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 US/Canada Tour 2014

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A Contender
A Contender

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US/Canada Tour 2014 - Page 15 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US/Canada Tour 2014   US/Canada Tour 2014 - Page 15 Icon_minitimeFri Oct 10, 2014 2:09 pm

StitchesOnTheRadio wrote:
spokes wrote:
I do wish they would play more than 2 songs from 59 Sound but I know this is the "Get Hurt" tour..

They actually played 3 if that set list is accurate. And no Great Expectations  cheers  Personally, I'm jumping for joy that they've finally stopped going 59 Sound heavy every show. I love that album but they've got 4 other albums and an EP of great songs to choose from, many of which hardly get played!  

As someone who has never seen Gaslight, leaving out the classics like Great Expectations is a bummer for me. But I think it is awesome when bands stop playing all the expected songs and add some variety. I've stopped seeing some of my favorite bands as much because I know 80% of every show is going to be the same songs I've seen 20 times.
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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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US/Canada Tour 2014 - Page 15 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US/Canada Tour 2014   US/Canada Tour 2014 - Page 15 Icon_minitimeMon Oct 13, 2014 11:53 pm

Anyone else wish they stayed tuned down a full step this tour rather than playing it all in standard tuning? I know they said it was for practicality issues and as much as I think Brian sounds great on this tour, on the Handwritten tour and some recent shows, he was really straining when they'd play some of the songs in regular tuning. I just think he'd sound a lot better if he wasn't reaching for a lot of those notes, like I think he is.
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A Contender
A Contender

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US/Canada Tour 2014 - Page 15 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US/Canada Tour 2014   US/Canada Tour 2014 - Page 15 Icon_minitimeTue Oct 14, 2014 2:46 pm

Really stoked to see them tonight in KC. First time in 2 years. Hoping for some Dark Places and Have Mercy.
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A Contender
A Contender

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US/Canada Tour 2014 - Page 15 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US/Canada Tour 2014   US/Canada Tour 2014 - Page 15 Icon_minitimeTue Oct 14, 2014 2:48 pm

shredderrrrrr wrote:
TheContender wrote:
Anyone heading to KC next week?  Will be my first show since 2012.  Buddy that went to Tulsa said to stay on the sides as well, so that's the plan.

That's the one I'm going to! Have you ever been to Uptown Theatre?

Yes. I saw Interpol there back in 2005 or thereabouts. That show was reserved, though. Guessing this will be in the standing portion, so have never seen a show in that particular area.
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A Contender
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US/Canada Tour 2014 - Page 15 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US/Canada Tour 2014   US/Canada Tour 2014 - Page 15 Icon_minitimeWed Oct 15, 2014 3:38 am

Great show in KC tonight. There were a lot less people there compared to seeing them in Minneapolis, so that was nice. On my end of the crowd hardly anyone was rocking out, and the biggest responses came from Handwritten songs, which I found interesting.

I was super worried because from the Austin City Limits video it seemed like Brian was loosing his voice, but they sounded great tonight. The new lights are a little blinding at times, but other than that no real complaints.

Against Me didn't play, or I guess they played a few songs and had technical difficulties and ended their set super early.

Got some really great photos I'll try to post later when my phone isn't about to die.

Set list:US/Canada Tour 2014 - Page 15 8320C45A-0F67-48FD-BC9B-CFDC01317013_zps9ypwxqlm

What was actually played:
Miles Davis
High Lonesome
Get Hurt
Mama's Boys
Here Comes My Man
Have Mercy
59 Sound
Sweet Morphine
Baba O

Surprised they didn't play Dark Places or Break Your Heart.
Was kinda bummed Diner got skipped, but I've heard it a couple times so not a total loss. Was SO happy to hear Mae and Have Mercy.
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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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US/Canada Tour 2014 - Page 15 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US/Canada Tour 2014   US/Canada Tour 2014 - Page 15 Icon_minitimeWed Oct 15, 2014 9:03 am

That is a pretty awesome setlist IMO. Would definitely love to hear Miles Davis, Have Mercy, Sweet Morphine, Mae and Here Comes My Man and they don't seem to be playing these every time, understandably. Glad to see they are changing it up every night too.
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A Contender
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US/Canada Tour 2014 - Page 15 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US/Canada Tour 2014   US/Canada Tour 2014 - Page 15 Icon_minitimeWed Oct 15, 2014 12:41 pm

CutToRibbons wrote:

Against Me didn't play, or I guess they played a few songs and had technical difficulties and ended their set super early.

