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 "Geraldine" in one of Brian's acoustic versions of a song....

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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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"Geraldine" in one of Brian's acoustic versions of a song.... Empty
PostSubject: "Geraldine" in one of Brian's acoustic versions of a song....   "Geraldine" in one of Brian's acoustic versions of a song.... Icon_minitimeMon Feb 08, 2010 3:16 pm

Hey guys! A few weeks back I heard Brian sing part of Glasvegas' "Geraldine" in one of his songs at some solo performance video I saw on youtube or maybe from a boot?

I can't remember where I heard it but does anyone know what I'm talking about or where I could find it again?

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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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"Geraldine" in one of Brian's acoustic versions of a song.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Geraldine" in one of Brian's acoustic versions of a song....   "Geraldine" in one of Brian's acoustic versions of a song.... Icon_minitimeMon Feb 08, 2010 4:14 pm

When I read the topic name I thought he played Chuck Ragan...

Not solo and acoustic but here's OWL live at T in the Park with the tag. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAtYQVtVbbA&feature=related
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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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"Geraldine" in one of Brian's acoustic versions of a song.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Geraldine" in one of Brian's acoustic versions of a song....   "Geraldine" in one of Brian's acoustic versions of a song.... Icon_minitimeMon Feb 08, 2010 4:26 pm

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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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"Geraldine" in one of Brian's acoustic versions of a song.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Geraldine" in one of Brian's acoustic versions of a song....   "Geraldine" in one of Brian's acoustic versions of a song.... Icon_minitimeMon Feb 08, 2010 4:28 pm

hmm, i just watched that video... i don't think that was the one... he sang it longer and a few times....

i'll keep looking!
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"Geraldine" in one of Brian's acoustic versions of a song.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Geraldine" in one of Brian's acoustic versions of a song....   "Geraldine" in one of Brian's acoustic versions of a song.... Icon_minitimeMon Feb 08, 2010 6:59 pm

Glasvegas is an amazing band
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"Geraldine" in one of Brian's acoustic versions of a song.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Geraldine" in one of Brian's acoustic versions of a song....   "Geraldine" in one of Brian's acoustic versions of a song.... Icon_minitime

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"Geraldine" in one of Brian's acoustic versions of a song....
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