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 If you could choose the track order on American Slang how would you do it?

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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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If you could choose the track order on American Slang how would you do it? Empty
PostSubject: If you could choose the track order on American Slang how would you do it?   If you could choose the track order on American Slang how would you do it? Icon_minitimeFri Jun 25, 2010 8:27 pm

Here's my list.... you can choose to include "She Loves You" or not....

1. Spirit of Jazz
2. Stay Lucky
3. Bring It On
4. She Loves You
5. American Slang
6. Queen of Lower Chelsea
7. Orphans
8. Boxer
9. Diamond Church Street Choir
10. Old Haunts
11. We Did It When We Were Young
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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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If you could choose the track order on American Slang how would you do it? Empty
PostSubject: Re: If you could choose the track order on American Slang how would you do it?   If you could choose the track order on American Slang how would you do it? Icon_minitimeSat Jun 26, 2010 4:13 pm

The only thing I would change is adding She Loves you after Old Haunts.
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I'da called you Woody
I'da called you Woody

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If you could choose the track order on American Slang how would you do it? Empty
PostSubject: Re: If you could choose the track order on American Slang how would you do it?   If you could choose the track order on American Slang how would you do it? Icon_minitimeSat Jun 26, 2010 4:29 pm

01 American Slang
02 Stay Lucky
03 Bring It On
04 The
Diamond Church Street Choir
05 The Queen of Lower Chelsea
07 Boxer
08 Old Haunts
09 The Spirit of Jazz
10 She Loves You.
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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If you could choose the track order on American Slang how would you do it? Empty
PostSubject: Re: If you could choose the track order on American Slang how would you do it?   If you could choose the track order on American Slang how would you do it? Icon_minitimeSat Jun 26, 2010 5:08 pm

Daire wrote:
01 American Slang
02 Stay Lucky
03 Bring It On
04 The
Diamond Church Street Choir
05 The Queen of Lower Chelsea
07 Boxer
08 Old Haunts
09 The Spirit of Jazz
10 She Loves You.
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If you could choose the track order on American Slang how would you do it? Empty
PostSubject: Re: If you could choose the track order on American Slang how would you do it?   If you could choose the track order on American Slang how would you do it? Icon_minitimeThu Jul 01, 2010 3:10 pm

I'd just throw She Loves You on there somewhere.  I don't really care for AS as the opener, but I don't think it would really fit better anywhere else in the tracklist.
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If you could choose the track order on American Slang how would you do it? Empty
PostSubject: Re: If you could choose the track order on American Slang how would you do it?   If you could choose the track order on American Slang how would you do it? Icon_minitime

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If you could choose the track order on American Slang how would you do it?
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