Yeah. Here's what Laura had to say about the crappy sound tech who forced their set to end abruptly. She was not pleased:

Laura Jane Grace @LauraJaneGrace · 10h 10 hours ago
bmurp7's video http://i.instagram.com/p/uKNgtRSxHn/ . Dear Kansas, Sorry I lost my shit tonight. I'm deaf in my right ear because of monitor feedback.

Laura Jane Grace @LauraJaneGrace · 10h 10 hours ago
@SnowKaylee it was all on the monitor guy. Blasted my right ear so loud with feedback. Still ringing.

Laura Jane Grace @LauraJaneGrace · 10h 10 hours ago
Hey Kansas City, sorry we cut our set short tonight. I got blasted so loud in my right ear by monitor feedback (4 times), still ringing...

Laura Jane Grace @LauraJaneGrace · 10h 10 hours ago
It was kind of funny to see that monitor guy run away from me though. I'm not Rayon from Dallas Buyers Club mother fucker. I will come at U.
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A Contender
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US/Canada Tour 2014 - Page 15 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US/Canada Tour 2014   US/Canada Tour 2014 - Page 15 Icon_minitimeWed Oct 15, 2014 1:39 pm

Yeah, the lead singer of Against Me got pissed about the feedback and started slamming the mic stand into the monitors over and over, then just walked off stage. The rest of the band played for a bit...then the lead guitarist walked off...so the bassist and drummer finished out the song then left. It was a pretty rock n roll moment....

Gaslight was GREAT!!! Loved the setlist...was so stoked to hear "Mae" finally, and "We came to dance" and "Miles Davis.." were treats as well. Just really happy with the show. Would have liked to have heard "Dark Places" but was cool to hear "Have Mercy", which is my favorite off the new album.

Agreed on the lights. They need to tone those down, but my only complaint really. Those were blinding at the beginning.
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A Contender
A Contender

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US/Canada Tour 2014 - Page 15 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US/Canada Tour 2014   US/Canada Tour 2014 - Page 15 Icon_minitimeWed Oct 15, 2014 4:46 pm

CutToRibbons wrote:
Against Me didn't play, or I guess they played a few songs and had technical difficulties and ended their set super early.

Haha, this comment made me laugh because of how nonchalant you mention it--as if a lead singer smashing monitors with a microphone stand, breaking the stand, and charging at sound techs while screaming "You're gonna hang" is an everyday occurrence.
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A Contender
A Contender

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US/Canada Tour 2014 - Page 15 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US/Canada Tour 2014   US/Canada Tour 2014 - Page 15 Icon_minitimeWed Oct 15, 2014 4:48 pm

TheContender wrote:
Yeah, the lead singer of Against Me got pissed about the feedback and started slamming the mic stand into the monitors over and over, then just walked off stage.  The rest of the band played  for a bit...then the lead guitarist walked off...so the bassist and drummer finished out the song then left.  It was a pretty rock n roll moment....

Gaslight was GREAT!!!  Loved the setlist...was so stoked to hear "Mae" finally, and "We came to dance" and "Miles Davis.." were treats as well.  Just really happy with the show.  Would have liked to have heard "Dark Places" but was cool to hear "Have Mercy", which is my favorite off the new album.

Agreed on the lights.  They need to tone those down, but my only complaint really.  Those were blinding at the beginning.

The lights were fucking awesome but I agree they were blinding at times. I noticed everyone around me watching certain songs with their hands covering part of their eyes as if they were looking into the sun.
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A Contender
A Contender

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US/Canada Tour 2014 - Page 15 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US/Canada Tour 2014   US/Canada Tour 2014 - Page 15 Icon_minitimeWed Oct 15, 2014 4:51 pm

What a show. Gaslight sounded incredible. I was blown away.

Many pleasant surprises on the setlist (like Rollin and Tumblin being put back in, Mae, and Red Violins) but was bummed by some of the “obvious” omissions (Great Expectations, 1930, Blue Jeans).

