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 Alex Levine Interview in Salt Lake City Weekly

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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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Location : Jacksonville, Fla

Alex Levine Interview in Salt Lake City Weekly Empty
PostSubject: Alex Levine Interview in Salt Lake City Weekly   Alex Levine Interview in Salt Lake City Weekly Icon_minitimeThu Mar 19, 2015 6:43 am

New Jersey band remains "unapologetic about anything we do"
Alex Levine Interview in Salt Lake City Weekly MUSIC_Feature2-1

"In music, whether or not people like to admit it, you have to present yourself as a total package if you want to be a performer. Take The Clash, The Ramones, David Bowie—they all looked fucking cool. It's a part of the creative process," Levine says. "With any great band, there's an underlying theme. People yearn for nostalgia, themes or for something that they know. I think with our band, no matter what our story is, there is something deep down that keeps our fans coming back."

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Alex Levine Interview in Salt Lake City Weekly
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