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A forum dedicated to The Gaslight Anthem - Brian Fallon says: ''For consistent and up to the minute stuff, Dimestore Saints is a great place to check out and hang with some really nice people.''
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 Brian: "We were that last band to get away with not relying 100 percent on the internet,"

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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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Brian: "We were that last band to get away with not relying 100 percent on the internet," Empty
PostSubject: Brian: "We were that last band to get away with not relying 100 percent on the internet,"   Brian: "We were that last band to get away with not relying 100 percent on the internet," Icon_minitimeMon Sep 30, 2013 8:19 am

Nostalgic Brian Fallon to perform at Sound Select concert in Brooklyn
Brian: "We were that last band to get away with not relying 100 percent on the internet," Tumblr_mtxrcgpQTn1ruam57o1_500

"We were that last band to get away with not relying 100 percent on the internet," says Fallon, 33. "We were the last of that group of bands where fliers still mattered. At first, we burned all of our own demo CDs at the Daily Targum. (Gaslight drummer) Benny Horowitz went on tour doing merchandise with Thursday and he handed all of the demos out — and that’s how we got noticed by other musicians."


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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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Brian: "We were that last band to get away with not relying 100 percent on the internet," Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brian: "We were that last band to get away with not relying 100 percent on the internet,"   Brian: "We were that last band to get away with not relying 100 percent on the internet," Icon_minitimeMon Sep 30, 2013 2:10 pm

wow great picture and I like the quote you take from the article Smile
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A Contender
A Contender

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Brian: "We were that last band to get away with not relying 100 percent on the internet," Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brian: "We were that last band to get away with not relying 100 percent on the internet,"   Brian: "We were that last band to get away with not relying 100 percent on the internet," Icon_minitimeMon Sep 30, 2013 2:45 pm

As someone in their mid 30's, this article was particularly interesting to me. We didn't have the Internet until late high school. Even then, we didn't know what to do with it really. I remember joining an Internet group for REM in college. I can't help but feel nostalgic for hearing about bands through word of mouth, fliers at shows, and magazines. I think I take things for granted now. We used to have to seek out new music. It wasn't nearly as accessible.
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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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Brian: "We were that last band to get away with not relying 100 percent on the internet," Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brian: "We were that last band to get away with not relying 100 percent on the internet,"   Brian: "We were that last band to get away with not relying 100 percent on the internet," Icon_minitimeMon Sep 30, 2013 3:00 pm

Anya_TGA wrote:
wow great picture and I like the quote you take from the article Smile
Thanks. I took that pic in Atlanta March 7, 2013

More such pics are here:



Brian: "We were that last band to get away with not relying 100 percent on the internet," Tumblr_mji5opFam31ruam57o1_250

Last edited by bobbyw24 on Mon Sep 30, 2013 3:15 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Last Jukebox Romeo
The Last Jukebox Romeo

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Brian: "We were that last band to get away with not relying 100 percent on the internet," Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brian: "We were that last band to get away with not relying 100 percent on the internet,"   Brian: "We were that last band to get away with not relying 100 percent on the internet," Icon_minitimeMon Sep 30, 2013 3:10 pm

"We were that last band to get away with not relying 100 percent on the internet."
I really have to disagree with this line, I'm fairly sure there are lots of bands that don't rely entirely on the internet; seems like a bit of an ignorant statement to me.
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Brian: "We were that last band to get away with not relying 100 percent on the internet," Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brian: "We were that last band to get away with not relying 100 percent on the internet,"   Brian: "We were that last band to get away with not relying 100 percent on the internet," Icon_minitimeMon Sep 30, 2013 3:14 pm

Not really sure what the big deal is... times change.  When you recommend a band to a friend, you're more likely to give them a youtube link than a physical cd.  

Maybe the music scene has died down in New Brunswick and that's what he's referring to, but there are still plenty of up incoming bands who let you download their music for free online and focus mainly on touring as a way to promote themselves. Very few, if any get famous from putting their music online.

