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 Brians acoustic sesh for the current bun

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steady now steady now
Down by the Mersey
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Brians acoustic sesh for the current bun Empty
PostSubject: Brians acoustic sesh for the current bun   Brians acoustic sesh for the current bun Icon_minitimeFri Jul 03, 2009 7:18 am


Great version of hallelujah.
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Brians acoustic sesh for the current bun Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brians acoustic sesh for the current bun   Brians acoustic sesh for the current bun Icon_minitimeFri Jul 03, 2009 1:37 pm

thanks! hallelujah is amazing... the other 2 videos are great too!
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Brians acoustic sesh for the current bun Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brians acoustic sesh for the current bun   Brians acoustic sesh for the current bun Icon_minitimeFri Jul 03, 2009 2:57 pm

Thanks! i just heard Hallelujah for the first time a couple days ago...and low and behold, Brian covers it lol THANKS BRIAN! Very Happy
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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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Brians acoustic sesh for the current bun Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brians acoustic sesh for the current bun   Brians acoustic sesh for the current bun Icon_minitimeFri Jul 03, 2009 3:33 pm

I usually avoid any version of Hallalujah other than Jeff Buckley's + Cohen's.

But that was incredible.
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I'da called you Woody
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Brians acoustic sesh for the current bun Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brians acoustic sesh for the current bun   Brians acoustic sesh for the current bun Icon_minitimeFri Jul 03, 2009 4:55 pm

Can someone capture those 3 songs and post em so we can add them to the list
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I'da called you Woody
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Brians acoustic sesh for the current bun Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brians acoustic sesh for the current bun   Brians acoustic sesh for the current bun Icon_minitimeFri Jul 03, 2009 5:46 pm

from Tobi in this thread - https://thegaslightanthem.forumotion.com/news-f4/gaslight-anthem-on-the-sun-bizsessions-video-t1040.htm

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Brians acoustic sesh for the current bun Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brians acoustic sesh for the current bun   Brians acoustic sesh for the current bun Icon_minitimeFri Jul 03, 2009 8:17 pm

Thanks for the capture! Gonna hold on to this one.
BTW, we gotta coordinate this stuff somehow. I think this session was posted in another section too....
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Red In The Morning
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Brians acoustic sesh for the current bun Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brians acoustic sesh for the current bun   Brians acoustic sesh for the current bun Icon_minitimeFri Jul 03, 2009 8:46 pm

I was choked when i couldn't copy it from the Sun site and youtube just had the one minute clip up. Came straight here though and sure enough.
thanks for the up
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Down by the Mersey
Down by the Mersey

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Brians acoustic sesh for the current bun Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brians acoustic sesh for the current bun   Brians acoustic sesh for the current bun Icon_minitimeSat Jul 04, 2009 4:20 am

I'm gutted that Brian has got involved with this despicable so called newspaper. I'm sure the songs are amazing as usual, but sadly I won't be clicking on any link to the "scum". Hopefuuly the band can gain press coverage in the UK without having to get involved with this lot in future.

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steady now steady now
The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks
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Brians acoustic sesh for the current bun Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brians acoustic sesh for the current bun   Brians acoustic sesh for the current bun Icon_minitimeSun Jul 05, 2009 12:04 pm

Down by the Mersey wrote:
I'm gutted that Brian has got involved with this despicable so called newspaper. I'm sure the songs are amazing as usual, but sadly I won't be clicking on any link to the "scum". Hopefuuly the band can gain press coverage in the UK without having to get involved with this lot in future.


I agree that the Sun is dreadful, not just for the Liverpool reasons. I am not sure whether Brian really would have had a notion of 'getting involved' with the Sun.

I do wonder what it means as a measure of TGA's success though, being noticed by the Sun. It is the UK's biggest selling newspaper after all.

Last edited by steady now steady now on Sun Jul 05, 2009 12:17 pm; edited 1 time in total
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I'da called you Woody
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Brians acoustic sesh for the current bun Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brians acoustic sesh for the current bun   Brians acoustic sesh for the current bun Icon_minitimeSun Jul 05, 2009 12:11 pm

You could hardly expect Brian to be aware of the situation with the paper.

And I wouldn't exactly call it "getting involved". They recorded him doing some songs which they'll only be able to show on their site. It's not gonna boost their circulation much.

It's despicible what they did, but I don't think ya can put any blame at Brian's feet.

By the way, feel free to send the guys a mail on MySpace if you want about these goons, it'll get read by them.

Last edited by Daire on Sun Jul 05, 2009 12:25 pm; edited 1 time in total
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steady now steady now
The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks
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Brians acoustic sesh for the current bun Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brians acoustic sesh for the current bun   Brians acoustic sesh for the current bun Icon_minitimeSun Jul 05, 2009 12:18 pm

Daire wrote:
You could hardly expect Brian to be aware of the situation with the paper.

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The Navesink Banks
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Brians acoustic sesh for the current bun Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brians acoustic sesh for the current bun   Brians acoustic sesh for the current bun Icon_minitimeSun Jul 05, 2009 2:07 pm

I'm from the US, so could you enlighten me as to what's so bad about The Sun?
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The '59 Sound
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Brians acoustic sesh for the current bun Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brians acoustic sesh for the current bun   Brians acoustic sesh for the current bun Icon_minitimeSun Jul 05, 2009 2:18 pm


Have a read
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I'da called you Woody
I'da called you Woody

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PostSubject: Re: Brians acoustic sesh for the current bun   Brians acoustic sesh for the current bun Icon_minitimeSun Jul 05, 2009 2:41 pm


There's more reading on the specific problem DBTM has with the rag. (I assume)
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Down by the Mersey
Down by the Mersey

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PostSubject: Re: Brians acoustic sesh for the current bun   Brians acoustic sesh for the current bun Icon_minitimeSun Jul 05, 2009 3:19 pm

Guys thanks for the further posts on the subject. As you can imagine this is a subject very close to my heart and I like many others in Liverpool and the rest of the UK are looking for Justice.

I was just surprised to see the link the other day with Brian's session. I understand that Brian and the guys would have no idea about the S*n and its past. I just didn't ever imagine GLA and that paper would ever be linked. I have sent Brian a link via his Twitter account for his info and will do the same to Myspace. Anyway looking forward to seeing the band again later in the year at Leeds and will still be singing my little heart out.
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Brians acoustic sesh for the current bun Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brians acoustic sesh for the current bun   Brians acoustic sesh for the current bun Icon_minitimeSun Jul 05, 2009 6:22 pm

I admit the Sun website is the last place I expected Brian Fallon to pop up.
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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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Brians acoustic sesh for the current bun Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brians acoustic sesh for the current bun   Brians acoustic sesh for the current bun Icon_minitimeMon Jul 06, 2009 3:06 pm

this board is the best! thanks for this!
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Down by the Mersey
Down by the Mersey

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Brians acoustic sesh for the current bun Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brians acoustic sesh for the current bun   Brians acoustic sesh for the current bun Icon_minitimeThu Jan 21, 2010 5:58 pm

Just listened to the Bowery Ballroom bootleg of Brian's solo show and found that my concern about Brian recording a song with the S*n was mentioned by the man himself. I almost dropped my ipod when I heard him talking about some guy giving him a hard time for doing it! Brians acoustic sesh for the current bun Affraid

It was just so weird to hear Brian talking about it to a group of New Yorkers!
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PostSubject: Re: Brians acoustic sesh for the current bun   Brians acoustic sesh for the current bun Icon_minitime

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