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 Rochester, NY review (7 Oct. 09)

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steady now steady now
The Navesink Banks
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Rochester, NY review (7 Oct. 09) Empty
PostSubject: Rochester, NY review (7 Oct. 09)   Rochester, NY review (7 Oct. 09) Icon_minitimeThu Oct 08, 2009 7:54 am

found at drbristol.wordpress.com/2009/10/07/live-gaslight-anthem/

Live: Gaslight Anthem

Not my little secret any longer.

Last year I wrote about The Gaslight Anthem and their album The ‘59 Sound with unabashed fervor. I placed it in my Top 25 last year with a bullet, because I thought I stumbled across the Missing Link between Bruce Springsteen and The Clash. Here’s what I wrote:

I usually have a bone to pick with any CD that starts with the sound of a needle dropping onto a vinyl record, as if to say “we’re old school rock”. But when you back it up musically, like The Gaslight Anthem does with its Springsteen-from-Dublin approach, all is forgiven. Like The Boss, they’re from Jersey, and this energetic, sing-along, punk-tinged quartet bleeds Bruce’s social observations, wanton loneliness and escapist angst without sounding like a wannabe copycat band. Musically they’re closer to a combination of the rhythmic Edge-like guitar chop of U2 and the sonic political energy of The Clash and…well, early U2.
Having “anthem” as part of their name is appropriate; their literate, lyrical songs resonate with importance and are sold with the passionate vocals of Brian Fallon. I can’t listen to “The Patient Ferris Wheel” or “Meet Me By The River’s edge” without stifling the reflex to pogo up and down, pumping my fist…not the best combination when driving. Of course, once I noticed that former Flogging Molly guitarist Ted Hutt produced it that explained everything. Hard to believe a band gets this good in two and a half years, but this album is so impressive that I’m grabbing their earlier effort on good faith.

Seeing them live tonight reinforced every thought.

What can I say? Brian Fallon had the crowd in the palm of his hand the moment he walked on stage. The rest of the night? He juggled them. And I’m not certain if drummer Benny Horowitz had an unlit cigarette or a lollipop in his mouth the entire night, but whether he was channeling James Dean or Kojak didn’t matter. He threw the pulse of the band on his back and carried that weight; all chops and no show-off. Bassist Alex Levine is a massive physical presence, especially next to the comparably diminutive Fallon. His bass thundered all night, but who would dare tell him to lower one notch? The crowd, fixated on every move, clapped when he clapped and sang when he sang, as if he was the official audience conductor.

I was wondering why guitarist Alex Rosamilia appeared shy by comparison, forgoing the front line to remain a few steps back stage right, at times bent in half as if bowing to the rhythm. I soon realized that the cacophony of sounds (strings here, accordion there… a horn section?) was emanating from his flavored playing. While Fallon was hammering out the path forward with choppy rhythms, Rosamilia was aural popcorn, splattering a Jason Pollack potpourri of soundscape that made no two songs sound alike.

The Water Street Music Hallwas packed, and although the crowd skewed pretty young compared to most, this was a revival meeting from the jump. Sing-alongs, fist-pumping accolades, a well-earned four-song encore and a captive audience that left as sweat-soaked and drained as the band. The Gaslight Anthem earned every penny tonight, and I suspect they do every night. They ripped through most of the new album – half of which are anthems – along with a couple of cuts each from Senor and the Queen and Sink or Swim. One more gig and then they’re off to teach Europe a lesson.

And somehow I thought they were still my little secret? Oh, foolish mortal!

by Dr. Bristol

Last edited by steady now steady now on Thu Oct 08, 2009 11:52 am; edited 1 time in total
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Rochester, NY review (7 Oct. 09) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rochester, NY review (7 Oct. 09)   Rochester, NY review (7 Oct. 09) Icon_minitimeThu Oct 08, 2009 11:42 am

What's he talking about Europe?
They're going to play in the US the whole month right..?
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Reinvent good times
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Rochester, NY review (7 Oct. 09) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rochester, NY review (7 Oct. 09)   Rochester, NY review (7 Oct. 09) Icon_minitimeThu Oct 08, 2009 12:40 pm

they better not be going to Europe, I'm heading to Buffalo on Monday..Roadtripping from Pittsburgh. Can't wait. Come on 1930.
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Dr Brist

Rochester, NY review (7 Oct. 09) Empty
PostSubject: Oops! Sorry for the mixup - good catch!   Rochester, NY review (7 Oct. 09) Icon_minitimeThu Oct 08, 2009 2:15 pm

Bad cut and paste from my draft on Marah...they're headed to Europe after a couple of gigs (Buffalo, Toronto). It's corrected now - thanks for the catch!

Sorry for any confusion - happens when you race home from a gig and try to dump yoru brainpan into the keyboard that quickly.
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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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Rochester, NY review (7 Oct. 09) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rochester, NY review (7 Oct. 09)   Rochester, NY review (7 Oct. 09) Icon_minitimeFri Oct 09, 2009 4:37 pm

amazing show. anyone have the full setlist?

met Brian and got his guitar pick. some pictures I took:
Rochester, NY review (7 Oct. 09) 315egyo
Rochester, NY review (7 Oct. 09) Bgo9rt
Rochester, NY review (7 Oct. 09) Nycyvl
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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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Rochester, NY review (7 Oct. 09) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rochester, NY review (7 Oct. 09)   Rochester, NY review (7 Oct. 09) Icon_minitimeSat Oct 10, 2009 2:42 am

For the next time TGA plays nearby, I'm curious as to what you guys do to actually meet them. Is it just a matter of waiting outside of the venue for them to appear after the show? Or are there more complex procedures one has to follow?
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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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Rochester, NY review (7 Oct. 09) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rochester, NY review (7 Oct. 09)   Rochester, NY review (7 Oct. 09) Icon_minitimeWed Oct 14, 2009 12:51 am

CluckyB wrote:
For the next time TGA plays nearby, I'm curious as to what you guys do to actually meet them. Is it just a matter of waiting outside of the venue for them to appear after the show? Or are there more complex procedures one has to follow?
it was kind of luck. the tour bus was parked alongside the main parking lot behind the venue. he happened to be standing outside the bus and about 10 of us were able to meet him.

so basically find the tour bus before the show and make sure to get out there as soon as the show ends.
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PostSubject: Re: Rochester, NY review (7 Oct. 09)   Rochester, NY review (7 Oct. 09) Icon_minitime

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