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 DSS Forum Update!

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First Among Equals
First Among Equals

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PostSubject: DSS Forum Update!   DSS Forum Update! Icon_minitimeWed May 14, 2014 4:41 pm

Hey all, The admins have been bouncing some ideas back and forth and came to an agreement on some new rules/features that we think will be beneficial to the forum. Hopefully these changes will bring some balance to some things and make some other areas more active.

1. On the Portal page we've done away with the Top posters area. We felt some of the numbers were getting way too high for the average DSS user to achieve. And out of fairness, to the more active users around the forum today, we have switched it to a "Top Posters of the Month". This way its always resetting and we can acknowledge more people for their contributions to the forum.

2. The Introduce Yourself section of the forum has now been made into the only section new members can post into. When they post there, for their first post, they will be automatically added to a group called "DSS Members' which will unlock the rest of the forum. All current DSS memebers with 1 post or more were added automatically and it does not affect the current readability of the forum. So now we have a sure way to welcome everyone into the community! Be sure to say hi!

3. The DSS Army. The purpose of the area as it was initially created for hasn't really worked too well. So we've decided to repurpose it. Along with its initial purpose- All TGA (and side-projects too) inspired fan creations will be moved over here. This includes TGA Covers, Tattoos, Artworks, Paintings etc. Its also going to be an area where you can post what TGA has meant to you in your life. We've seen a few people share some cool stories so why not more? We'll begin sorting through and moving older, and current topics to this area. If you happen to find a post not moved please message an admin.

4. The DSS Lounge/Off the Record. You may have noticed the section disappeared. We decided to switch it to an auto subscribe of 100 posts out of fairness. It was becoming difficult to pick and choose who can gain access to that area so we decided to streamline the process. Unfortunately it also kicked some people out of the group who were already Okayed since they were below the 100. Please contact us for assistance.

***We are looking for ways to expand on the Lounge area. So if you have any ideas of special exclusives for DSS members let us know. Currently we have things like our transcripts from chats with the band members up over there and we are discussing more exclusives. But anything you think would be a cool exclusive let us hear them!

We are always discussing new ways to improve the forum. We like these and we hope you do too. If you have anyway to expand on any of these or any new ideas of your own please share. We're always listening.

Thanks guys

- DSS Admins

Last edited by Debonair on Wed May 14, 2014 9:08 pm; edited 2 times in total
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DSS Forum Update! Empty
PostSubject: Re: DSS Forum Update!   DSS Forum Update! Icon_minitimeWed May 14, 2014 6:01 pm

Cool stuff. Never expected to be a top poster lol.

Here's to the new and improved DSS
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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DSS Forum Update! Empty
PostSubject: Re: DSS Forum Update!   DSS Forum Update! Icon_minitimeWed May 14, 2014 7:13 pm

Question. What does this mean for the "other covers", "Creative writing"etc threads? I know they still exist, but where are they going to be?
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First Among Equals
First Among Equals

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DSS Forum Update! Empty
PostSubject: Re: DSS Forum Update!   DSS Forum Update! Icon_minitimeWed May 14, 2014 7:22 pm

JimmyB wrote:
Question.  What does this mean for the "other covers", "Creative writing"etc threads? I know they still exist, but where are they going to be?

Original works, other band covers etc. They'll all stay where they are. The TGA Army area is meant for things you would consider directly inspired by TGA. Not for just something you did in your spare time. All of that should continue to go in the general chat sections.

But yes if you wrote a song inspired by TGA or lyrics or anything else of the likes please share it in The TGA Army section.

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First Among Equals
First Among Equals

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DSS Forum Update! Empty
PostSubject: Re: DSS Forum Update!   DSS Forum Update! Icon_minitimeWed May 14, 2014 9:05 pm

One thing that got left out in the main post. I'll edit this back into it.

We are looking for ways to expand on the Lounge area. So if you have any ideas of special exclusives for DSS members let us know. Currently we have things like our transcripts from chats with the band members up over there and we are discussing more exclusives. But anything you think would be a cool exclusive let us hear them!
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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Join date : 2010-10-27
Age : 33
Location : Pennsylvania-The land of the Three Rivers.

DSS Forum Update! Empty
PostSubject: Re: DSS Forum Update!   DSS Forum Update! Icon_minitimeWed May 14, 2014 11:29 pm

Do you guys think we could get another chat with any of the band again? lol
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PostSubject: Re: DSS Forum Update!   DSS Forum Update! Icon_minitime

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