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 advice needed sink or swim demo blue splat 104

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I'da called you Woody
I'da called you Woody

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advice needed sink or swim demo blue splat 104 Empty
PostSubject: advice needed sink or swim demo blue splat 104   advice needed sink or swim demo blue splat 104 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 07, 2011 1:25 pm

can anybody give me some idea of a fair price to pay for the sink demos (yellow cover) ?
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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advice needed sink or swim demo blue splat 104 Empty
PostSubject: Re: advice needed sink or swim demo blue splat 104   advice needed sink or swim demo blue splat 104 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 07, 2011 2:51 pm

There's a certain subjectivity to what constitutes a "fair" price but given the market for this over the last couple of years I'd say that $85 is the high end of what I would consider "fair."

I paid a bit over $100 for my a copy (I thought I was overpaying at the time and I still think I overpaid).

I got a second copy as part of a lot, which included (i) a full set of Sink or Swim demos, (i) three different variants of Sink or Swim (green, purple and clear) including one autographed by Brian, (ii) Great Expectations 7", (iii) 59 Sound 7"; (iv) S&TQ 7" (clear); and (v) S&TQ 7" (black). For that entire lot I paid $150. Considering what each of these items is worth, I think I ended up getting the /104 SOS demos for pretty cheap.
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I'da called you Woody
I'da called you Woody

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advice needed sink or swim demo blue splat 104 Empty
PostSubject: Re: advice needed sink or swim demo blue splat 104   advice needed sink or swim demo blue splat 104 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 07, 2011 3:05 pm

Shrewsbury_Stars wrote:
There's a certain subjectivity to what constitutes a "fair" price but given the market for this over the last couple of years I'd say that $85 is the high end of what I would consider "fair."

I paid a bit over $100 for my a copy (I thought I was overpaying at the time and I still think I overpaid).

I got a second copy as part of a lot, which included (i) a full set of Sink or Swim demos, (i) three different variants of Sink or Swim (green, purple and clear) including one autographed by Brian, (ii) Great Expectations 7", (iii) 59 Sound 7"; (iv) S&TQ 7" (clear); and (v) S&TQ 7" (black). For that entire lot I paid $150. Considering what each of these items is worth, I think I ended up getting the /104 SOS demos for pretty cheap.

thanks for the advice , I found a guy wanting to sell a copy , but is asking £125 upwards (UK sterling) I thought that was extreme , but before I totally walk away from that one I thought I would seek advice.
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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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advice needed sink or swim demo blue splat 104 Empty
PostSubject: Re: advice needed sink or swim demo blue splat 104   advice needed sink or swim demo blue splat 104 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 08, 2011 9:49 am

£125 is a touch steep I think...but I haven't been watching for these lately. I don't know what they're going for. I think I paid $90 for a lot that had all 3 of the first pressings in it.
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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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advice needed sink or swim demo blue splat 104 Empty
PostSubject: Re: advice needed sink or swim demo blue splat 104   advice needed sink or swim demo blue splat 104 Icon_minitimeTue Apr 12, 2011 5:37 am

Wow I could never contemplate paying that much for a 7" guess thats why I dont collect variants. Fair play to you guys though not a criticism or anything.

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advice needed sink or swim demo blue splat 104 Empty
PostSubject: Re: advice needed sink or swim demo blue splat 104   advice needed sink or swim demo blue splat 104 Icon_minitime

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advice needed sink or swim demo blue splat 104
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