If you want to talk about old school, Foo fighters made Wasting Light in their garage, does that mean every rock band should stay out of the studio now?
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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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Brian: "We were that last band to get away with not relying 100 percent on the internet," Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brian: "We were that last band to get away with not relying 100 percent on the internet,"   Brian: "We were that last band to get away with not relying 100 percent on the internet," Icon_minitimeMon Sep 30, 2013 5:41 pm

bobbyw24 wrote:
Anya_TGA wrote:
wow great picture and I like the quote you take from the article Smile
Thanks. I took that pic in Atlanta March 7, 2013

More such pics are here:



Brian: "We were that last band to get away with not relying 100 percent on the internet," Tumblr_mji5opFam31ruam57o1_250
amazing pictures
thanks for the link
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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Brian: "We were that last band to get away with not relying 100 percent on the internet," Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brian: "We were that last band to get away with not relying 100 percent on the internet,"   Brian: "We were that last band to get away with not relying 100 percent on the internet," Icon_minitimeTue Oct 01, 2013 6:58 am

deadspin wrote:
If you want to talk about old school, Foo fighters made Wasting Light in their garage, does that mean every rock band should stay out of the studio now?
It's a shame that despite all that talk about how they recorded WL with old school techniques to give it a warm, "genuine" sound and all that, they still compressed it to the point that it sounds literally no different from any other modern rock album in terms of production. I fucking hate the production of that record.
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Brian: "We were that last band to get away with not relying 100 percent on the internet," Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brian: "We were that last band to get away with not relying 100 percent on the internet,"   Brian: "We were that last band to get away with not relying 100 percent on the internet," Icon_minitimeTue Oct 01, 2013 9:16 am

Harbortown wrote:
deadspin wrote:
If you want to talk about old school, Foo fighters made Wasting Light in their garage, does that mean every rock band should stay out of the studio now?
It's a shame that despite all that talk about how they recorded WL with old school techniques to give it a warm, "genuine" sound and all that, they still compressed it to the point that it sounds literally no different from any other modern rock album in terms of production. I fucking hate the production of that record.

I think his main thing about recording in his garage was you can splice together digital recordings a lot easier than an analog tape. Kind of like what Dave hinted at during his grammy speech, there is no copy/pasting the guitar work from the first chorus onto the second or anything like that. He also didn't have the option to punch in to the millisecond. For fast guitar runs, the band had to play the whole thing clearly in one take. It wasn't about being perfect but instead authentic. Since they couldn't go in and splice together good parts with other good parts, they had to play the whole parts in one go. This exhibits technical prowess and skill, while also showing little imperfections and qualities that actual human beings have instead of music robots.

Sure the dynamic contrast you would expect from a recording from the beginning of recording to around 1996 isn't quite there, but the fact is the source is great. Like taking a RAW image and squishing it down to a low quality JPEG. If you recorded the same material at 44.1 and released it, the result wouldn't have been nearly as nice as a limitless analogue tape (ie. 44.1k vs 192k - which is about the closest modern recording can get to analog).
Buy the record on vinyl (if it's out on vinyl) and you'll find it more pleasing for sure because the source material and what is cut to the record is probably the original material.
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Blues With the Dogs
Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning
Blues With the Dogs

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Brian: "We were that last band to get away with not relying 100 percent on the internet," Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brian: "We were that last band to get away with not relying 100 percent on the internet,"   Brian: "We were that last band to get away with not relying 100 percent on the internet," Icon_minitimeSun Dec 08, 2013 4:18 pm

I think he's probably saying Gaslight was the last band to make it big which started out through fliers and the like. For the next crop of high-rollers, the Internet would've been how they got known, even in their hometown. Most local bands are relying on social networking and email to put themselves out there, share news, contact venues, etc. Personally I'm going to make it a thing with mine to promote the old-fashioned way as we'll need that grassroots local support and a personal touch ('the lead singer gave me this, want to come along?') would be great for that, and I know that other bands are considering doing likewise. But I see Brian's point.
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Brian: "We were that last band to get away with not relying 100 percent on the internet," Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brian: "We were that last band to get away with not relying 100 percent on the internet,"   Brian: "We were that last band to get away with not relying 100 percent on the internet," Icon_minitime

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Brian: "We were that last band to get away with not relying 100 percent on the internet,"
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