Would’ve loved if they played We’re Getting a Divorce. Doesn’t help that they replaced it with Baba (not a fan—if I want to see a Who song, I would’ve gone to a Who show!). But overall, very stoked about the setlist. Played all my favorite Get Hurt songs aside from Halloween.
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A Contender
A Contender

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US/Canada Tour 2014 - Page 15 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US/Canada Tour 2014   US/Canada Tour 2014 - Page 15 Icon_minitimeWed Oct 15, 2014 6:41 pm

Also, what a great crowd last night. My wife and I were in the front row on the left side (thanks for the tip!) and the crowd was completely calm—no pushing, shoving, crushing, etc. Just everyone singing along. Also, the crowd was completely attentive. While Cory Brannan was on, it was dead silent. Everyone was just listening. I love to see that.

Though someone was kicked out near me for groping a girl…
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A Contender
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US/Canada Tour 2014 - Page 15 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US/Canada Tour 2014   US/Canada Tour 2014 - Page 15 Icon_minitimeWed Oct 15, 2014 8:25 pm

shredderrrrrr wrote:
Also, what a great crowd last night. My wife and I were in the front row on the left side (thanks for the tip!) and the crowd was completely calm—no pushing, shoving, crushing, etc. Just everyone singing along. Also, the crowd was completely attentive. While Cory Brannan was on, it was dead silent. Everyone was just listening. I love to see that.

Though someone was kicked out near me for groping a girl…

Was it a blonde, curvier girl? She came our way (we were 2nd row in front of Alex R.) and seemed very upset and I thought she said to another woman next to us that she got groped or something.

The crowd, in general, was decent although there were some obnoxious guys and a girl right behind us that kept bumping into my friend and a poor, smaller girl in front of them. Dude in a long beard with bald head and few other guys just going ape sh*t.
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A Contender
A Contender

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US/Canada Tour 2014 - Page 15 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US/Canada Tour 2014   US/Canada Tour 2014 - Page 15 Icon_minitimeWed Oct 15, 2014 8:37 pm

TheContender wrote:
shredderrrrrr wrote:
Also, what a great crowd last night. My wife and I were in the front row on the left side (thanks for the tip!) and the crowd was completely calm—no pushing, shoving, crushing, etc. Just everyone singing along. Also, the crowd was completely attentive. While Cory Brannan was on, it was dead silent. Everyone was just listening. I love to see that.

Though someone was kicked out near me for groping a girl…

Was it a blonde, curvier girl?  She came our way (we were 2nd row in front of Alex R.) and seemed very upset and I thought she said to another woman next to us that she got groped or something.

The crowd, in general, was decent although there were some obnoxious guys and a girl right behind us that kept bumping into my friend and a poor, smaller girl in front of them.  Dude in a long beard with bald head and few other guys just going ape sh*t.

Haha you must have been close to us! My wife and I were right in front of Alex. R. in the front row. I was the guy wearing a damn winter coat (wasn't expecting the balcony seating to be closed!). I guess my wife and I were lucky that the people immediately surrounding us were pretty good (though I did notice 1-2 obnoxious people…maybe the same ones as you!).

The girl I heard say she got groped was shorter with brown hair to my right, though I heard girls around her talking about it too. The guy probably did it to multiple girls. I noticed he moved up behind her before the start of Underneath the Ground and I thought he was trying to push his way into the front row since he was standing so close. What a disgusting guy. Glad security took care of it when notified. Should've stuck Laura Jane Grace on him!
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A Contender
A Contender

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US/Canada Tour 2014 - Page 15 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US/Canada Tour 2014   US/Canada Tour 2014 - Page 15 Icon_minitimeWed Oct 15, 2014 8:39 pm

Short video of the referenced Laura Jane Grace rampage.

Absolutely love it.
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A Contender
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US/Canada Tour 2014 - Page 15 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US/Canada Tour 2014   US/Canada Tour 2014 - Page 15 Icon_minitimeWed Oct 15, 2014 8:46 pm

shredderrrrrr wrote:
TheContender wrote:
shredderrrrrr wrote:
Also, what a great crowd last night. My wife and I were in the front row on the left side (thanks for the tip!) and the crowd was completely calm—no pushing, shoving, crushing, etc. Just everyone singing along. Also, the crowd was completely attentive. While Cory Brannan was on, it was dead silent. Everyone was just listening. I love to see that.

Though someone was kicked out near me for groping a girl…

Was it a blonde, curvier girl?  She came our way (we were 2nd row in front of Alex R.) and seemed very upset and I thought she said to another woman next to us that she got groped or something.

