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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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Location : Pennsylvania-The land of the Three Rivers.

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PostSubject: Re: Spam   Spam - Page 39 Icon_minitimeWed Feb 22, 2012 11:36 am

Morning all. I really need something to do anymore.
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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PostSubject: Re: Spam   Spam - Page 39 Icon_minitimeWed Feb 22, 2012 11:44 am

Good morning, Jimmy! Why don't you work on your music? That's always a good thing to do. Have you started learning Sweet Baby James yet?
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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PostSubject: Re: Spam   Spam - Page 39 Icon_minitimeWed Feb 22, 2012 11:49 am

I was thinking about taking today off from music actually...Just give myself a day off so I do not burn out.
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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PostSubject: Re: Spam   Spam - Page 39 Icon_minitimeWed Feb 22, 2012 11:53 am

Ah, I get that. Sometimes when I have been writing a lot, I need a break away from it so I can clear my head and get my thoughts straight, otherwise I get a little manic with it and my writing isn't up to par.

What else do you like to do besides music? I know you are into model trains, but do you have any other hobbies?
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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PostSubject: Re: Spam   Spam - Page 39 Icon_minitimeWed Feb 22, 2012 11:58 am

nope. Just trains and music. yes I know I lead a Very interesting life. /sarcasm
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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PostSubject: Re: Spam   Spam - Page 39 Icon_minitimeWed Feb 22, 2012 12:08 pm

Haha, my biggest hobbies are writing ang shopping, so I'm not any better! I also enjoy lots of other things though. I get bored too easily if I don't have something to do.

Do you have anything you can do with your trains today? My great-grandpa used to build trains. He actually built one large enough for him to ride around on. My uncle has it now, but I've never seen it. My dad and my aunts and uncle have really good memories of going to see him and playing with his trains though. Smile
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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PostSubject: Re: Spam   Spam - Page 39 Icon_minitimeWed Feb 22, 2012 12:13 pm

Spam - Page 39 Tumblr_lzsv1t0wdF1qzpwi0o1_500

Very Happy
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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PostSubject: Re: Spam   Spam - Page 39 Icon_minitimeWed Feb 22, 2012 12:16 pm

lol! That was hilarious! Where did you find that?
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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PostSubject: Re: Spam   Spam - Page 39 Icon_minitimeWed Feb 22, 2012 12:20 pm

ahahah on tumblr! Razz
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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PostSubject: Re: Spam   Spam - Page 39 Icon_minitimeWed Feb 22, 2012 12:26 pm

That was so funny. And to think that there really are people like that out there! We live in a freaky world.

Speaking of freaky, have any of you guys ever seen the show My Strange Addiction? Oh my gosh, those people are insane! I was flipping channels and saw an episode where a guy was in love with his car and they were having... a relationship. I am scarred for life. Most disturbing thing ever. No
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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PostSubject: Re: Spam   Spam - Page 39 Icon_minitimeWed Feb 22, 2012 12:29 pm

Yeah, I do no watch those kind of shows. And no I do not have anything to do with my trains today.
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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PostSubject: Re: Spam   Spam - Page 39 Icon_minitimeWed Feb 22, 2012 12:31 pm

IrishNameAndAnInjury wrote:
That was so funny. And to think that there really are people like that out there! We live in a freaky world.

Speaking of freaky, have any of you guys ever seen the show My Strange Addiction? Oh my gosh, those people are insane! I was flipping channels and saw an episode where a guy was in love with his car and they were having... a relationship. I am scarred for life. Most disturbing thing ever. No

ahahah yeah I saw that!! it's scary but I am actually more scared of the families of these people scratch
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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Location : Spokane Valley, WA

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PostSubject: Re: Spam   Spam - Page 39 Icon_minitimeWed Feb 22, 2012 12:37 pm

plugga wrote:
IrishNameAndAnInjury wrote:
That was so funny. And to think that there really are people like that out there! We live in a freaky world.

Speaking of freaky, have any of you guys ever seen the show My Strange Addiction? Oh my gosh, those people are insane! I was flipping channels and saw an episode where a guy was in love with his car and they were having... a relationship. I am scarred for life. Most disturbing thing ever. No

ahahah yeah I saw that!! it's scary but I am actually more scared of the families of these people scratch

That's an interesting viewpoint. It makes sense though, because their families are part of who they are and played a part in how they turned out. What happened to them growing up to make them so disturbed now?
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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PostSubject: Re: Spam   Spam - Page 39 Icon_minitimeWed Feb 22, 2012 12:40 pm

IrishNameAndAnInjury wrote:
plugga wrote:
IrishNameAndAnInjury wrote:
That was so funny. And to think that there really are people like that out there! We live in a freaky world.

