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 Stay Vicious Acoustic

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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

Posts : 3
Join date : 2016-01-27

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PostSubject: Stay Vicious Acoustic   Stay Vicious Acoustic Icon_minitimeWed Jan 27, 2016 8:24 am

Hey guys, this is my tab of the acoustic version of Stay Vicious that was played at the Ramones.

The formatting isn't 100%, but it should give you the idea

I'm 90% sure all the chords are correct, except for the chorus which I can't work the picking pattern out for the life of me, so if any of you guys can do it, I would be extremely grateful. I'm pretty sure that there are 3 different variations Brian does during the chorus and these are:

1            2          3
e:           e:         e
B:           B:        B
G:           G:       G
D: 10      D: 10   D: 10
A:           A: 8     A
E: 6        E:        E: 8

Standard Tuning

Chords used
Dm           x57765
C              x355xx
F              133211
Am           x02210      

Intro Lick

D|———————————————————————3———————— |        
A|-5—5—5—3—5—5—5————3—5—5—5—3——5—5———3— |

Intro Lick x2

Now I feel just like a stranger, I don't sleep at all anymore.
            C                                          F                           Am
And the arms that used to hold me, well, now they've done me harm.
And I feel just like a murderer, and I feel just like a gun
                   C                                                   F                          ?
And I've been shaking in your hands somebody who's finally had enough.

          2                       1                   2                        1
As you step out into the city, no one to find you or recognize.
          2                                  3               1
As your black heels kick out the beat of my heart in perfect time.
                   2            1              2                                1
She’s singing, la la la la la la la la, look at you saving my life.
          2          3         1
Singing, la la la la la la la, tonight you're saving my life, yeah.

Intro Lick x2

Now I've had the saints and patience, but I wait on your telephone.
                         C                                                       F                              Am
And they gave me pills for this, and tabs for that, and something that used to resemble a soul.
             Dm                                       C      Dm
So won't anybody take my hand? And won't anybody ease my ache?
        C                                                          F                        Am
Cos I still love rock and roll, and you know I still call somebody baby.

          3                             1                      2                    1
As you step out into the city, no one to find you or recognize.
           2                               3               1
As your black heels kick at the beat of my heart in perfect time.
                   2              1           2                                    1
She’s singing, la la la la la la la la, look at you saving my life.
              2           3           1
I’m singing, la la la la la la la, tonight you're saving my life, yeah.

Intro Lick x2

F                  3                       1                           2                            1
        As you step out into the city, no ones gonna find you or recognize.
         2                               3                1
As her black heels kick at the beat of my heart in perfect time.
              3         1               2                                   1
She sings, la la la la la la la la, look at you saving my life.
               2             3           1  
I’m singing, la la la la la la la, tonight you're saving my life.
                  3           1                       2                                              1
As she sings, la la la la la la la, She says leave it on the end of the knife.
            2            3          1                                             F
Singing, la la la la la la la, tonight you're saving my life, mmmm yeah.

Last edited by SmittyFTW on Sat Feb 20, 2016 8:40 am; edited 4 times in total
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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

Posts : 9
Join date : 2015-11-04

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PostSubject: Re: Stay Vicious Acoustic   Stay Vicious Acoustic Icon_minitimeThu Jan 28, 2016 5:42 pm

This is great! Do you have a video of the performance or know where I can find it?
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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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Join date : 2016-01-27

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PostSubject: Re: Stay Vicious Acoustic   Stay Vicious Acoustic Icon_minitimeThu Jan 28, 2016 9:09 pm

I cant post direct links because my account it too new, but i found it by typing stay vicious acoustic ramones into google and going onto the video tab. The website should be "vk".

I couldn't find any copies of it on youtube.
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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

Posts : 9
Join date : 2015-11-04

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PostSubject: Re: Stay Vicious Acoustic   Stay Vicious Acoustic Icon_minitimeThu Jan 28, 2016 9:33 pm

thank you so much! found it!
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PostSubject: Re: Stay Vicious Acoustic   Stay Vicious Acoustic Icon_minitime

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