The crowd, in general, was decent although there were some obnoxious guys and a girl right behind us that kept bumping into my friend and a poor, smaller girl in front of them.  Dude in a long beard with bald head and few other guys just going ape sh*t.

Haha you must have been close to us! My wife and I were right in front of Alex. R. in the front row. I was the guy wearing a damn winter coat (wasn't expecting the balcony seating to be closed!). I guess my wife and I were lucky that the people immediately surrounding us were pretty good (though I did notice 1-2 obnoxious people…maybe the same ones as you!).

The girl I heard say she got groped was shorter with brown hair to my right, though I heard girls around her talking about it too. The guy probably did it to multiple girls. I noticed he moved up behind her before the start of Underneath the Ground and I thought he was trying to push his way into the front row since he was standing so close. What a disgusting guy. Glad security took care of it when notified. Should've stuck Laura Jane Grace on him!

Yeah we must have been really close to you guys then. There were 4 of us dudes...I had a Gaslight hoodie on most of the concert. Peeled it after a while as it got warm. But you're right, it wasn't all jam packed and people were pretty decent. I guess I didn't see the brunette the got groped, just a blonde girl that seemed pretty upset that came over by us and stood by the rail for a bit off to the side. Yes, glad they look care of it.

The LJG rampage was pretty cool. So rock n roll....just glad I wasn't there to see them or I would have been pretty upset. I was worried she damaged the monitors up front and TGA wouldn't play.
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A Contender
A Contender

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US/Canada Tour 2014 - Page 15 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US/Canada Tour 2014   US/Canada Tour 2014 - Page 15 Icon_minitimeWed Oct 15, 2014 9:40 pm

TheContender wrote:
shredderrrrrr wrote:
TheContender wrote:
shredderrrrrr wrote:
Also, what a great crowd last night. My wife and I were in the front row on the left side (thanks for the tip!) and the crowd was completely calm—no pushing, shoving, crushing, etc. Just everyone singing along. Also, the crowd was completely attentive. While Cory Brannan was on, it was dead silent. Everyone was just listening. I love to see that.

Though someone was kicked out near me for groping a girl…

Was it a blonde, curvier girl?  She came our way (we were 2nd row in front of Alex R.) and seemed very upset and I thought she said to another woman next to us that she got groped or something.

The crowd, in general, was decent although there were some obnoxious guys and a girl right behind us that kept bumping into my friend and a poor, smaller girl in front of them.  Dude in a long beard with bald head and few other guys just going ape sh*t.

Haha you must have been close to us! My wife and I were right in front of Alex. R. in the front row. I was the guy wearing a damn winter coat (wasn't expecting the balcony seating to be closed!). I guess my wife and I were lucky that the people immediately surrounding us were pretty good (though I did notice 1-2 obnoxious people…maybe the same ones as you!).

The girl I heard say she got groped was shorter with brown hair to my right, though I heard girls around her talking about it too. The guy probably did it to multiple girls. I noticed he moved up behind her before the start of Underneath the Ground and I thought he was trying to push his way into the front row since he was standing so close. What a disgusting guy. Glad security took care of it when notified. Should've stuck Laura Jane Grace on him!

Yeah we must have been really close to you guys then.  There were 4 of us dudes...I had a Gaslight hoodie on most of the concert.  Peeled it after a while as it got warm.  But you're right, it wasn't all jam packed and people were pretty decent.  I guess I didn't see the brunette the got groped, just a blonde girl that seemed pretty upset that came over by us and stood by the rail for a bit off to the side.   Yes, glad they look care of it.

The LJG rampage was pretty cool.  So rock n roll....just glad I wasn't there to see them or I would have been pretty upset.  I was worried she damaged the monitors up front and TGA wouldn't play.

I am actually a big Against Me fan as well and wish I could've seen a full set from them. With that said, I loved the rampage. While it was probably an overreaction and not the smartest thing to do, it was fascinating to watch. As you said, very rock n roll.

Like you, I started freaking out Gaslight wouldn't have been able to play. I would have been PISSED. While Against Me not coming back on was ok (largely because their departure was mostly self-imposed), it would've sucked if Gaslight (and Gaslight fans) suffered because of it.
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A Contender
A Contender

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US/Canada Tour 2014 - Page 15 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US/Canada Tour 2014   US/Canada Tour 2014 - Page 15 Icon_minitimeWed Oct 15, 2014 9:58 pm

Wow I must have been RIGHT behind you guys! Prob have your heads in some pics lol. I was right next to the guy with the beard who kept bumping me and others. It wasn't a big deal but, it made it hard to take photos. I personally like a slightly rowdy crowd, but it seemed that was reserved for Alex L's side. I don't want to be in a mosh pit or pushed around but I love when other fans are all screaming out lyrics in unison and getting into it. That's just me though.

