I know that this is more about movies, but Brian does mention Jack Kerouac.
"From the very start, movies and books were always important for me when it came to writing. That's something I picked up from Dylan and Springsteen. A lot of people just stick with other musicians, but there's plenty of inspiration on your bookshelf or in your film collection. It was stuff like Dante's Inferno, and a lot of Jack Kerouac. With Kerouac, I really got into the travelling and the idea of not having a valid explanation for the constant travelling. As a touring musician, I suppose I appreciated the constant need to be on the move. His lifestyle was quite different to mine, though. I don't do drugs, I'm too focused, so that side didn't resonate with me. During the writing of American Slang, I was trying to educate myself on classic American movies that you really should watch but which I never got around to seeing. I dug in to Martin Scorsese's movies a lot, Chinatown with Jack Nicholson, that sort of thing."
(Brian Fallon - The Irish Times, 11 June 2010)
My own movie recommendation, as in "if Gaslight wrote a movie", is Rumble Fish. As it is based on a novel, you could check out S.E. Hinton's other writings.