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 gig ft. members of TGA, Spiro Agnew, The Killing Gift, This Charming Man, Cincinnati Rail Tie, Amping Cooper, and The Low End Theory

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steady now steady now
The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks
steady now steady now

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gig ft. members of TGA, Spiro Agnew, The Killing Gift, This Charming Man, Cincinnati Rail Tie, Amping Cooper, and The Low End Theory Empty
PostSubject: gig ft. members of TGA, Spiro Agnew, The Killing Gift, This Charming Man, Cincinnati Rail Tie, Amping Cooper, and The Low End Theory   gig ft. members of TGA, Spiro Agnew, The Killing Gift, This Charming Man, Cincinnati Rail Tie, Amping Cooper, and The Low End Theory Icon_minitimeSun Nov 21, 2010 10:29 am

Here's a December 2010 gig featuring members of just about all the 'earlier bands' that TGA were in. Just check out the small print in the poster.

And fancy that, the four man 'Something About Death Or Dying', which includes Alex R., features members of 22 bands !

gig ft. members of TGA, Spiro Agnew, The Killing Gift, This Charming Man, Cincinnati Rail Tie, Amping Cooper, and The Low End Theory SADOD16December2010

Last edited by steady now steady now on Sun Nov 21, 2010 12:11 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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gig ft. members of TGA, Spiro Agnew, The Killing Gift, This Charming Man, Cincinnati Rail Tie, Amping Cooper, and The Low End Theory Empty
PostSubject: Re: gig ft. members of TGA, Spiro Agnew, The Killing Gift, This Charming Man, Cincinnati Rail Tie, Amping Cooper, and The Low End Theory   gig ft. members of TGA, Spiro Agnew, The Killing Gift, This Charming Man, Cincinnati Rail Tie, Amping Cooper, and The Low End Theory Icon_minitimeSun Nov 21, 2010 12:09 pm

Definitely checking out this show.
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gig ft. members of TGA, Spiro Agnew, The Killing Gift, This Charming Man, Cincinnati Rail Tie, Amping Cooper, and The Low End Theory Empty
PostSubject: Re: gig ft. members of TGA, Spiro Agnew, The Killing Gift, This Charming Man, Cincinnati Rail Tie, Amping Cooper, and The Low End Theory   gig ft. members of TGA, Spiro Agnew, The Killing Gift, This Charming Man, Cincinnati Rail Tie, Amping Cooper, and The Low End Theory Icon_minitimeFri Dec 17, 2010 3:11 pm

So, did anyone go?
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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Join date : 2010-05-06
Location : Back In The Swamps of Jersey

gig ft. members of TGA, Spiro Agnew, The Killing Gift, This Charming Man, Cincinnati Rail Tie, Amping Cooper, and The Low End Theory Empty
PostSubject: Re: gig ft. members of TGA, Spiro Agnew, The Killing Gift, This Charming Man, Cincinnati Rail Tie, Amping Cooper, and The Low End Theory   gig ft. members of TGA, Spiro Agnew, The Killing Gift, This Charming Man, Cincinnati Rail Tie, Amping Cooper, and The Low End Theory Icon_minitimeFri Dec 17, 2010 3:25 pm

I had my office Christmas party last night and was too tipsy/lazy to take the PATH to Hoboken.
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gig ft. members of TGA, Spiro Agnew, The Killing Gift, This Charming Man, Cincinnati Rail Tie, Amping Cooper, and The Low End Theory Empty
PostSubject: Re: gig ft. members of TGA, Spiro Agnew, The Killing Gift, This Charming Man, Cincinnati Rail Tie, Amping Cooper, and The Low End Theory   gig ft. members of TGA, Spiro Agnew, The Killing Gift, This Charming Man, Cincinnati Rail Tie, Amping Cooper, and The Low End Theory Icon_minitime

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gig ft. members of TGA, Spiro Agnew, The Killing Gift, This Charming Man, Cincinnati Rail Tie, Amping Cooper, and The Low End Theory
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