I think Laura was out at the mech booth talking to everyone and signing things, which was probably a nice treat for fans who didn't get a show.

We were lucky to get one of the drum head things that had a fun drawing on it. My friend got it signed by Ian, but we didn't see any of the other guys and there were only like 3 people waiting around outside so we just decided to head back to the hotel.
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A Contender
A Contender

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US/Canada Tour 2014 - Page 15 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US/Canada Tour 2014   US/Canada Tour 2014 - Page 15 Icon_minitimeWed Oct 15, 2014 11:53 pm

Just photo bombing some pics from KC. Hope that's ok to do here Smile

US/Canada Tour 2014 - Page 15 Kc02_zps613b40d7

US/Canada Tour 2014 - Page 15 Kc07_zps21af5401

US/Canada Tour 2014 - Page 15 Kc08_zps5551d8f6[/URL]

US/Canada Tour 2014 - Page 15 Kc09_zpsd63a96fc[/URL]US/Canada Tour 2014 - Page 15 Kc04_zps10ef6e10

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US/Canada Tour 2014 - Page 15 Kc03_zps3586cdbc
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A Contender
A Contender

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US/Canada Tour 2014 - Page 15 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US/Canada Tour 2014   US/Canada Tour 2014 - Page 15 Icon_minitimeThu Oct 16, 2014 12:27 am

TheContender wrote:
shredderrrrrr wrote:
TheContender wrote:
shredderrrrrr wrote:
Also, what a great crowd last night. My wife and I were in the front row on the left side (thanks for the tip!) and the crowd was completely calm—no pushing, shoving, crushing, etc. Just everyone singing along. Also, the crowd was completely attentive. While Cory Brannan was on, it was dead silent. Everyone was just listening. I love to see that.

Though someone was kicked out near me for groping a girl…

Was it a blonde, curvier girl?  She came our way (we were 2nd row in front of Alex R.) and seemed very upset and I thought she said to another woman next to us that she got groped or something.

The crowd, in general, was decent although there were some obnoxious guys and a girl right behind us that kept bumping into my friend and a poor, smaller girl in front of them.  Dude in a long beard with bald head and few other guys just going ape sh*t.

Haha you must have been close to us! My wife and I were right in front of Alex. R. in the front row. I was the guy wearing a damn winter coat (wasn't expecting the balcony seating to be closed!). I guess my wife and I were lucky that the people immediately surrounding us were pretty good (though I did notice 1-2 obnoxious people…maybe the same ones as you!).

The girl I heard say she got groped was shorter with brown hair to my right, though I heard girls around her talking about it too. The guy probably did it to multiple girls. I noticed he moved up behind her before the start of Underneath the Ground and I thought he was trying to push his way into the front row since he was standing so close. What a disgusting guy. Glad security took care of it when notified. Should've stuck Laura Jane Grace on him!

Yeah we must have been really close to you guys then.  There were 4 of us dudes...I had a Gaslight hoodie on most of the concert.  Peeled it after a while as it got warm.  But you're right, it wasn't all jam packed and people were pretty decent.  I guess I didn't see the brunette the got groped, just a blonde girl that seemed pretty upset that came over by us and stood by the rail for a bit off to the side.   Yes, glad they look care of it.

The LJG rampage was pretty cool.  So rock n roll....just glad I wasn't there to see them or I would have been pretty upset.  I was worried she damaged the monitors up front and TGA wouldn't play.

Very curious - what was Laura's rampage about?
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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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US/Canada Tour 2014 - Page 15 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US/Canada Tour 2014   US/Canada Tour 2014 - Page 15 Icon_minitimeThu Oct 16, 2014 12:31 am

shredderrrrrr wrote:
TheContender wrote:
Yeah, the lead singer of Against Me got pissed about the feedback and started slamming the mic stand into the monitors over and over, then just walked off stage.  The rest of the band played  for a bit...then the lead guitarist walked off...so the bassist and drummer finished out the song then left.  It was a pretty rock n roll moment....

