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 Brian Fallon private

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PostSubject: Brian Fallon private   Brian Fallon private Icon_minitimeThu May 03, 2012 8:56 am

Hi to all.

I'm interested in some facts about the private life of Brian. Don't want to stalking around or something, just a few information about his life, his wife, his I don't know what...

So, what I know is that he's born in 1980 and his wife's name is Hollie. Is that right?
It's the sister of one of the Alex's, I'm not sure? What else do you know?
Married? Divorced? Children? Pets? Cars? Hobbys?
Who can add something?

(sorry when It's wrong to post this here)

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PostSubject: Re: Brian Fallon private   Brian Fallon private Icon_minitimeThu May 03, 2012 10:26 am

I think the reason why you encounter so little information about those things is because Brian has been explicit in stating that he prefers to keep his private life private. I think it's sort of an unspoken agreement that we don't go digging around too much regarding private matters. He has disclosed a few things, like that his wife is named Hollie, he likes cars, he has a dog and what not, but I think it's somewhat inappropriate. On the other hand, everything we do know about his private life has been brought up by himself so I suppose there's no real harm in talking about those.
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steady now steady now
The Navesink Banks
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PostSubject: Re: Brian Fallon private   Brian Fallon private Icon_minitimeThu May 03, 2012 10:37 am

Private life is what it says, 'private'. I think what we are talking about here is the 'personal' life, Brian the man, rather than Brian the rock star.

That said, apart from the basic info which Brian himself reveals in interviews and in conversation, writing about it on the forum seems a bit odd (though we'll probabaly get an unauthorized biography at some stage).

Speaking both personally and as Admin, I would prefer to see this forum stay clear of topics on the personal lives of the band.

That said, and just to answer part of your question, Brian is commonly known to be married to Alex L.'s sister. And yes, they've got a dog, as pictured on Instgram.
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PostSubject: Re: Brian Fallon private   Brian Fallon private Icon_minitimeThu May 03, 2012 10:52 am

don't want to stalk or nothin', but does anyone have brian's SSN?
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PostSubject: Re: Brian Fallon private   Brian Fallon private Icon_minitimeThu May 03, 2012 11:04 am

Ok. I see. No problem.
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PostSubject: Re: Brian Fallon private   Brian Fallon private Icon_minitimeThu May 03, 2012 11:06 am

acousticbandit wrote:
don't want to stalk or nothin', but does anyone have brian's SSN?

lol! Gotta love the sarcasm!
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PostSubject: Re: Brian Fallon private   Brian Fallon private Icon_minitimeThu May 03, 2012 11:24 am

It does seem a bit full on to want to know this stuff. I know what I know through reading and listening to millions of things and speaking to Brian himself but like loazis said he is a private guy so any really juicy gossip on him isnt really around. Can I ask why you want to know that kind of info?
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PostSubject: Re: Brian Fallon private   Brian Fallon private Icon_minitimeThu May 03, 2012 12:05 pm

Just wanted to know what he's doing when he's not singing, playing, touring, writing etc...
Only one two new infos. Didn't expect that this thematic is such "hot".
I accept his "privateness", no speakig. But that's the reason I'm asking here these things and not for example himself after a concert. No impact for him...
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PostSubject: Re: Brian Fallon private   Brian Fallon private Icon_minitimeThu May 03, 2012 12:10 pm

Yeah, not creepy at all. Care to fill us in on everything you do when you're not posting on here?

Seriously though, it's not going to help you enjoy the music anymore, it's the guys private life, it's going to be intruded into more than enough over the coming years. I say we show him respect and don't pry into it.

Last edited by Klown on Thu May 03, 2012 12:15 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Navesink Banks
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PostSubject: Re: Brian Fallon private   Brian Fallon private Icon_minitimeThu May 03, 2012 12:14 pm

well he doesn't like people talking about his private life besides the stuff you already know, I guess Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: Brian Fallon private   Brian Fallon private Icon_minitimeThu May 03, 2012 2:12 pm

Agree with the decision not to get too into their personal lives, but I don't see anything wrong with wanting to know the basics. I'm sure if you check out his past interviews you'll get a sense of who he is Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Brian Fallon private   Brian Fallon private Icon_minitimeThu May 03, 2012 2:15 pm

Klown wrote:

Seriously though, it's not going to help you enjoy the music anymore, .

It could well do - 1930/Titanic is only a good a song as it is if you know about one aspect of his personal life.
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The Navesink Banks
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PostSubject: Re: Brian Fallon private   Brian Fallon private Icon_minitimeThu May 03, 2012 2:20 pm

Daire wrote:
Klown wrote:

Seriously though, it's not going to help you enjoy the music anymore, .

It could well do - 1930/Titanic is only a good a song as it is if you know about one aspect of his personal life.

The stuff that he choses to put out there, no problems, that's his choice.

Didn't Brian get a bit creeped out recently with people hounding his wifes instagram page or something like that? That's too far.

I guess I just hate seeing peoples private lifes been intruded more than they allow, I mean for fecks sake, there's bootlegs of Eddie Vedders wedding floating about!!
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PostSubject: Re: Brian Fallon private   Brian Fallon private Icon_minitimeThu May 03, 2012 7:10 pm

Agree with all of your posts and really don´t get me wrong...I´d never ask him something like that and I understand that he want´s to keep his life private. Just thought that here I can get some stuff about that, without beeing charmeless. But the thing with the unspoken rule is quite cool so I don´t ask anymore.
But thanks for your responses anyhow... (and again sorry for my school english..)
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PostSubject: Re: Brian Fallon private   Brian Fallon private Icon_minitimeSun May 06, 2012 5:59 pm

steady now steady now wrote:
Speaking both personally and as Admin, I would prefer to see this forum stay clear of topics on the personal lives of the band.

Totally second that.
Just remember how he freaked out when this picture of him fixing his porch door appeared on the internet. This is cleary one step too much. I am happy with the info he decides to share. But most important I'm happy with them just keep on writing awesome songs and tour.

Last edited by enola on Sun May 06, 2012 6:12 pm; edited 2 times in total
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steady now steady now
The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks
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PostSubject: Re: Brian Fallon private   Brian Fallon private Icon_minitimeMon May 07, 2012 5:37 am

Admin: I have removed a link to a post on another forum which provided offensive speculations about Brian's private life. I also removed all associated comments. I did this after giving notice of my intentions. For that post and the three replies I received, see below.

I have also locked this thread, as there is clearly a consensus that Brian, as anyone else, has a right to his privacy. However, I think there is also a consensus that it is always of interest to hear details from Brian about his personal life, if he believes that these have a bearing on his outlook and his work.

steady now steady now wrote:
do we really want to give publicity to such an offensive piece by discussing it on our forum and effectively promoting it to an even larger audience; after all, this is where true Gaslight Anthem fans come for their info?

I am minded to pull this whole thing, but I bet there will be cries of 'censorship'

I may do it nonetheless; meanwhile, feel free to advise

Christophe wrote:
Good idea steadynow. I'd get rid of it.

Camus wrote:
I can understand if people get annoyed if you do pull it, I mean this place is for discussion after all, but I can understand where you're coming from as well. I don't mind either way.

Klown wrote:
I was going to say that the whole thread should have been deleted, it comes across as tacky and teenybopper-like. Don't see how anyone could cry censorship, and if they did, they would need to check their priorities.

Last edited by steady now steady now on Mon May 07, 2012 6:20 am; edited 5 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Brian Fallon private   Brian Fallon private Icon_minitime

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