 26, 2012 5:11 pm

SoS = 32/48 = 67%
'59 = 36/48 = 75%
AS = 34/44 = 77%
HW = 39/48 = 81%

**Elsie = 38/48 = 79%

That seems to reflect how I feel about these albums pretty accurately. That was fun.
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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating   Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating Icon_minitimeThu Jul 26, 2012 5:20 pm

SoS - 37/48 - 77%
SatQ - 14/16 - 88%
T59S - 47/48 - 98%
AS - 40/44 - 91%
HW - 36/44 - 81%

Elsie - 42/48 - 88%

Looks about right, except I don't know if I'd put Handwritten above SoS yet.
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First Among Equals
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Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating   Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating Icon_minitimeThu Jul 26, 2012 5:21 pm

OldManShoes3 wrote:
SoS - 37/48 - 77%
SatQ - 14/16 - 88%
T59S - 47/48 - 98%
AS - 40/44 - 91%
HW - 36/44 - 81%

Elsie - 42/48 - 88%

Looks about right, except I don't know if I'd put Handwritten above SoS yet.

Woah, somebody loves The '59 Sound Smile
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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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PostSubject: Re: Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating   Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating Icon_minitimeThu Jul 26, 2012 5:27 pm

I think a lot of people missed this part:

Quote :
4 - Finally, your favorite songs, reserved for only a few tracks (if that) on each album.
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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating   Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating Icon_minitimeThu Jul 26, 2012 5:35 pm

StitchesOnTheRadio wrote:
OldManShoes3 wrote:
SoS - 37/48 - 77%
SatQ - 14/16 - 88%
T59S - 47/48 - 98%
AS - 40/44 - 91%
HW - 36/44 - 81%

Elsie - 42/48 - 88%

Looks about right, except I don't know if I'd put Handwritten above SoS yet.

Woah, somebody loves The '59 Sound Smile

Haha yeah, I consider it my favorite album of all time! I went song by song and whenever I considered giving a song a 3 I just couldn't do it, I love every song on the album (High Lonesome was the only 3).

But I definitely missed the part about 4's being reserved for a few songs haha, but my ratings relative to each other for each album still work out pretty well.
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First Among Equals
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Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating   Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating Icon_minitimeThu Jul 26, 2012 5:39 pm

OldManShoes3 wrote:
StitchesOnTheRadio wrote:
OldManShoes3 wrote:
SoS - 37/48 - 77%
SatQ - 14/16 - 88%
T59S - 47/48 - 98%
AS - 40/44 - 91%
HW - 36/44 - 81%

Elsie - 42/48 - 88%

Looks about right, except I don't know if I'd put Handwritten above SoS yet.

Woah, somebody loves The '59 Sound Smile

Haha yeah, I consider it my favorite album of all time! I went song by song and whenever I considered giving a song a 3 I just couldn't do it, I love every song on the album (High Lonesome was the only 3).

But I definitely missed the part about 4's being reserved for a few songs haha, but my ratings relative to each other for each album still work out pretty well.

Haha, I started going nuts on Handwritten and AS with the 4s and I had to cool it down. I even gave SoS more 4s than I had thought I would. I didn't do more than 4 4s on any album haha. Couldn't go much lower than that really!
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I'da called you Woody
I'da called you Woody

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Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating   Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating Icon_minitimeThu Jul 26, 2012 8:05 pm

SS 84%
59 74%
AS 76%
HW 70%
Elsie 62%

Not sure what to make of this. SoS is definitely my fave, but I think Handwritten might move up the more I get to know it. And Elsie was my album of the year last year, so seems like it would be higher. But whatever, I love them all!
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PostSubject: Re: Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating   Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating Icon_minitimeThu Jul 26, 2012 9:34 pm

When ranking the 59 Sound, it just felt like a juggernaut. Every song just about is at least a 3.

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The Angry Johnny Revue
I'da called you Woody
I'da called you Woody
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PostSubject: Re: Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating   Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating Icon_minitimeThu Jul 26, 2012 11:32 pm

SoS - 30/48 - 62.5%
S&TQ - 12/16 - 75%
T59S - 31/48 - 64.5%
AS - 31/44 - 70.45%
Elsie - 34/48 - 70.83%
Handwritten - 30/48 -62.5%

I think I did it too harshly. Was more doing it comparing it to the 4's. You kind of have to imagine the bar for normal music is a Gaslight 2 for this to not seem harsh, because as every one knows even a Gaslight 1 is 20x better than any other great song by another artist.
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Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating   Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating Icon_minitimeTue Jul 31, 2012 3:10 am

SoS = 34/48 = 70%
'59 = 41/48 = 86%
AS = 30/44 = 68%
HW = 41/48 = 86%

*Elsie = 26/48 = 54%

Looking at the numbers I feel like I was way too mean to Sink or Swim Sad
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PostSubject: Re: Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating   Gaslight Anthem Album Efficiency Rating Icon_minitime

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