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 Article on Venue Closing in Fla. features The Gaslight Anthem

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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

Posts : 1213
Join date : 2010-07-26
Location : Jacksonville, Fla

Article on Venue Closing in Fla. features The Gaslight Anthem Empty
PostSubject: Article on Venue Closing in Fla. features The Gaslight Anthem   Article on Venue Closing in Fla. features The Gaslight Anthem Icon_minitimeThu Jun 23, 2011 12:49 pm

Article on Venue Closing in Fla. features The Gaslight Anthem Bilde?Site=GS&Date=20110623&Category=ARTICLES&ArtNo=110629899&Ref=AR&Profile=1006&MaxW=445&border=0

Thanks for the memories...

Oh, the shows I have seen at Commons, not only local but national acts like: Atmosphere, The Avett Brothers, Dinosaur Jr., Band of Horses, The Books, The Gaslight Anthem and many more.

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Article on Venue Closing in Fla. features The Gaslight Anthem
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