Speaking of freaky, have any of you guys ever seen the show My Strange Addiction? Oh my gosh, those people are insane! I was flipping channels and saw an episode where a guy was in love with his car and they were having... a relationship. I am scarred for life. Most disturbing thing ever. No

ahahah yeah I saw that!! it's scary but I am actually more scared of the families of these people scratch

That's an interesting viewpoint. It makes sense though, because their families are part of who they are and played a part in how they turned out. What happened to them growing up to make them so disturbed now?

exactly, most of the time it's their fault! how blind you have to be to ignore such a great issue in your son/daughter's life?? scratch
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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PostSubject: Re: Spam   Spam - Page 39 Icon_minitimeWed Feb 22, 2012 12:42 pm

JimmyB wrote:
Yeah, I do no watch those kind of shows. And no I do not have anything to do with my trains today.

(Shannon throws her arm up in the air in utter frustration) If you don't have anything to do with your time and you are that bored, then go clean your room, young man!

I don't know why, but I find those shows that center around people that are just a little bit crazy (or a lot crazy) very fascinating! Sometimes gross and disturbing, but still interesting. My Strange Addiction, Hoarders (terrifying!), Intervention, all of that stuff. I think I'm addicted to TV! Shocked Razz
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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PostSubject: Re: Spam   Spam - Page 39 Icon_minitimeWed Feb 22, 2012 12:45 pm

ahahahah i watch them on youtube when I am bored, freaky eaters is just disgusting Shocked but those are examples of terrible parents, who the hell doesn't call a psychologist or a nutritionist if their 5 years old daughter refuses to eat everything but french fries? damn.
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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Location : Pennsylvania-The land of the Three Rivers.

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PostSubject: Re: Spam   Spam - Page 39 Icon_minitimeWed Feb 22, 2012 12:47 pm

My room is clean though.
Honestly the only reality stuff I watch is" American Pickers, Pawn Stars, Mythbusters, The Voice, and that is is actually.
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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PostSubject: Re: Spam   Spam - Page 39 Icon_minitimeWed Feb 22, 2012 12:49 pm

I love mythbusteeers.
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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PostSubject: Re: Spam   Spam - Page 39 Icon_minitimeWed Feb 22, 2012 12:50 pm

plugga wrote:
IrishNameAndAnInjury wrote:
plugga wrote:
IrishNameAndAnInjury wrote:
That was so funny. And to think that there really are people like that out there! We live in a freaky world.

Speaking of freaky, have any of you guys ever seen the show My Strange Addiction? Oh my gosh, those people are insane! I was flipping channels and saw an episode where a guy was in love with his car and they were having... a relationship. I am scarred for life. Most disturbing thing ever. No

ahahah yeah I saw that!! it's scary but I am actually more scared of the families of these people scratch

That's an interesting viewpoint. It makes sense though, because their families are part of who they are and played a part in how they turned out. What happened to them growing up to make them so disturbed now?

exactly, most of the time it's their fault! how blind you have to be to ignore such a great issue in your son/daughter's life?? scratch

I think that's a big part of the problem. So many parents are in denial of their children's problems. I had one student that was a holy terror when I was teaching preschool. She was only 16 months old when I had to have a conference with her mother, but there was something wrong with that kid. She was extremely violent with the other kids, biting, hitting, pulling handfuls of hair out of their heads, etc. It was in no way normal toddler behavior and she turned my classroom into a war zone. I brought it to the attention of the school's director and she set up a conference. This mother was furious when I suggested that she consult her daughter's doctor about the matter and started yelling at me. I was looking out for the best interest of every child in my class, including her daughter. That kid ended up being kicked out of school after she moved up to the next class when she bit a child's face and broke the skin, then did the same thing to a teacher when she tried to remove her from the situation. Her mother still refused to admit her daughter had a problem.
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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PostSubject: Re: Spam   Spam - Page 39 Icon_minitimeWed Feb 22, 2012 12:53 pm

plugga wrote:
ahahahah i watch them on youtube when I am bored, freaky eaters is just disgusting Shocked but those are examples of terrible parents, who the hell doesn't call a psychologist or a nutritionist if their 5 years old daughter refuses to eat everything but french fries? damn.

I forgot about Freaky Eaters! That show is definitely disgusting, and I feel the same way as you do regarding the parents. If a child is having issues like that, it's up to the parents to solve the problem. It's their job! And you know what? A five year old can't eat only french fries unless her parents allow it. They are 100% to blame. It's child abuse.
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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PostSubject: Re: Spam   Spam - Page 39 Icon_minitimeWed Feb 22, 2012 12:54 pm

IrishNameAndAnInjury wrote:
plugga wrote:
IrishNameAndAnInjury wrote:
plugga wrote:
IrishNameAndAnInjury wrote:
That was so funny. And to think that there really are people like that out there! We live in a freaky world.

