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 RECORDING: The Gaslight Anthem - 05/07/09 - Towson,MD - The Recher Theater

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A Contender
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RECORDING: The Gaslight Anthem - 05/07/09 - Towson,MD - The Recher Theater Empty
PostSubject: RECORDING: The Gaslight Anthem - 05/07/09 - Towson,MD - The Recher Theater   RECORDING: The Gaslight Anthem - 05/07/09 - Towson,MD - The Recher Theater Icon_minitimeWed May 13, 2009 6:33 pm

Took a little longer than I had hoped, but you know how those things go. I always deliver in the end. Cool

The sound board tech at the Recher was pretty terrible, so the vocals are a little lost in the mix. They're clear and you can hear them just fine, but you may want to boost the treble or your EQ a bit to bring those out to your liking. Otherwise, the recording came out really clean. I'm sure you'll like it.

RECORDING: The Gaslight Anthem - 05/07/09 - Towson,MD - The Recher Theater Gaslight050709cover-600

The Gaslight Anthem
Live at the Recher Theater
Towson, Maryland
May 7, 2009
Recorded by Anthony Bowman
256kbps MP3s


Track listing

01 Great Expectations
02 High Lonesome
03 Old White Lincoln
04 Even Cowgirls Get the Blues
05 We Came to Dance
06 Interlude 1 - Hair Cut
07 The '59 Sound
08 Wooderson
09 Film Noir
10 Wherefore Art Thou, Elvis?
11 Miles Davis and the Cool
12 Interlude 2 - Baltimore
13 Navesink Banks
14 Left of the Dial - The Replacements cover
15 Say I Won't, Recognize
16 Here's Lookin' at You, Kid
17 Backseats


18 Blue Jeans and White T-Shirts
19 Casanova, Baby!
20 Angry Johnny and the Radio

As always, I would love to hear what you think of the recording/the show!

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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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RECORDING: The Gaslight Anthem - 05/07/09 - Towson,MD - The Recher Theater Empty
PostSubject: Re: RECORDING: The Gaslight Anthem - 05/07/09 - Towson,MD - The Recher Theater   RECORDING: The Gaslight Anthem - 05/07/09 - Towson,MD - The Recher Theater Icon_minitimeThu May 14, 2009 3:21 am

thanks for posting, you're the man!
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RECORDING: The Gaslight Anthem - 05/07/09 - Towson,MD - The Recher Theater Empty
PostSubject: Re: RECORDING: The Gaslight Anthem - 05/07/09 - Towson,MD - The Recher Theater   RECORDING: The Gaslight Anthem - 05/07/09 - Towson,MD - The Recher Theater Icon_minitimeThu May 14, 2009 5:23 am

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reservation girl
Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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RECORDING: The Gaslight Anthem - 05/07/09 - Towson,MD - The Recher Theater Empty
PostSubject: Re: RECORDING: The Gaslight Anthem - 05/07/09 - Towson,MD - The Recher Theater   RECORDING: The Gaslight Anthem - 05/07/09 - Towson,MD - The Recher Theater Icon_minitimeThu May 14, 2009 3:12 pm

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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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Join date : 2009-05-12

RECORDING: The Gaslight Anthem - 05/07/09 - Towson,MD - The Recher Theater Empty
PostSubject: Re: RECORDING: The Gaslight Anthem - 05/07/09 - Towson,MD - The Recher Theater   RECORDING: The Gaslight Anthem - 05/07/09 - Towson,MD - The Recher Theater Icon_minitimeFri May 15, 2009 11:18 am

very nice! i was at this show! thanks for the upload!!
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RECORDING: The Gaslight Anthem - 05/07/09 - Towson,MD - The Recher Theater Empty
PostSubject: Re: RECORDING: The Gaslight Anthem - 05/07/09 - Towson,MD - The Recher Theater   RECORDING: The Gaslight Anthem - 05/07/09 - Towson,MD - The Recher Theater Icon_minitime

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RECORDING: The Gaslight Anthem - 05/07/09 - Towson,MD - The Recher Theater
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