Gaslight was GREAT!!!  Loved the setlist...was so stoked to hear "Mae" finally, and "We came to dance" and "Miles Davis.." were treats as well.  Just really happy with the show.  Would have liked to have heard "Dark Places" but was cool to hear "Have Mercy", which is my favorite off the new album.

Agreed on the lights.  They need to tone those down, but my only complaint really.  Those were blinding at the beginning.

The lights were fucking awesome but I agree they were blinding at times. I noticed everyone around me watching certain songs with their hands covering part of their eyes as if they were looking into the sun.

I must be the only one but the lights didn't bother me when I saw them in Detroit. Lots of people have been commenting on them but I was first/second row in front of Brian and didn't really have an issue with them. Or maybe I have mutant eyes.
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A Contender
A Contender

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US/Canada Tour 2014 - Page 15 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US/Canada Tour 2014   US/Canada Tour 2014 - Page 15 Icon_minitimeThu Oct 16, 2014 1:08 am

Smasha13 wrote:
shredderrrrrr wrote:
TheContender wrote:
Yeah, the lead singer of Against Me got pissed about the feedback and started slamming the mic stand into the monitors over and over, then just walked off stage.  The rest of the band played  for a bit...then the lead guitarist walked off...so the bassist and drummer finished out the song then left.  It was a pretty rock n roll moment....

Gaslight was GREAT!!!  Loved the setlist...was so stoked to hear "Mae" finally, and "We came to dance" and "Miles Davis.." were treats as well.  Just really happy with the show.  Would have liked to have heard "Dark Places" but was cool to hear "Have Mercy", which is my favorite off the new album.

Agreed on the lights.  They need to tone those down, but my only complaint really.  Those were blinding at the beginning.

The lights were fucking awesome but I agree they were blinding at times. I noticed everyone around me watching certain songs with their hands covering part of their eyes as if they were looking into the sun.

I must be the only one but the lights didn't bother me when I saw them in Detroit.  Lots of people have been commenting on them but I was first/second row in front of Brian and didn't really have an issue with them.  Or maybe I have mutant eyes.  

I imagine it depends on stage height and how far the fans are from the stage.
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A Contender
A Contender

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US/Canada Tour 2014 - Page 15 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US/Canada Tour 2014   US/Canada Tour 2014 - Page 15 Icon_minitimeThu Oct 16, 2014 1:13 am

moosicmaniac wrote:

Very curious - what was Laura's rampage about?

Sound issues. Now I know very little about how all this stuff works, but when Against Me took the stage, Laura's monitors kept having a ton of feedback. She had to wait a minute before she could even start playing. While playing, it shot feedback in her face a few times. Also, she kept losing the vocals in her monitor (Cory Brannan before her was also having trouble with the monitor's sound). During Against Me's fourth song, the monitor started sending feedback right in her ear again and she snapped. She attacked the monitor and microphone stand before going after the people at the sound board.
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A Contender
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US/Canada Tour 2014 - Page 15 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US/Canada Tour 2014   US/Canada Tour 2014 - Page 15 Icon_minitimeThu Oct 16, 2014 10:30 am

Last night's show in Minneapolis was hands down the best Gaslight show yet.  Energy was strong through out the entire show. I would have loved to hear Stray Paper, but 1930 was a fair trade.  

Here's the setlist:

Stay Vicious
1,000 years
High Lonesome
Helter Skeleton
Wherefore art thou, Elvis (also done during pre-show)
Old Haunts
Old White Lincoln
1930 (request from a guy in the audience)
Red Violins
45 (my favorite of the night)
Underneath the Ground
Senor and the Queen
Miles Davis
Get Hurt
We came to dance
Have mercy
Dark Places

59 Sound
Sweet Morphine
Astro Zombies (Misfits cover)
We're getting a divorce
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US/Canada Tour 2014 - Page 15 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US/Canada Tour 2014   US/Canada Tour 2014 - Page 15 Icon_minitimeThu Oct 16, 2014 10:40 am

Show in Minneapolis was fantastic. They sounded great and the energy was high all night. They were filming a video for 1,000 Years, and the entire show was filmed so maybe something will come out? Also, Gaslight got their star painted on the wall outside First Avenue. They were getting their picture by it after the preshow.
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US/Canada Tour 2014 - Page 15 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US/Canada Tour 2014   US/Canada Tour 2014 - Page 15 Icon_minitime

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US/Canada Tour 2014
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