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 Halloween Lyrics (Get Hurt version)

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First Among Equals
First Among Equals

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Halloween Lyrics (Get Hurt version) Empty
PostSubject: Halloween Lyrics (Get Hurt version)   Halloween Lyrics (Get Hurt version) Icon_minitimeTue Aug 12, 2014 1:17 pm

sympathy, this is my best disguise. my skin stepped out for my bones to dry up for the rest of the world outside to see. you see i, bleed on the side. it’s a part time thing, a private affair. i try to keep it out of the light.

i must confess, i didn’t recognize you tonight dressed up like my love. and i hate these things but i always attend a little sip of something to take off the edge and i make my way through
the ghosts in the room trying to crack a smile

and who are you supposed to be? you look like heaven tonight me, i’m a tomb, a corpse in a suit, trying to look a little alive are you alright? i worry sometimes are you dressed up to take my life?

keep it coming. keep it coming.

well i think i saw you for the flash of a moment your broken heart and the body that holds it i lost your scent in the flash of the party the big bright lights, baby, constantly haunt me i’ve never been right, have you ever been lied to? i think i just saw the same scars upon you is this a disguise? a masquerade for me?

keep it coming. keep it coming. keep it coming.

who are you supposed to be? yeah, you look just like my love tonight. who are you supposed to be? are you dressed just like my love tonight? who are you supposed to be? yeah, you look just like my love tonight. who are you supposed to be? are you dressed just like my love for halloween?
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A Contender
A Contender

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Halloween Lyrics (Get Hurt version) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Halloween Lyrics (Get Hurt version)   Halloween Lyrics (Get Hurt version) Icon_minitimeMon Aug 18, 2014 6:47 pm

Ah yes, these lyrics are so so good.
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Halloween Lyrics (Get Hurt version)
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