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A forum dedicated to The Gaslight Anthem - Brian Fallon says: ''For consistent and up to the minute stuff, Dimestore Saints is a great place to check out and hang with some really nice people.''
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 I guess I'll ad in some shameless self-promoting

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3 posters
I'da called you Woody
I'da called you Woody

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Age : 31
Location : Downstate, NY

I guess I'll ad in some shameless self-promoting Empty
PostSubject: I guess I'll ad in some shameless self-promoting   I guess I'll ad in some shameless self-promoting Icon_minitimeFri Feb 12, 2010 6:02 pm

Hey, my name is Colin and I don't do much except music. I post on here not to often,but will start trying now that I have more time on the computer. As for Gaslight wise related stuff, I have only seen them once so far. If I actually wound up seeing them everytime I wanted to without things getting in the way, I would have seen the guys four times. Anyway, thats pretty much it. O yea if you guys could let me know what you think of my band. Our old EP is for download on bandcamp.


Good or bad, we're recording a new EP, once again completely DIY. However, this will be better than a lot of those songs. Hah.

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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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Age : 44

I guess I'll ad in some shameless self-promoting Empty
PostSubject: Re: I guess I'll ad in some shameless self-promoting   I guess I'll ad in some shameless self-promoting Icon_minitimeFri Feb 12, 2010 8:30 pm

Colin, welcome to the forum. That is a bummer that you missed out on 3 shows. I have had the exact opposite luck, I keep thinking that I will not be able to see them and then things just fall into place. I think I have seen them 15 times now.
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I'da called you Woody
I'da called you Woody

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Location : Downstate, NY

I guess I'll ad in some shameless self-promoting Empty
PostSubject: Re: I guess I'll ad in some shameless self-promoting   I guess I'll ad in some shameless self-promoting Icon_minitimeSat Feb 13, 2010 1:03 am

Yea one time my brother was trying to get tickets for him and I. He told me he couldn't get me a ticket, but only got a ticket for himself. I found out cause he called me during High Lonesome! Oh well, stuff happens. I went to the Wellmont and got Bring it On and he didn't haha.
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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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I guess I'll ad in some shameless self-promoting Empty
PostSubject: Re: I guess I'll ad in some shameless self-promoting   I guess I'll ad in some shameless self-promoting Icon_minitimeSun Feb 21, 2010 10:05 pm

e7c wrote:
Colin, welcome to the forum. That is a bummer that you missed out on 3 shows. I have had the exact opposite luck, I keep thinking that I will not be able to see them and then things just fall into place. I think I have seen them 15 times now.

15 times?!?!?! i am so incredibly envious haha
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

Posts : 1575
Join date : 2008-07-03
Age : 44

I guess I'll ad in some shameless self-promoting Empty
PostSubject: Re: I guess I'll ad in some shameless self-promoting   I guess I'll ad in some shameless self-promoting Icon_minitimeMon Feb 22, 2010 12:31 am

I am guessing 15, I am not really sure. When I lived in Germany it was so easy to see them multiple times each tour... now that I am back in the states, I am lucky if I get to see them twice.

Nurenberg x 2
Munich x 2 (maybe 3)
Berlin x 2 (maybe 3)
Some small german city
Wurzburg (best show!)
DC x 2
Area 4 Festival

I am sure I am leaving some out, but that is what comes to mind.
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PostSubject: Re: I guess I'll ad in some shameless self-promoting   I guess I'll ad in some shameless self-promoting Icon_minitime

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I guess I'll ad in some shameless self-promoting
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