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 Boxer Bass Tabs

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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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PostSubject: Boxer Bass Tabs   Boxer Bass Tabs Icon_minitimeMon Sep 19, 2011 11:12 pm

Hey TGA Army! I'm a bass player (as a bit of a hobby) and i'm wondering if anyone has found or has written bass tabs to Boxer? i would very much appreciate it if anyone could post them! in return, i'll post a video of me playing it! Very Happy
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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PostSubject: Re: Boxer Bass Tabs   Boxer Bass Tabs Icon_minitimeTue Sep 20, 2011 2:25 am

It's a really simple song!

Intro, verse and chorus:

You can wait all night long part:

If you don't know what all those things mean:
A# = First fret of the A string.
G = Third fret of the E string.
D# = Sixth fret of the A string.
F = First fret of the E string.

That's all for standard tuning though, and Gaslight Anthem tune their instruments down one whole step, which basically means that:
A# = Third fret of the A string.
G = Loose A string/Fifth fret of the E string.
D# = First fret of the E string.
F = Third fret of the E string.

I'd go with the second option.
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First Among Equals
First Among Equals

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PostSubject: Re: Boxer Bass Tabs   Boxer Bass Tabs Icon_minitimeTue Sep 20, 2011 3:31 am

While I'm sure harbortown is probably correct with what he posted, he's a little 101 on gaslight

They play all their music a step down
Brian usually plays some form of Am F C G in alot of his songs
And as for bass Alex L is a very simple bassist and follows the root note of Brian's chord
-with this knowledge you can pretty much figure out alot of their songs on both guitar and bass(especially alot on 59 sound)

So either follow harbortown tab which knowing him is right, or go search up a boxer guitar tab and just play the root notes as mentioned and listen to the song for strumming/beats

If you need further tab outs on it feel free to ask
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PostSubject: Re: Boxer Bass Tabs   Boxer Bass Tabs Icon_minitime

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