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 forum netiquette reminder

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steady now steady now
The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks
steady now steady now

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Location : England

forum netiquette reminder Empty
PostSubject: forum netiquette reminder   forum netiquette reminder Icon_minitimeWed Jul 04, 2012 4:58 am

Admins have today temporarily suspended two members for 7 days each for serious lack of netiquette ('Bluuu' and 'Harbortown'), not least following complaints from other members.

Admins would like to remind members that general rules of netiquette apply, which should not need spelling out. If you just want to be offensive or swamp the forum with nonsense, you can go elsewhere.

Members are also reminded that this is a Gaslight Anthem forum primarily, although we do have a sub-forum for general chat & discussion (e.g. the 'Spam' thread). In consequence, Admins will not tolerate general chat and banter spilling over into substantive TGA threads (no matter how matey some members are with each other), especially at a time when this forum attracts more and more readers, now that the release of Handwritten is imminent.

You've been warned.

[This thread is locked. If you want to complain about the Admins' heavy handedness, you can do so in 'forum complaints' at https://thegaslightanthem.forumotion.com/t4293-forum-complaints ]

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steady now steady now
The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks
steady now steady now

Posts : 3277
Join date : 2009-04-03
Location : England

forum netiquette reminder Empty
PostSubject: Re: forum netiquette reminder   forum netiquette reminder Icon_minitimeWed Jul 18, 2012 2:39 pm

Reminder: Please do not derail threads.

If you realise there is potential for a new topic, just start a new thread, even if the discussion got started in an existing thread. More and more people are reading this board, and it is a pain to click on a topic and read stuff that's got nothing remotely to do with it.
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