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A forum dedicated to The Gaslight Anthem - Brian Fallon says: ''For consistent and up to the minute stuff, Dimestore Saints is a great place to check out and hang with some really nice people.''
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A Contender
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PostSubject: Lyrics   Lyrics Icon_minitimeThu Nov 04, 2010 1:15 am

So I was inspired by TGA to take my song writing seriously and not just do it in passing. The passion they had in their live show made me want to get something out there. So if anyone is interested, I'll post my lyrics inspired by TGA, and Brian Fallon
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The Navesink Banks
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PostSubject: Re: Lyrics   Lyrics Icon_minitimeThu Nov 04, 2010 1:27 am

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A Contender
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PostSubject: Re: Lyrics   Lyrics Icon_minitimeThu Nov 04, 2010 1:41 am

I've got a label actually looking at these two songs plus a few others right now. Still waiting on a decision but these are the ones I sent to them. I have more TGA inspired songs, but like I said, if you all don't like these I'll stop and if you do, I'll keep going.

I was listening to Sometimes you eat the bar (Sometimes the bar eats you) by TCM and the words "You think about a smoking gun, stuck in my head, then I got hammering the beat on my steering wheel, and next thing I knew I had this song. It has a completely different beat than the TCM song, but it brought this out of me.

This one is called Skeleton

I can see the stars tonight their clear
I think it's bout time we caught that train
I need something to hold onto
I think I can feel a change

And you think about a smoking gun
That resides in your coat pocket
and you dream of a life
that's just to young to end right now
by the moonlight, don't you

And you look like a skeleton
I can see rite through you
and you look like a skeleton
I know all your moves before you do

And you look like a skeleton
I can see rite through you
and you look like a skeleton
I know all your moves before you do

There are things that I shoulda told you
about what happened last night
But if I did you wouldn't have listened
Cause you think you've got it all right

And I'm a give you one more chance
To pack your things and move along
Hurry up while times still ticking
Hurry up before you drop that bomb

And you look like a skeleton
I can see rite through you
and you look like a skeleton
I know all your moves before you do

And you look like a skeleton
I can see rite through you
and you look like a skeleton
I know all your moves before you do

And you think about a smoking gun
That resides in your coat pocket
and you dream of a life
that's just to young to end right now
by the moonlight, don't you

Then I was listening to She Loves You and then this song just came out. That's how I write a song, I get one line in my head and then everything else comes out and I can't stop it. I don't know if that's how your supposed to write a song, but I think it works for me.

This one is Trying to Communicate

Something in the morning
Appears to be dead
All the lines are getting crossed
And I can't remember what you said

Then you whisper
and it sounds like a scream
But no one's there
It's just a memory

And I need communication
A sound from far away
I need someone to answer
And I need to hear them say

That I'm here comin
Yeah I broke away
I just started runin
I'll get to you someday

The lights in the chapel
They all went low
Waitin for the sisters of mercy
to start their show

But no one's there to see it
They're all dead in the crowd
Everyone's got blank eyes
And an expressionless mouth

And I need communication
A sound from far away
I need someone to answer
And I need to hear them say

That I'm here comin
Yeah I broke away
I just started runin
I'll get to you someday

And though things are changin
They rarely get better
Like a break of sunshine
In Hurricane weather

The towns empty
cause of the storm
They all felt it comin
And bolted their doors

And I need communication
A sound from far away
I need someone to answer
And I need to hear them say

That I'm here comin
Yeah I broke away
I just started runin
I'll get to you someday
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A Contender
A Contender

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PostSubject: Re: Lyrics   Lyrics Icon_minitimeTue Nov 09, 2010 12:53 pm

I wrote some music for Trying to Communicate, this is what came out:
Stefan Kollee- Trying to Communicate
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A Contender
A Contender

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PostSubject: Re: Lyrics   Lyrics Icon_minitimeSat Dec 11, 2010 9:46 pm

Just run

All your problems are real
Well I think they're fake
Just keep them locked up
Either way

We can't seem to afford
For them to break loose
One more mistake
And that'll be us in the noose

I can't bear to see you
I can't beat to lose
I can't stop and think
For all that's left to do

We'll play it by earside
Do all that's to be done
If things get to hard
We can always just run

You can hold tight forever
Hang on as long as you can
But don't wait for mercy
She ain't comin to our defense

