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 Tickets to Towson show at the Recher

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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

Posts : 16
Join date : 2008-10-06

Tickets to Towson show at the Recher Empty
PostSubject: Tickets to Towson show at the Recher   Tickets to Towson show at the Recher Icon_minitimeTue May 05, 2009 6:04 pm

I know it's really late notice, I actually forgot I had these. I have two tickets to the show at the Recher on Thursday and would like to try to sell them for whatever anyone is pretty much willing to give for them at this point plus the cost of overnight shipping (unless you want to pick them up in York, PA).

Mostly accepted already that I probably won't be able to sell them under such late notice but figured I'd try anyway, have a formal to go to.
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Tickets to Towson show at the Recher
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