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 RECORDING: Pela - 05/07/09 - Towson,MD - The Recher Theater

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A Contender
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RECORDING: Pela - 05/07/09 - Towson,MD - The Recher Theater Empty
PostSubject: RECORDING: Pela - 05/07/09 - Towson,MD - The Recher Theater   RECORDING: Pela - 05/07/09 - Towson,MD - The Recher Theater Icon_minitimeFri May 08, 2009 4:51 pm

Got a really excellent recording of Pela and Gaslight at this show. I'll post up the Gasligh rec later tonight or tomorrow sometime. I did miss the beginning of the first Pela track because some dumb cunt behind my kept sticking my in the kidney with her bony elbow. Sad Took me a sec to get my recorder set up and going. Oh well, I got most of it.

RECORDING: Pela - 05/07/09 - Towson,MD - The Recher Theater Pela-050709-cover-600

Live at the Recher Theater
Towson, Maryland
May 7, 2009
Recorded by Anthony Bowman
256 kbps MP3s


Track listing

01 Waiting on the Stairs
02 Lost to the Lonesome
03 Drop Me Off
04 Interlude - Fun Times
05 Chapel Song - new song
06 Song Writes Itself
07 Rise of Sunken Ships - new song
08 Cut Our Names - new song?
09 The Trouble With River Cities
10 Philadelphia - new song?
11 The Guns of Brixton - The Clash cover

Not sure on the songs i have marked as new with a question mark. Couldn't find them online anywhere, so I went with the assumption that they were new.
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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RECORDING: Pela - 05/07/09 - Towson,MD - The Recher Theater Empty
PostSubject: Re: RECORDING: Pela - 05/07/09 - Towson,MD - The Recher Theater   RECORDING: Pela - 05/07/09 - Towson,MD - The Recher Theater Icon_minitimeSat May 09, 2009 5:41 pm

nice, im gonna have to download this. saw em the night before this show, and having never heard them before, i was really surprised and really liked them. but i gotta say they are 10x better live than recorded... e7c warned me...
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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RECORDING: Pela - 05/07/09 - Towson,MD - The Recher Theater Empty
PostSubject: Re: RECORDING: Pela - 05/07/09 - Towson,MD - The Recher Theater   RECORDING: Pela - 05/07/09 - Towson,MD - The Recher Theater Icon_minitimeSat May 09, 2009 5:49 pm

I bought pela's cd the week before I saw them and I did not like it at all! However they were awesome live
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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RECORDING: Pela - 05/07/09 - Towson,MD - The Recher Theater Empty
PostSubject: Re: RECORDING: Pela - 05/07/09 - Towson,MD - The Recher Theater   RECORDING: Pela - 05/07/09 - Towson,MD - The Recher Theater Icon_minitimeSat May 09, 2009 6:09 pm

its strange, right? usually its the other way around- a crappy live band manages to cover it up well and sound much better on their cd.
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A Contender
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RECORDING: Pela - 05/07/09 - Towson,MD - The Recher Theater Empty
PostSubject: Re: RECORDING: Pela - 05/07/09 - Towson,MD - The Recher Theater   RECORDING: Pela - 05/07/09 - Towson,MD - The Recher Theater Icon_minitimeSat May 09, 2009 8:09 pm

I bought their album months ago and loved it. "Your Desert's Not a Desert at All" I think is a beautiful song. I wish they played it, but understandable that they didn't, it's a slowish song. I too was totally amazed by the show. It was REALLY impressed- Billy was way more energetic than I expected, they put on an awesome show. They too- were around to talk to, I like that.
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A Contender
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RECORDING: Pela - 05/07/09 - Towson,MD - The Recher Theater Empty
PostSubject: Re: RECORDING: Pela - 05/07/09 - Towson,MD - The Recher Theater   RECORDING: Pela - 05/07/09 - Towson,MD - The Recher Theater Icon_minitimeSat May 09, 2009 10:04 pm

i hadn't heard them until i went to the show, so that's my frame of reference. i thought my recording captured the live energy pretty well. but i was not impressed with the stuff on their myspace page after seeing them in person.

some bands are like that, i guess.

but they definitely put on an awesome live set, that's for sure. Smile
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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RECORDING: Pela - 05/07/09 - Towson,MD - The Recher Theater Empty
PostSubject: Re: RECORDING: Pela - 05/07/09 - Towson,MD - The Recher Theater   RECORDING: Pela - 05/07/09 - Towson,MD - The Recher Theater Icon_minitimeThu Mar 10, 2011 6:15 am

I've been looking for some live Pela recordings ever since they broke up...they were soo good live...but your link doesn't seem to be working...do you still have this recorded??
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A Contender
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RECORDING: Pela - 05/07/09 - Towson,MD - The Recher Theater Empty
PostSubject: Re: RECORDING: Pela - 05/07/09 - Towson,MD - The Recher Theater   RECORDING: Pela - 05/07/09 - Towson,MD - The Recher Theater Icon_minitimeThu Mar 10, 2011 1:20 pm

steph wrote:
I've been looking for some live Pela recordings ever since they broke up...they were soo good live...but your link doesn't seem to be working...do you still have this recorded??

They actually formed a new band called We Are Augustines. They are releasing the album they were working on when they were Pela, should be really good.

Here is a link to their website

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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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RECORDING: Pela - 05/07/09 - Towson,MD - The Recher Theater Empty
PostSubject: Re: RECORDING: Pela - 05/07/09 - Towson,MD - The Recher Theater   RECORDING: Pela - 05/07/09 - Towson,MD - The Recher Theater Icon_minitimeFri Mar 11, 2011 10:16 pm

^ i remember seeing something about that awhile back...thanks for the reminder.
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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RECORDING: Pela - 05/07/09 - Towson,MD - The Recher Theater Empty
PostSubject: Re: RECORDING: Pela - 05/07/09 - Towson,MD - The Recher Theater   RECORDING: Pela - 05/07/09 - Towson,MD - The Recher Theater Icon_minitimeFri Mar 11, 2011 10:17 pm

okay im retarded...or my computer is. i could swear the link was not working last time, now it is.
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RECORDING: Pela - 05/07/09 - Towson,MD - The Recher Theater Empty
PostSubject: Re: RECORDING: Pela - 05/07/09 - Towson,MD - The Recher Theater   RECORDING: Pela - 05/07/09 - Towson,MD - The Recher Theater Icon_minitime

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RECORDING: Pela - 05/07/09 - Towson,MD - The Recher Theater
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