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 The Gaslight Anthem find new fire - a heart to heart with Brian Fallon

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First Among Equals
First Among Equals

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The Gaslight Anthem find new fire - a heart to heart with Brian Fallon Empty
PostSubject: The Gaslight Anthem find new fire - a heart to heart with Brian Fallon   The Gaslight Anthem find new fire - a heart to heart with Brian Fallon Icon_minitimeWed Aug 20, 2014 3:13 am


In addition to this need of redefining what constitutes The Gaslight Anthem, Fallon was experiencing his own personal hardships, including a divorce. The resulting trauma, at least in his case, definitely equalled more focused art. “There are a lot of things available in this world to turn to when you’re going through a downer, when you’re kind of bummed out. There’s a lot of alleyways you can walk down; drugs, drinking, women, men…whatever you want to do. And then there’s also this avenue that’s called, ‘Well, I gotta just look at myself, and I’m going to work through it.’” That’s the path Fallon chose, not to make him seem overly righteous.

It’s a simple-sounding philosophy to some, but the very Christian Fallon was able to overcome his bad situation and “multiple, interpersonal turmoil” thanks to his faith in himself and his talent. “Thank God I had this music thing that I was like y’know what, if you just maybe put some time aside every single day and you just do this thing that you love, you don’t have to worry about anything else for that amount of time.” With Robin Williams’ suicide the day before still on everyone’s lips, it was almost impossible not to bring up the subject of what the comedian must have been feeling. “It’s real hard for people that have any kind of inner struggle,” Fallon tried to empathize. “That’s the worst struggle you can have, because you can’t blame anybody else. You can’t really fix it either, ’cause it’s inside of you and you don’t get any peace from yourself”.

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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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The Gaslight Anthem find new fire - a heart to heart with Brian Fallon Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Gaslight Anthem find new fire - a heart to heart with Brian Fallon   The Gaslight Anthem find new fire - a heart to heart with Brian Fallon Icon_minitimeWed Aug 20, 2014 7:40 pm

interesting reading!!
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The Gaslight Anthem find new fire - a heart to heart with Brian Fallon
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