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 Gaslight Anthem Reveals The Craziest Thing On Their Rider: A Gorilla Suit

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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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Gaslight Anthem Reveals The Craziest Thing On Their Rider: A Gorilla Suit Empty
PostSubject: Gaslight Anthem Reveals The Craziest Thing On Their Rider: A Gorilla Suit   Gaslight Anthem Reveals The Craziest Thing On Their Rider: A Gorilla Suit Icon_minitimeThu Dec 06, 2012 8:46 am

When The Gaslight Anthem last rolled through Los Angeles during their tour with Rise Against, singer Brian Fallon and drummer Benny Horowitz stopped by sister station KROQ for a chat and acoustic performance of their single “45.”

In addition to discussing Green Day’s Billie Joe Armstrong and his recent “meltdown,” the two also touched on what their recording process is like. “We’re one of those bands that actually writes songs together,” explained Fallon. “There’s always songs being written.”

Horowitz added, “I think the bands who think that their window is always going to stay open are kinda stupid. Sometimes you only get a limited time to get your songs out there to the world. Who knows when the hell that’s gonna stop.”

Rest of interview and video here:

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I'da called you Woody
I'da called you Woody

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Gaslight Anthem Reveals The Craziest Thing On Their Rider: A Gorilla Suit Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gaslight Anthem Reveals The Craziest Thing On Their Rider: A Gorilla Suit   Gaslight Anthem Reveals The Craziest Thing On Their Rider: A Gorilla Suit Icon_minitimeThu Dec 06, 2012 11:35 am

They've mentioned the gorilla suit before. I think it was for Andy Diamond to wear... geek

But it is nice to hear about their writing being a collaborative process. Brian has said in the past he and Alex R tended to work on the music together. The more everyone gets involved, the more likely it is they'll work out potential problems before they can blow up...
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Gaslight Anthem Reveals The Craziest Thing On Their Rider: A Gorilla Suit
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