Speaking of freaky, have any of you guys ever seen the show My Strange Addiction? Oh my gosh, those people are insane! I was flipping channels and saw an episode where a guy was in love with his car and they were having... a relationship. I am scarred for life. Most disturbing thing ever. No

ahahah yeah I saw that!! it's scary but I am actually more scared of the families of these people scratch

That's an interesting viewpoint. It makes sense though, because their families are part of who they are and played a part in how they turned out. What happened to them growing up to make them so disturbed now?

exactly, most of the time it's their fault! how blind you have to be to ignore such a great issue in your son/daughter's life?? scratch

I think that's a big part of the problem. So many parents are in denial of their children's problems. I had one student that was a holy terror when I was teaching preschool. She was only 16 months old when I had to have a conference with her mother, but there was something wrong with that kid. She was extremely violent with the other kids, biting, hitting, pulling handfuls of hair out of their heads, etc. It was in no way normal toddler behavior and she turned my classroom into a war zone. I brought it to the attention of the school's director and she set up a conference. This mother was furious when I suggested that she consult her daughter's doctor about the matter and started yelling at me. I was looking out for the best interest of every child in my class, including her daughter. That kid ended up being kicked out of school after she moved up to the next class when she bit a child's face and broke the skin, then did the same thing to a teacher when she tried to remove her from the situation. Her mother still refused to admit her daughter had a problem.

wow that is just ridiculous! sometimes they just can't admit they're bad parents, i am scared of what their daughter is going to be in a few years!
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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PostSubject: Re: Spam   Spam - Page 39 Icon_minitimeWed Feb 22, 2012 12:56 pm

JimmyB wrote:
My room is clean though.
Honestly the only reality stuff I watch is" American Pickers, Pawn Stars, Mythbusters, The Voice, and that is is actually.

Your room is already clean? Then you can come clean by room. It looks like a tornado touched down in there. I will tackle that problem during spring break. How exciting for me, huh? I will spend part of my week off cleaning. Oh joy. Rolling Eyes

I have watched Pawn Stars a few times. It's pretty interesting! Have you ever watched Storage Wars on A&E?

Last edited by IrishNameAndAnInjury on Wed Feb 22, 2012 12:59 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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Location : Pennsylvania-The land of the Three Rivers.

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PostSubject: Re: Spam   Spam - Page 39 Icon_minitimeWed Feb 22, 2012 12:57 pm

Well....How about this? A girl I was friends with in highschool...used to talk etc...Now won't even acknowledge I said hi to her.....I honestly hate people anymore.
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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PostSubject: Re: Spam   Spam - Page 39 Icon_minitimeWed Feb 22, 2012 12:59 pm

plugga wrote:
IrishNameAndAnInjury wrote:
plugga wrote:
IrishNameAndAnInjury wrote:
plugga wrote:
IrishNameAndAnInjury wrote:
That was so funny. And to think that there really are people like that out there! We live in a freaky world.

Speaking of freaky, have any of you guys ever seen the show My Strange Addiction? Oh my gosh, those people are insane! I was flipping channels and saw an episode where a guy was in love with his car and they were having... a relationship. I am scarred for life. Most disturbing thing ever. No

ahahah yeah I saw that!! it's scary but I am actually more scared of the families of these people scratch

That's an interesting viewpoint. It makes sense though, because their families are part of who they are and played a part in how they turned out. What happened to them growing up to make them so disturbed now?

exactly, most of the time it's their fault! how blind you have to be to ignore such a great issue in your son/daughter's life?? scratch

I think that's a big part of the problem. So many parents are in denial of their children's problems. I had one student that was a holy terror when I was teaching preschool. She was only 16 months old when I had to have a conference with her mother, but there was something wrong with that kid. She was extremely violent with the other kids, biting, hitting, pulling handfuls of hair out of their heads, etc. It was in no way normal toddler behavior and she turned my classroom into a war zone. I brought it to the attention of the school's director and she set up a conference. This mother was furious when I suggested that she consult her daughter's doctor about the matter and started yelling at me. I was looking out for the best interest of every child in my class, including her daughter. That kid ended up being kicked out of school after she moved up to the next class when she bit a child's face and broke the skin, then did the same thing to a teacher when she tried to remove her from the situation. Her mother still refused to admit her daughter had a problem.

wow that is just ridiculous! sometimes they just can't admit they're bad parents, i am scared of what their daughter is going to be in a few years!

That scares me too! Sometimes when I take the girls places, I look around to see if I spot the mom anywhere. I haven't seen the kid since she was two years old, but if I see a child that I think could possibly be her, it makes me a little nervous! And yes, her mother was a terrible parent. She let her get away with everything and hardly ever spent time with her. She was at school from opening to closing every day. Very sad.
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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PostSubject: Re: Spam   Spam - Page 39 Icon_minitimeWed Feb 22, 2012 1:01 pm

aw that poor kid. Hopefully someone in her family will understand Sad
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