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 Cool interview from 2009 with the two alex's (getting robbed but didnt want Alex R's jacket haha)

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I'da called you Woody
I'da called you Woody

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Cool interview from 2009 with the two alex's (getting robbed but didnt want Alex R's jacket haha) Empty
PostSubject: Cool interview from 2009 with the two alex's (getting robbed but didnt want Alex R's jacket haha)   Cool interview from 2009 with the two alex's (getting robbed but didnt want Alex R's jacket haha) Icon_minitimeWed Oct 03, 2012 5:21 pm

Sorry if this has been posted, did have a look but couldnt see. Found it today in work and enjoyed
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Cool interview from 2009 with the two alex's (getting robbed but didnt want Alex R's jacket haha) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cool interview from 2009 with the two alex's (getting robbed but didnt want Alex R's jacket haha)   Cool interview from 2009 with the two alex's (getting robbed but didnt want Alex R's jacket haha) Icon_minitimeWed Oct 03, 2012 7:11 pm

Levine: It’s so true. You look at glam metal twenty five years ago, you look at glam metal now. It was shit then, it’s shit now. More or less, I mean, more so shit now. *laughs*

Haha yessss!! This is awesome Smile
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First Among Equals
First Among Equals

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Cool interview from 2009 with the two alex's (getting robbed but didnt want Alex R's jacket haha) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cool interview from 2009 with the two alex's (getting robbed but didnt want Alex R's jacket haha)   Cool interview from 2009 with the two alex's (getting robbed but didnt want Alex R's jacket haha) Icon_minitimeWed Oct 03, 2012 8:58 pm

This whole interview is great. Seemed like they had a lot of fun doing it too. I wonder if they ever go back and reread what they said several years ago and are like "yep still feel that way" or "man things have changed".

Also I'm slightly jealous that Alex L just went ahead and painted his room red and black as a kid. I was so determined to do that when I was like 13 but it never happened. I think my mom managed to talk me out of it somehow. Probably with threats of some kind haha, oh well.
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I'da called you Woody
I'da called you Woody

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Cool interview from 2009 with the two alex's (getting robbed but didnt want Alex R's jacket haha) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cool interview from 2009 with the two alex's (getting robbed but didnt want Alex R's jacket haha)   Cool interview from 2009 with the two alex's (getting robbed but didnt want Alex R's jacket haha) Icon_minitimeThu Oct 04, 2012 6:54 am

Great interview. Super fun to read. Thanks for sharing!
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I'da called you Woody
I'da called you Woody

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Age : 37
Location : Wales, UK

Cool interview from 2009 with the two alex's (getting robbed but didnt want Alex R's jacket haha) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cool interview from 2009 with the two alex's (getting robbed but didnt want Alex R's jacket haha)   Cool interview from 2009 with the two alex's (getting robbed but didnt want Alex R's jacket haha) Icon_minitimeThu Oct 04, 2012 10:20 am

yeah i really enjoyed reading this as it does seem theyre having a great time with the questions and really into it Very Happy The stella beer bottle in alex's hand in the picture at the bottom may have had an effect too haha
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Cool interview from 2009 with the two alex's (getting robbed but didnt want Alex R's jacket haha) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cool interview from 2009 with the two alex's (getting robbed but didnt want Alex R's jacket haha)   Cool interview from 2009 with the two alex's (getting robbed but didnt want Alex R's jacket haha) Icon_minitime

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Cool interview from 2009 with the two alex's (getting robbed but didnt want Alex R's jacket haha)
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