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 My Band

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A Contender
A Contender

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Age : 32
Location : Binghamton, NY

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PostSubject: My Band   My Band Icon_minitimeThu Jul 17, 2008 8:56 pm

The Rot - S/T
So this is the punk rock band i play bass in. We're called 'The Rot' (which i prefer to think of as an acronym that constantly changes, as opposed to the literal meaning). The band started in 2005, i joined this year (all songs written before i joined). This is our only decently recorded release (there have been previous demos which were pretty bad). Its got 7 relatively solid songs. We recorded it in March and April of this year on my 8-track, and its currently the only release on my 'label' (Medical Records). We usually only sell them at shows, but ive decided that its time to try and sell it through more widespread means. We usually sell them for $3, and we try to give away our hand-stamped cloth/burlap patches when people buy it. Theres an error in the insert, our second guitarist who recently quit (on good terms), is still listed.
So if your interested in a copy, PM me and we can work everything out.
Heres a picture of it (some earlier copies are in colored sleeves):
My Band Ve4pwz
and heres a little sample of what i consider the best song off of it.
Suburban Nightmare
So order it!
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

Posts : 1961
Join date : 2008-07-04
Age : 35
Location : Dallas , Tx

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PostSubject: Re: My Band   My Band Icon_minitimeFri Jul 18, 2008 5:01 am

thats cool dude
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