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 Rocksound article: 12 ultimate Gaslight songs that you need in your life

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First Among Equals
First Among Equals

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Rocksound article: 12 ultimate Gaslight songs that you need in your life Empty
PostSubject: Rocksound article: 12 ultimate Gaslight songs that you need in your life   Rocksound article: 12 ultimate Gaslight songs that you need in your life Icon_minitimeTue Nov 25, 2014 9:51 am


In this month's magazine, we've tell you everything you need to know about The Gaslight Anthem. But if you haven't picked it up quite yet, here's a brief introduction to New Jersey's finest...

'Great Expectations'
Where better to start than the first track from the band's landmark second album? This one certainly gave us great expectations of this New Jersey mob. We'll see ourselves out.


This is an early one. So early in fact, we had to find that we had to find this live performance to show you. Even so, 'Wooderson' was a stomping, ballsy sign of even better things to come.


'The Patient Ferris Wheel'
Another track from 'The '59 Sound', another song that we'll never, ever tire of. BRB, going to stand in the New Jersey rain with The Gaslight Anthem and talk about our feelings.


Some say if you haven't punched the air to this song, you've never lived. You have a chance to change that right now. Go on, punch that office / bedroom / classroom air.


'Rollin' And Tumblin''
Latest full-length 'Get Hurt' pulled a few punches, but this storming single was a real standout. Those dancers aren't like any Gaslight crowd we've ever seen, mind.


Our favourite bit of American slang is the phrase "shooting hoops", because it sounds really cool. A lot of other people's favourite part of 'American Slang' is 'Boxer'. They're probably more right than we are.


'Blue Jeans And White T-Shirts'
This is a clip of Brian Fallon being all soulful and brooding. We approve of this clip of Brian Fallon being soulful and brooding.


'The '59 Sound'
This one was released in 2008 rather than 1959, but the band's rolling, nostalgic anthem combined the best parts of old-school America and present day punk into something really special.


'I'da Called You Woody, Joe'
This early cut is about The Clash. Joe Strummer, specifically. That's where that "The sound from Camden Town" lyric comes from. More importantly, the dancing at 1:15 and 1:53 is phenomenal.


This YouTube video makes us want to abandon the digital age and only listen to vinyl again. There's some irony in there somewhere. Also, be warned that this song / video combo is heavy on the feels.


'The Backseat'
This one still crowns the majority of their sets, and there's a very good reason for that. 'The Backseat' is a display of everything great about this band in four minutes, 15 seconds.


'Stay Lucky'

This upbeat number feels like an appropriate place to end this list of the greatest Gaslight songs. Speak soon, stay lucky.


We run the rule over The Gaslight Anthem's career so far in the latest issue of Rock Sound, which you can pick up in all good UK stores right now, have delivered to your door or read digitally
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