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 T in The Park - reviews, etc.

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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks
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T in The Park - reviews, etc. Empty
PostSubject: T in The Park - reviews, etc.   T in The Park - reviews, etc. Icon_minitimeSun Jul 12, 2009 2:11 pm

Here is NME's online review:


Gaslight Anthem give shout-out to Glasvegas at T In The Park

The Gaslight Anthem played a rousing set on T In The Park's NME/Radio 1 Stage today (July 12), paying homage to Glasvegas in the process.

During the coda of 'The '59 Sound' frontman Brian Fallon sang "My name is Geraldine, I'm your social worker" in tribute to the Glasgow band's song 'Geraldine'. Glasvegas played a rapturously-received set of their own last night at the Scottish festival.

The New Jersey band's set, which started an hour later than previously billed thanks to The Game pulling out of his scheduled slot, drew most heavily from their second album 'The '59 Sound'.

However, older tracks such as fan-favourite 'Say I Won't (Recognise)' went down a storm among the large crowd, who clapped and sang along heartily.

The day was also a momentous one for Fallon, who announced that it was his fifth wedding anniversary. "Thanks to you guys for making my wife's mum not think I'm a chump!" he told the audience.

The Gaslight Anthem played:

'High Lonesome'
'Casanova, Baby!'
'Old White Lincoln'
'Even Cowgirls Get The Blues'
'Film Noir'
'The '59 Sound'
'Say I Won’t (Recognise)'
'Miles Davis & The Cool'
'Great Expectations'
'Meet Me By The River's Edge'
'The Backseat'
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I'da called you Woody
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T in The Park - reviews, etc. Empty
PostSubject: Re: T in The Park - reviews, etc.   T in The Park - reviews, etc. Icon_minitimeSun Jul 12, 2009 2:33 pm

nice one cheers for posting! looks like they went down well and what a way to celebrate your 5th wedding anniversary!
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A Contender
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T in The Park - reviews, etc. Empty
PostSubject: Re: T in The Park - reviews, etc.   T in The Park - reviews, etc. Icon_minitimeSun Jul 12, 2009 3:40 pm

Sounds great.
I'm going to see if they're on the T highlights on tv later (BBC 3 Wink) 'though I don't expect they will be. Might be online later in the week.
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T in The Park - reviews, etc. Empty
PostSubject: Re: T in The Park - reviews, etc.   T in The Park - reviews, etc. Icon_minitimeSun Jul 12, 2009 4:29 pm

I know there's been highlights on BBC3. I recorded the whole Killers set last night, hoping they'll show some Gaslight!!
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A Contender
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PostSubject: Re: T in The Park - reviews, etc.   T in The Park - reviews, etc. Icon_minitimeSun Jul 12, 2009 4:49 pm

yeah. I'm watching now, it's been Lily Allen, Elbow, Bloc Party, Pendulum...
The Killers set was great last night though. Watched all of that.
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PostSubject: Re: T in The Park - reviews, etc.   T in The Park - reviews, etc. Icon_minitimeSun Jul 12, 2009 5:26 pm

"Thanks to you
guys for making my wife's mum not think I'm a chump!" he told the

Haha, love it!
And heads up, someone was less than charitable to the Gaslight Anthem in his review of this show... see the TGA Army thread.
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T in The Park - reviews, etc. Empty
PostSubject: T review   T in The Park - reviews, etc. Icon_minitimeTue Jul 14, 2009 4:39 am

Felt I had to join the forum after seeing TGA at T in the Park. To put it simply, my wife had heard that they had played with Bruce at Glastonbury, and, having tickets to see him (Tonight, at Hampden, Glasgow), we decided to check out TGA. Needless to say, I was blown away. I didn't know anything about them before, but I am now a convert to the band and have downloaded the albums from itunes. They were the second band on that day, on the second stage at T in the Park, but the crowd really responded to them and gave them a great reception. You could tell from Brians face that they were loving it up there. Now I can't wait to see if they come back here sometime soon as I would love to see them doing a full set. One of my highlights of the weekend. I love finding "new" bands to listen to. I know thay are not new to most of the fans on here, but they have added at least two to the number of fans in the UK, but I would expect there will be a few more also, who were there as well.
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A Contender
A Contender

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PostSubject: Re: T in The Park - reviews, etc.   T in The Park - reviews, etc. Icon_minitimeTue Jul 14, 2009 4:47 am

Excellent. Glad you enjoyed them. Smile
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks
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PostSubject: Re: T in The Park - reviews, etc.   T in The Park - reviews, etc. Icon_minitimeTue Jul 14, 2009 5:31 am

dave wrote:
Felt I had to join the forum after seeing TGA at T in the Park. To put it simply, my wife had heard that they had played with Bruce at Glastonbury, and, having tickets to see him (Tonight, at Hampden, Glasgow), we decided to check out TGA. Needless to say, I was blown away. I didn't know anything about them before, but I am now a convert to the band and have downloaded the albums from itunes. They were the second band on that day, on the second stage at T in the Park, but the crowd really responded to them and gave them a great reception. You could tell from Brians face that they were loving it up there. Now I can't wait to see if they come back here sometime soon as I would love to see them doing a full set. One of my highlights of the weekend. I love finding "new" bands to listen to. I know thay are not new to most of the fans on here, but they have added at least two to the number of fans in the UK, but I would expect there will be a few more also, who were there as well.

great news; I'm really glad you two have seen the light

as for joining the forum, to which you are very welcome, why not register, rather than post as a guest
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PostSubject: Re: T in The Park - reviews, etc.   T in The Park - reviews, etc. Icon_minitime

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