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 For Sale: Sink or Swim LP - Clear Red 12" (2nd Press on Hellbent Records)

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A Contender
A Contender

Posts : 192
Join date : 2008-09-11
Age : 35
Location : Southampton, UK

For Sale: Sink or Swim LP - Clear Red 12" (2nd Press on Hellbent Records) Empty
PostSubject: For Sale: Sink or Swim LP - Clear Red 12" (2nd Press on Hellbent Records)   For Sale: Sink or Swim LP - Clear Red 12" (2nd Press on Hellbent Records) Icon_minitimeThu Jun 27, 2013 7:31 am

Looking to sell my copy of Sink or Swim on clear red. Had it listed on ebay, but the seller never paid or even responded to my messages (seems to be happening more and more on that site.)

Anyway, that's when I remembered this fine site - anyone interested in it? The ebay sale ended at £22 - I'll let it go for £20 with postage included in the UK.
I'm happy to post outside the UK, but will cost a little extra.

Here is the ebay sale, and you can also see my feedback on there too - http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=230996394997

Any questions at all, then let me know.

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For Sale: Sink or Swim LP - Clear Red 12" (2nd Press on Hellbent Records)
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