So enola and I were talking and we are going to test out a few ideas for the forum. Let us know what you think and how we could improve on any.
1. If you follow the DSS twitter (@dimestoreforum) we are going to start tweeting out any new ticket post from the "ticket exchange". Whether you are selling or requesting tickets we will tweet out any post from there. Are hope is this will help fans discover tickets and get to see TGA! As always at face value.
Also feel free to tag us in your ticket request tweets! We will retweet any!
2. This next one is a little "on trial" basis right now. We have a lot of users who visit the forum when they can. I mean, hey we all love gaslight but many of us can't check or post everyday. So we are going to try what I like to call the "DSS weekly recap". new topic will be posted in once a week (on Sunday) with links to all of the previous weeks new topics (Sunday - Saturday ). Only admins will be able to post in this, and only once a week, when the new recap comes out. So if you watch the topic you can be sure the email you get on Sunday is the new recap. We'll also tweet out a link when it's posted too.
Right now it is only two sections "forum post" and " ticket exchange" but I think this could have potential for other sections in the future. Maybe a "new users" section or a "From the community" section where members could write about anything going on in their lives. So let us know if you have any ideas on how to expand this or what you think.
Give us feed back please! We're always open to new ideas.