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 What are Gaslights hits? Playing with Jimmy Eat World.

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What are Gaslights hits? Playing with Jimmy Eat World. Empty
PostSubject: What are Gaslights hits? Playing with Jimmy Eat World.   What are Gaslights hits? Playing with Jimmy Eat World. Icon_minitimeFri Aug 22, 2014 2:16 pm

So I've been thinking about this for awhile and im not sure how to answer this question. People all the time when asking about a band always ask about their biggest singles. I guess for Gaslight it would be American Slang, 59 Sound and 45? But I'm still not sure those are the right answers.

I was talking to someone about Jimmy Eat World being on tour with them and it was so easy to rattle off their big hits. Bleed American, The Middle, Pain, Sweetness, Work, 23, Kill etc. Those are the songs the crowd are going to "Wooooo" when the first chords hit.

But what is the answer for Gaslight? I feel like they write albums and not hit singles. Is that good? Bad? Not matter? Not totally sure what my question is here, but I thought it was an interesting thought comparing gaslight and jimmy. Thoughts?
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What are Gaslights hits? Playing with Jimmy Eat World. Empty
PostSubject: Re: What are Gaslights hits? Playing with Jimmy Eat World.   What are Gaslights hits? Playing with Jimmy Eat World. Icon_minitimeFri Aug 22, 2014 3:08 pm

actually a good question...and you're right they craft more good albums than hits...but I'd add ...Great Expectations or Backseats...Maybe Boxer? They are all good...otherwise, we wouldn't be here, but it's hard to put a finger on the ones that are a bit more "commercially" received...
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What are Gaslights hits? Playing with Jimmy Eat World. Empty
PostSubject: Re: What are Gaslights hits? Playing with Jimmy Eat World.   What are Gaslights hits? Playing with Jimmy Eat World. Icon_minitimeFri Aug 22, 2014 4:32 pm

Jimmy Eat World got popular before the real shift to the digital era of the music industry, when bands made it based on hit radio singles and music videos. I feel like that environment was more conducive to artists getting known for their hits, particularly in rock music (other genres still work off youtube hits and whatnot, but less so for more niche genres, which is what rock has become)
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What are Gaslights hits? Playing with Jimmy Eat World. Empty
PostSubject: Re: What are Gaslights hits? Playing with Jimmy Eat World.   What are Gaslights hits? Playing with Jimmy Eat World. Icon_minitimeFri Aug 22, 2014 6:38 pm

I wouldn't say it's a hit but Diamond Church Street Choir is one of those songs where I hear the first hit of the first chord and think YEAH! 45 was pretty big on the radio.
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What are Gaslights hits? Playing with Jimmy Eat World. Empty
PostSubject: Re: What are Gaslights hits? Playing with Jimmy Eat World.   What are Gaslights hits? Playing with Jimmy Eat World. Icon_minitimeFri Aug 22, 2014 7:13 pm

Probably She Loves You or Teenage Rebellion.
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What are Gaslights hits? Playing with Jimmy Eat World. Empty
PostSubject: Re: What are Gaslights hits? Playing with Jimmy Eat World.   What are Gaslights hits? Playing with Jimmy Eat World. Icon_minitimeFri Aug 22, 2014 7:17 pm

Yozzy wrote:
Probably She Loves You or Teenage Rebellion.

Do you know if they've ever played Teenage Rebellion live? I love that song.
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What are Gaslights hits? Playing with Jimmy Eat World. Empty
PostSubject: Re: What are Gaslights hits? Playing with Jimmy Eat World.   What are Gaslights hits? Playing with Jimmy Eat World. Icon_minitimeSat Aug 23, 2014 8:47 pm

I feel bad but I don't know that I could remember more than one or two Jimmy Eat World tunes. I guess I never really got into them. I would think tracks like American Slang, The '59 Sound  and 45 would get some attention. I think Gaslight is really more of an "albums band"; their work flows well as one cohesive experience. The individual songs are stellar but somehow I find their stuff works well as one complete work. A lot of artists now are moving toward just writing one or two singles and promoting those. I love that Brian and band work hard to make albums instead of just singles. That's becoming more and more rare but that's exactly what I love about them.
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What are Gaslights hits? Playing with Jimmy Eat World. Empty
PostSubject: Re: What are Gaslights hits? Playing with Jimmy Eat World.   What are Gaslights hits? Playing with Jimmy Eat World. Icon_minitimeSat Aug 23, 2014 8:51 pm

There's a solid group of people that have a real boner for their album Futures.

I mean it's good, but it's all too simple for me, I don't find much depth in their stuff.
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What are Gaslights hits? Playing with Jimmy Eat World. Empty
PostSubject: Re: What are Gaslights hits? Playing with Jimmy Eat World.   What are Gaslights hits? Playing with Jimmy Eat World. Icon_minitimeSun Aug 24, 2014 10:02 pm

Yozzy wrote:
There's a solid group of people that have a real boner for their album Futures.

I mean it's good, but it's all too simple for me, I don't find much depth in their stuff.

IDK, i think it all depends on your perspective. I know a guy thats a huge Jimmy eat world fan and says that Brian really uses a lot of standard metaphors and doesnt talk about anything specific enough that he can relate to. And when he says that I understand his point of view. So its a to each their own thing. I love gaslight, like jimmy a lot, but can see arguments made for and against each band either way. Jimmy does have some really catchy stuff, whether it has depth or not could be argued.
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What are Gaslights hits? Playing with Jimmy Eat World. Empty
PostSubject: Re: What are Gaslights hits? Playing with Jimmy Eat World.   What are Gaslights hits? Playing with Jimmy Eat World. Icon_minitimeWed Aug 27, 2014 8:07 am

Futures is really good. But bleed american is the one that I listened to over and over again, what feels like ages ago (it's from 2001, I'm old).

I'd say 59 sound and 45.
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What are Gaslights hits? Playing with Jimmy Eat World. Empty
PostSubject: Re: What are Gaslights hits? Playing with Jimmy Eat World.   What are Gaslights hits? Playing with Jimmy Eat World. Icon_minitimeThu Aug 28, 2014 4:06 am

59 Sound, 45, American Slang, We came to Dance?
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PostSubject: Re: What are Gaslights hits? Playing with Jimmy Eat World.   What are Gaslights hits? Playing with Jimmy Eat World. Icon_minitime

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