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 American Slang $8.99 Pre-order price!

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American Slang $8.99 Pre-order price! Empty
PostSubject: American Slang $8.99 Pre-order price!   American Slang $8.99 Pre-order price! Icon_minitimeThu Apr 22, 2010 6:44 am

I found American Slang for only $8.99 for the CD and $9.99 for the LP when you order at the link below. I was pretty stoked about it so I thought I would share:
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Join date : 2008-10-09
Age : 38
Location : Ennsbach, Austria

American Slang $8.99 Pre-order price! Empty
PostSubject: Re: American Slang $8.99 Pre-order price!   American Slang $8.99 Pre-order price! Icon_minitimeThu Apr 22, 2010 6:47 am

sign up pal!
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Posts : 473
Join date : 2008-08-30
Age : 36
Location : Bristol, UK

American Slang $8.99 Pre-order price! Empty
PostSubject: Re: American Slang $8.99 Pre-order price!   American Slang $8.99 Pre-order price! Icon_minitimeThu Apr 22, 2010 6:57 am

In the UK we can order from play.com right now, I wasn't sure whether Gaslight had any special cd packages coming out or anything though, I doubt it for CD but didn't want to pre-order and suddently see a special edition come out or anything.

I'm gueessing if they were to do that it'd be for the vinyl people though.
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American Slang $8.99 Pre-order price! Empty
PostSubject: Re: American Slang $8.99 Pre-order price!   American Slang $8.99 Pre-order price! Icon_minitime

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American Slang $8.99 Pre-order price!
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