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 That kid who leaked American Slang...

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I'da called you Woody
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That kid who leaked American Slang... Empty
PostSubject: That kid who leaked American Slang...   That kid who leaked American Slang... Icon_minitimeWed Nov 24, 2010 11:44 am

Did anyone ever hear what happened to him?
Can;t find mention of his name here, or AbsolutePunk, where I think he was mentioned as well.
I have a feeling steady now steady now might have his name somewhere.
Did he ever get brought to court? Does his name return anything interesting on Google?

I remember at the time I felt really bad for that kid. Things didn't look too good for him.
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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That kid who leaked American Slang... Empty
PostSubject: Re: That kid who leaked American Slang...   That kid who leaked American Slang... Icon_minitimeWed Nov 24, 2010 12:28 pm

how come i've never heard of this? what happened? did the band sue him or something?
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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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That kid who leaked American Slang... Empty
PostSubject: Re: That kid who leaked American Slang...   That kid who leaked American Slang... Icon_minitimeWed Nov 24, 2010 1:35 pm

Bea wrote:
how come i've never heard of this? what happened? did the band sue him or something?

No he leaked several albums I cant remember the details. I think he hacked a stream of several albums put up for press use. Essentially he got caught braking several laws not just copyright infringement.
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A Contender
A Contender

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That kid who leaked American Slang... Empty
PostSubject: Re: That kid who leaked American Slang...   That kid who leaked American Slang... Icon_minitimeWed Nov 24, 2010 2:10 pm

Yeah somehow he was able to gain access to a portal the record industry had been using to securely let certain media people have access to albums prior to their release date, for promotional reasons.

Apparently the kid just created an account and had access to all these albums before they were released. From what I remember aside from gaslight their weren't any real big releases coming out so it wasn't as bad as it could have been.

As a result American Slang leaked 2 months early.

The kid went on forums and was bragging about what he did. Then people took his posts and put them up all over the internet.

You can see a post he made here:


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That kid who leaked American Slang... Empty
PostSubject: Re: That kid who leaked American Slang...   That kid who leaked American Slang... Icon_minitimeFri Nov 26, 2010 4:51 pm

Wasn't a lady gaga album leaked as well? and well, that's a big release...
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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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That kid who leaked American Slang... Empty
PostSubject: Re: That kid who leaked American Slang...   That kid who leaked American Slang... Icon_minitimeFri Nov 26, 2010 4:58 pm

kuruptlon wrote:
Yeah somehow he was able to gain access to a portal the record industry had been using to securely let certain media people have access to albums prior to their release date, for promotional reasons.

Apparently the kid just created an account and had access to all these albums before they were released. From what I remember aside from gaslight their weren't any real big releases coming out so it wasn't as bad as it could have been.

As a result American Slang leaked 2 months early.

The kid went on forums and was bragging about what he did. Then people took his posts and put them up all over the internet.

You can see a post he made here:


The Black Keys got leaked then too. I think a couple other big name indie bands as well. I remember the guy being like "its not like anything major got leaked" or something like that.

Honestly, I don't see how you can feel bad for him. Leaking albums is a major no-no in my book.
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A Contender
A Contender

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That kid who leaked American Slang... Empty
PostSubject: Re: That kid who leaked American Slang...   That kid who leaked American Slang... Icon_minitimeSat Nov 27, 2010 2:33 am

thecosmickid wrote:
Wasn't a lady gaga album leaked as well? and well, that's a big release...

No, no lady gaga album leaked as a result of this hacker. They were mostly indie bands. The biggest albums were by GA, Hole, and Crystal Castles.

If he had hacked the system at a different time, before some big albums were coming out it probably could have been an even bigger deal.
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PostSubject: Re: That kid who leaked American Slang...   That kid who leaked American Slang... Icon_minitime

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