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 Spare ticket for Friday 20 July at Hammersmith Apollo

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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

Posts : 2
Join date : 2018-07-19

Spare ticket for Friday 20 July at Hammersmith Apollo Empty
PostSubject: Spare ticket for Friday 20 July at Hammersmith Apollo   Spare ticket for Friday 20 July at Hammersmith Apollo Icon_minitimeThu Jul 19, 2018 8:05 am

Hi everyone,

I've got a spare ticket for tomorrow. I paid £42.50 (inc fees & postage) on the fan club pre-sale. Open to offers. I'll be going anyway so let me know if you're interested and I'll meet you before the gig. Thanks :-)

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Spare ticket for Friday 20 July at Hammersmith Apollo
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