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 Molly and the Zombies - Sketchy (Chords)

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Tincan Sailor
Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning
Tincan Sailor

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Molly and the Zombies - Sketchy (Chords) Empty
PostSubject: Molly and the Zombies - Sketchy (Chords)   Molly and the Zombies - Sketchy (Chords) Icon_minitimeThu Feb 06, 2014 9:46 am

I think this sounds about right, let me know if there's any corrections that I should make Smile

Em7  D Cadd9 G (x4)

Em7                          D
I know your thinkin’ of the same thing I’m thing of

Cadd9                          G
This is the first part of love

And I came to call your name

Miles and miles away

Cadd9                                 G
Long distance heart on the line

Now I think you’re breakin’ up

What was that you’re saying love

Cadd9                    G
Now that I know I know

D (hold)

Until you return to me

                Em7        G
Until you return to me

I will keep this lonely beat

Until you return to me

Em7 D Cadd9 G (x4)

Em7                            D
I bet you’re waitin’ on the same thing I’m waitin’ on

Cadd9                      G
Will I ever see you again?

Don’t you want it back again?

It’s stronger than the medicine,

Cadd9                    G
I use to forget you now.

Em7                          D
All night every way, time and time again

Cadd9                                G
Sketchy what I try to keep down

D (hold)

Until you return to me

                Em7        G
Until you return to me

I will keep this lonely beat

Until you return to me
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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

Posts : 38
Join date : 2013-07-10

Molly and the Zombies - Sketchy (Chords) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Molly and the Zombies - Sketchy (Chords)   Molly and the Zombies - Sketchy (Chords) Icon_minitimeFri May 30, 2014 10:53 am

Capo on 1st fret no?
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Molly and the Zombies - Sketchy (Chords)
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