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 AbsolutePunk.net interview

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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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AbsolutePunk.net interview - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AbsolutePunk.net interview   AbsolutePunk.net interview - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon May 21, 2012 7:39 pm

steph wrote:
MattL wrote:
Regarding the Red Bull interview, am I the only one who saw all of Brian's "offensive" and "aggressive" comments as humor? He seemed to be being facetious in every single thing he said.

In this interview, Brian does come off as a bit cynical, but I think that's just because this is type and not actual voice. I can only assume he did his goofy looking half-smiles and laughed after all of his digs at everyone and their mothers being engineers and the like.

Maybe it's just a lost in translation thing. Maybe only people from Jersey understand that Brian is a jokester and most, if not all, of his digs are facetious.

Oh, and one last edit, I wanted to say, this:

Quote :
I just gotta write what I'm feeling. Cause what if this record blows up? And I had written a bunch of songs that I didn't really mean, but I thought sounded cool, and then I'm stuck singing them for rest of my life? And I definitely don't want to do that. And if I'm lucky enough that this blows up, I want it to be because I did something that was me, and I didn't want to sell anybody anything that I wasn't going to like.

Is probably one of my favorite quotes by any musician ever.

agreed, agreed, agreed High Five

Me too! (My "no" was to say "No you're not the only one who saw his comments as humor.")
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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AbsolutePunk.net interview - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AbsolutePunk.net interview   AbsolutePunk.net interview - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon May 21, 2012 7:40 pm

oh, i know, toots High Five high fives all around
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First Among Equals
First Among Equals

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AbsolutePunk.net interview - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AbsolutePunk.net interview   AbsolutePunk.net interview - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon May 21, 2012 8:52 pm

NeverTrustAJunkie wrote:
steph wrote:
MattL wrote:
Regarding the Red Bull interview, am I the only one who saw all of Brian's "offensive" and "aggressive" comments as humor? He seemed to be being facetious in every single thing he said.

In this interview, Brian does come off as a bit cynical, but I think that's just because this is type and not actual voice. I can only assume he did his goofy looking half-smiles and laughed after all of his digs at everyone and their mothers being engineers and the like.

Maybe it's just a lost in translation thing. Maybe only people from Jersey understand that Brian is a jokester and most, if not all, of his digs are facetious.

Oh, and one last edit, I wanted to say, this:

Quote :
I just gotta write what I'm feeling. Cause what if this record blows up? And I had written a bunch of songs that I didn't really mean, but I thought sounded cool, and then I'm stuck singing them for rest of my life? And I definitely don't want to do that. And if I'm lucky enough that this blows up, I want it to be because I did something that was me, and I didn't want to sell anybody anything that I wasn't going to like.

Is probably one of my favorite quotes by any musician ever.

agreed, agreed, agreed High Five

Me too! (My "no" was to say "No you're not the only one who saw his comments as humor.")

I agree too! I'm not from Jersey but I live in the north east and I didn't take this interview or the red bull interview negatively until everyone started talking about it that way. That's why I guess I tried to make sense of it? Haha, but you're right. I think maybe people from the tri-state area at least might not take it as negatively. Personally, I laughed a lot at both. (This post is in no way meant to insult people not from this area. I think those of us in this area just have a different mindset.)
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A Contender
A Contender

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AbsolutePunk.net interview - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AbsolutePunk.net interview   AbsolutePunk.net interview - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 20, 2012 1:34 am

"I just think that sometimes they spin you. And it really pisses me off. And especially, well, one in particular that was recent and I'm sure you've seen and it's a really good article, right up to the end of it where it makes me sound like an egotistical maniac. A retard. Ahhh, ugh, ahh … Look, I shouldn't use that word. That's a really bad word. Look, that's a word I've really been trying to knock off my list of stuff not to say. It's horrible. Ugh, crap, look, I didn't mean to say that.

Hey, I get it - you and me both. I've been actually working on that exact same word to remove it from my vocabulary.

Yeah, I mean, when we were kids everyone used to use it. And then all of a sudden you get older and realize: oh wait, these are actual people, we can't say that. And this was brought to my attention and - when you say that "oh, man you're retarded" you're not talking talking about the handicapped kids, you're meaning it as your friend being silly. But that is insulting, and being insulting to a group of people. And that's why I am knocking it off my list. So, I totally apologize for that. "

Lol....I'll maybe take just a little credit for that awareness after I "discussed" the use of this word with him on his blog. Love it!
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PostSubject: Re: AbsolutePunk.net interview   AbsolutePunk.net interview - Page 3 Icon_minitime

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