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 Brian Tops Star Ledger's "25 Bands Leading NJ's New Rock Movement"

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Brian Tops Star Ledger's "25 Bands Leading NJ's New Rock Movement" Empty
PostSubject: Brian Tops Star Ledger's "25 Bands Leading NJ's New Rock Movement"   Brian Tops Star Ledger's "25 Bands Leading NJ's New Rock Movement" Icon_minitimeThu Oct 13, 2016 6:02 pm

Bobby Oliver of Advance Media (publishers of the Newark Star Ledger, Jersey City Journal etc.) published a list of "25 Bands Leading NJ's New Rock Movement"    

Brian was #1.  Jared Hart/The Scandals also made the list.  (Noticeably absent: the Bouncing Souls Shocked ) and I'm proud to say my friend's band The Vansaders did too.  I found a few more (Victory Boulevard & Hodera, for starters) to check out. There's also a Spotify playlist
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The '59 Sound
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Brian Tops Star Ledger's "25 Bands Leading NJ's New Rock Movement" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brian Tops Star Ledger's "25 Bands Leading NJ's New Rock Movement"   Brian Tops Star Ledger's "25 Bands Leading NJ's New Rock Movement" Icon_minitimeFri Oct 14, 2016 6:20 pm

its great to see Jared also listed
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A Contender
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Brian Tops Star Ledger's "25 Bands Leading NJ's New Rock Movement" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brian Tops Star Ledger's "25 Bands Leading NJ's New Rock Movement"   Brian Tops Star Ledger's "25 Bands Leading NJ's New Rock Movement" Icon_minitimeTue Oct 18, 2016 12:51 pm

The Souls have been around for 27 years, so it's not too surprising that they'd get left off a list like that, but it's great to see Brian getting some recognition!
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A Contender
A Contender

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Brian Tops Star Ledger's "25 Bands Leading NJ's New Rock Movement" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brian Tops Star Ledger's "25 Bands Leading NJ's New Rock Movement"   Brian Tops Star Ledger's "25 Bands Leading NJ's New Rock Movement" Icon_minitimeWed Oct 19, 2016 10:19 am

pleasepassthesoup wrote:
The Souls have been around for 27 years, so it's not too surprising that they'd get left off a list like that, but it's great to see Brian getting some recognition!

Yea that makes sense, I guess Brian is still seen as "up and coming" because it's his first solo effort.

I'm proud that my friend's band The Vansaders made this list, and I found two new ones (so far) to follow: Hodera and Victory Boulevard. Going to see the former next month.
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PostSubject: Re: Brian Tops Star Ledger's "25 Bands Leading NJ's New Rock Movement"   Brian Tops Star Ledger's "25 Bands Leading NJ's New Rock Movement" Icon_minitime

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