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 Springsteen "has been soaking up Gaslight's Jersey grit"

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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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Join date : 2010-07-26
Location : Jacksonville, Fla

Springsteen "has been soaking up Gaslight's Jersey grit" Empty
PostSubject: Springsteen "has been soaking up Gaslight's Jersey grit"   Springsteen "has been soaking up Gaslight's Jersey grit" Icon_minitimeThu Jan 19, 2012 6:44 pm


"Springsteen has also been carousing with Brian Fallon and his Gaslight Anthem here and there onstage, which means he has been soaking up Gaslight's Jersey grit, which he helps foster himself early in his own career."
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Springsteen "has been soaking up Gaslight's Jersey grit"
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