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 Help/advice on setting up my own blog or web site

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Help/advice on setting up my own blog or web site Empty
PostSubject: Help/advice on setting up my own blog or web site   Help/advice on setting up my own blog or web site Icon_minitimeFri Dec 06, 2013 8:22 pm

Hi all

I am a regular writer/contributor to an online music fanzine. Unfortunately, the owner is looking to pack it in shortly and whilst I may have the opportunity to write for some different on line sites I am contemplating setting up my own.

I have started doing some research and I am thinking of initially setting something up on word press. I will also probably look to get my own domain name so I have some independence.

I wouldn't hold myself out as any sort of IT expert so really need something simple and not too time consuming.

I should add, that this is purely a hobby which I do for the love of music so the only thing I hope to earn out of it is the odd free album or gig ticket.

Anyone have any tips,advice or suggestions of things to look at??

Any help very gratefully received Smile

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Help/advice on setting up my own blog or web site
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