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 Extras Needed - Riptide Movement music video

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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

Posts : 27
Join date : 2011-05-27

Extras Needed - Riptide Movement music video Empty
PostSubject: Extras Needed - Riptide Movement music video   Extras Needed - Riptide Movement music video Icon_minitimeMon Sep 22, 2014 12:44 pm

Hey guys, Kevin Slack here -

I thought I'd come to you all and see if you could help me out with something.  I'm directing a music video for this Irish band on Universal Records called The Riptide Movement this Wednesday.  I need 40-50 people for a rooftop crowd/party scene from 4-7pm in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. (can't go past 7 because we can't shoot once the sun is down)

It'd be amazing to have some Gaslight fans there for the shoot.  I can't pay but I believe I have some "Every Word Handwritten" mini posters and some Handwritten music video album covers left over at my apartment that I could hand out (I'll check tonight to make sure!)

Anyways if you could make it please emailed bakeshopextras@gmail.com with the subject line GASLIGHT with your full name and phone number and I'll put your name on a separate list as priority so I can see how many Gaslight posters to bring.

If you have any questions, reach out to me on twitter @kevin_slack

Thanks homies!  Hope to hear from you

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