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 'ello from England

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'ello from England Empty
PostSubject: 'ello from England   'ello from England Icon_minitimeSun Jan 17, 2010 11:53 am

Soo my name is Lauren, I'm 15 and I'm a girl.
Username is a Muse song, avatar is of Sebastian Vettel. Any F1 fans here?
Also like Star Trek (TOS and XI), Harry Potter and the occasional Doctor Who.
Basically everything I like is extremely geeky, haha.
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'ello from England Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'ello from England   'ello from England Icon_minitimeSun Jan 17, 2010 12:02 pm

Huge F1 fan here, been watching it since you must were born...thats depressing. I'm not even that old. Vettel is pretty awesome, got nothing on a certain mr Fernando Alonso though... 'ello from England Icon_wink

Welcome, and F1 certainly isn't geeky!

Not a huge muse fan, nor anything else there but any Gaslight and F1 fan is alright in my books... 'ello from England Icon_cool
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I'da called you Woody
I'da called you Woody

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'ello from England Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'ello from England   'ello from England Icon_minitimeSun Jan 17, 2010 12:19 pm

Welcome to the site! Smile
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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'ello from England Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'ello from England   'ello from England Icon_minitimeSun Jan 17, 2010 3:04 pm

Welcome, how did you find the site?
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'ello from England Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'ello from England   'ello from England Icon_minitimeSun Jan 17, 2010 3:57 pm

not a f1-fan, not a muse-fan

but welcome to the forum =)
feel at home, there's lots of british folks here...
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A Contender
A Contender

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'ello from England Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'ello from England   'ello from England Icon_minitimeSun Jan 17, 2010 4:47 pm

Palmer89 wrote:
Huge F1 fan here, been watching it since you must were born...thats depressing. I'm not even that old. Vettel is pretty awesome, got nothing on a certain mr Fernando Alonso though... 'ello from England Icon_wink

Welcome, and F1 certainly isn't geeky!

Not a huge muse fan, nor anything else there but any Gaslight and F1 fan is alright in my books... 'ello from England Icon_cool

Agree with this, definately not a geek if you like TGA and F1!! I disagree with the alonso bit though, I'm a bit of a Kubica fan 'ello from England Icon_biggrin

I'm 15 as well. Nice to see some other 'younger' members on here as most are in there twenties - or older!

It's a great forum though, can't believe I never found it earlier. I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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'ello from England Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'ello from England   'ello from England Icon_minitimeSun Jan 17, 2010 10:01 pm

hello welcome to the forum
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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'ello from England Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'ello from England   'ello from England Icon_minitimeWed Jan 20, 2010 12:11 am

15 was the same age when I first got serious about music... I heard Rancid for the first time and realized just how amazing music could be! Infact, Rancid then went on to be my favorite band for 14 years!
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'ello from England Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'ello from England   'ello from England Icon_minitime

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'ello from England
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