No were stuck out n the cold now
All we got is our arms
Mine don't seem to work to well
And knowing is the hardest part

I can't bear to see you
I can't beat to lose
I can't stop and think
For all that's left to do

We'll play it by earside
Do all that's to be done
If things get to hard
We can always just run

Keep your bottlerockets
Close to your hands
We could use a distraction
It's time that we ran

I can feel the end Coming
Approaching from all sides
We'll go down fighting
A war in each others eyes

I can't bear to see you
I can't beat to lose
I can't stop and think
For all that's left to do

We'll play it by earside
Do all that's to be done
If things get to hard
We can always just run

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A Contender
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PostSubject: Re: Lyrics   Lyrics Icon_minitimeSat Dec 11, 2010 11:50 pm

This is the one my friend thought was a gaslight anthem song, so obviously it's one of my favorites. Feel free to rip these apart if you don't like them, constructive criticism is always good, and I like all kinds.

The old johnny from way back this morning

Johnny was a romance veteran
In his old man eyes
He got those scars he wears so gently
During a harder time

What a great big world
For such a lonely heart
He took what he thought he knew
And just ripped it apart

Just a perfect stranger
For anyone to see
There came old Johnny riding
Back from this morning

He rode past the hillside
And drove down the road
Old Johnny from this morning
In his new man clothes

He knew what to do
Completely in control
Even if he wasn't
He'd still tell you so

Talking with a confidence
A southern gentleman style
He kept his past in his pocket
Where he'd let it stay for a while

Just a perfect stranger
For anyone to see
There came old Johnny riding
Back from this morning

He rode past the hillside
And drove down the road
Old Johnny from this morning
In his new man clothes

They tried to sell him road maps
Or giftboxes with bombs
But he had his own supply
He always carried along

He thought he knew the way
He had been their before
Still so many things in a memory
Just ain't there no more

Just a perfect stranger
For anyone to see
There came old Johnny riding
Back from this morning

He rode past the hillside
And drove down the road
Old Johnny from this morning
In his new man clothes
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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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PostSubject: Re: Lyrics   Lyrics Icon_minitimeSun Dec 12, 2010 9:02 pm

I like them , i can imagine this being quite a folky song .
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A Contender
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PostSubject: Re: Lyrics   Lyrics Icon_minitimeSun Dec 12, 2010 9:29 pm

That's the exact feel it had bouncing around my head. Glad you liked it. Very Happy
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A Contender
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PostSubject: Re: Lyrics   Lyrics Icon_minitimeMon Dec 20, 2010 8:46 pm

That's the song I sing I wrote and played out a table in a bar

I Knew Death Before She Died

I knew death
before she died
It was something about
something in her eyes

She had hands like bone
But it Had no affect
On the way she wore
That too black dress

We ran wide
To go far
Different places
In my car

Moved slow
Bust still fast
Had so many things
To outlast

It wise wild young nights
And innocent fire
Something in her hands
Something in her smile

It was honesty
In a dishonest way
It wasn't saying enough
Having so much to say

We ran wide
To go far
Different places
In my car

Moved slow
Bust still fast
Had so many things
To outlast

She kept the world in a necklace
Close to her breast
It held the light
When she held her breath

The night was closing
Just like the bar
We had to leave
That's what made it hard

We ran wide
To go far
Different places
In my car

Moved slow
Bust still fast
Had so many things
To outlast

I wrote a song about being young and not afraid of death and thinking it can't touch you. Then realizing death is out there and it's real. It makes you a little bit older in more then one way.

Last edited by GraveRobbers on Mon Dec 20, 2010 10:43 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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PostSubject: Re: Lyrics   Lyrics Icon_minitimeMon Dec 20, 2010 8:57 pm

you wrote that drunk? i couldnt even write something that good sober
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The '59 Sound
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PostSubject: Re: Lyrics   Lyrics Icon_minitimeMon Dec 20, 2010 8:59 pm

I knew death before she died

God I love stuff like that.
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A Contender
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PostSubject: Re: Lyrics   Lyrics Icon_minitimeMon Dec 20, 2010 9:30 pm

You guys really like it? I appreciate it.

Loazis, I was gunna name it that but for some random reason I didn't.
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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PostSubject: Re: Lyrics   Lyrics Icon_minitimeMon Dec 20, 2010 10:36 pm

you should i like that as a song title a lot
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A Contender
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PostSubject: Re: Lyrics   Lyrics Icon_minitimeMon Dec 20, 2010 10:44 pm

It's been changed. I'd love to hear someone sing it, or play something with it. I'm musically inept so it would fail big time.

Every time I read it, I get this picture of a really beautiful girl, except her hands and a little bit of her forearms, they are just bones nothing else. I've got a very over active imagination.
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A Contender
A Contender

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PostSubject: Re: Lyrics   Lyrics Icon_minitimeThu Jan 06, 2011 12:51 am

I added a little to I knew death before she died at the very end I had these lines come into my head, and in my head the music slows up and these words are supposed to be sung, but a little spoken to.

Though in death
I found love
and in love
I found life

I loved life
for a while
but never as much
as I did tonight.

I have been gone on a family vacation for a little while about 9 days. I went nine days and wrote nothing or just ideas that popped into my head to write later. I took my brother to gamestop, because he wanted a game and he's six so I can't really turn him down. I saw the sister of one of my ex girlfriends there. Here name is Melinda. This song is called Hey Melinda but it isn't about her, It is about her sister who I dated for a while.

Everything else is probably TMI and most people probably won't care, but here it is anyway.

I just saw her name on her bracelet and then I just wrote the song. I dated her sister when I just got out of a rough rocky relationship. So she was the rebound girl to get me back on my feet, and make me feel a little better about myself. Although she did that, but she had side effects. *I can't feel my hands* would be the bad stuff, but only minor stuff compared to her making things better *I can barely see the ghost.* The rest is just about the relationship. Rough and personal, but oh well.

Hey Melinda

I think you've got it Melinda
Or at least something close
I can't feel my hands
I can barely see the ghosts

Oh sweet Melinda
Just what have you done
Wrapped me up in lies
Sent me to burn in the sun

I can't stay mad forever
I guess you knew that to
Maybe that's why
You do everything you do

I can't stay mad forever
Probably wouldn't if I could
I think it's time to face it
Your to bad at being good

You got hair like a ravens
Almost like the nest
keep a notebook neatly written
Of all your sins left to confess

you still sleep through the daytime
And even nights like this
You keep all of my secrets
Hanging from your lips

I can't stay mad forever
I guess you knew that to
Maybe that's why
You do everything you do

I can't stay mad forever
Probably wouldn't if I could
I think it's time to face it
Your to bad at being good

Oh I tried to change you
In more ways then one
I'm the one always changing
Ripping apart coming undone

You picked up all the pieces
And stitched me up whole
Changing what you wanted
Leaving out my soul

I can't stay mad forever
I guess you knew that to
Maybe that's why
You do everything you do

I can't stay mad forever
Probably wouldn't if I could
I think it's time to face it
Your to bad at being good
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PostSubject: Re: Lyrics   Lyrics Icon_minitimeWed Jan 19, 2011 11:14 pm

I know probably no one reads this anymore, but hey I like to write. I hit a writing spree today, I wrote several songs, and ended with this song. It's about an old friend, who always though he knew best. He thought his views on life, morality, principals and everything else where the be al and end all, the standard for everyone to live by. He always wanted to share his problems and not listen if you had any. So that's why he's an old friend.

I called it Guess Who, because I hope one day he hears it, or it makes it's way somewhere.

Guess who

Your just like
That devil on my shoulder
Your so cliche
Now that I am older

Your pitchfork hurts
It's just a little sting
When I think of you now
I don't feel a thing

You try to say
It's in my interest
Interesting enough
The book of your regrets

I bought a copy
Signed edition
Read it for all
that you've been missing

You might wanna
Check in at the doctors
You keep going round
Just like a helicopter

Maybe you should go
To outer space
As long as your far
Away From this place

You try to say
It's in my interest
Interesting enough
The book of your regrets

I bought a copy
Signed edition
Read it for all
that you've been missing

You think your a star
On a movie screen
Late night ambitions
Are plain to be seen

The only one fooled
Is you your self
Don't swallow your lies
Ain't good for your health

You try to say
It's in my interest
Interesting enough
The book of your regrets

I bought a copy
Signed edition
Read it for all
that you've been missing
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