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 Project Playlist - An Open-Source Endeavor: Choose my music for my 20 hour cross-country drive

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4 posters
I'da called you Woody
I'da called you Woody

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Project Playlist - An Open-Source Endeavor: Choose my music for my 20 hour cross-country drive Empty
PostSubject: Project Playlist - An Open-Source Endeavor: Choose my music for my 20 hour cross-country drive   Project Playlist - An Open-Source Endeavor: Choose my music for my 20 hour cross-country drive Icon_minitimeSun Aug 02, 2009 3:18 pm

Hey guys, I just got this idea and I figured that I'd share it here too. I'm about to drive a marathon 20 hours very shortly and I want you to help me choose my music.

For more details, check out the post on my blog here: http://shutupinternet.com/post/154350949/in-a-little-less-than-three-weeks-ill-be-driving

You can literally recommend me anything. I'd appreciate it if you'd choose things that you enjoy that you hope I'll enjoy.

If you've got suggestions, leave 'em in this thread and I'll add you to the master playlist.

Thanks guys!
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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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Project Playlist - An Open-Source Endeavor: Choose my music for my 20 hour cross-country drive Empty
PostSubject: Re: Project Playlist - An Open-Source Endeavor: Choose my music for my 20 hour cross-country drive   Project Playlist - An Open-Source Endeavor: Choose my music for my 20 hour cross-country drive Icon_minitimeSun Aug 02, 2009 3:24 pm

Two bands I've been digging lately;

Hockey and Passion Pit.

I have no idea what music you're into (except for TGA obviously) so I don't know if you'll enjoy them as much as me, but there you go.
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Project Playlist - An Open-Source Endeavor: Choose my music for my 20 hour cross-country drive Empty
PostSubject: Re: Project Playlist - An Open-Source Endeavor: Choose my music for my 20 hour cross-country drive   Project Playlist - An Open-Source Endeavor: Choose my music for my 20 hour cross-country drive Icon_minitimeSun Aug 02, 2009 4:00 pm

Just seen this on your Twitter Vibes, it's a really good idea.

You know already, but I'd suggest give the entire Courteeners album 'St. Jude' a listen, from beginning to end. You never know, you might love it!!!

Also from what you said elswhere get Joy Division's Greatest Hits on.
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I'da called you Woody
I'da called you Woody

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PostSubject: Re: Project Playlist - An Open-Source Endeavor: Choose my music for my 20 hour cross-country drive   Project Playlist - An Open-Source Endeavor: Choose my music for my 20 hour cross-country drive Icon_minitimeWed Aug 19, 2009 3:04 pm

This whole thing kind of fell through but I'm still looking for new albums to listen to on my two-day journey.

Recommend me one or a bunch!
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Midnight Rambler
Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning
Midnight Rambler

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PostSubject: Re: Project Playlist - An Open-Source Endeavor: Choose my music for my 20 hour cross-country drive   Project Playlist - An Open-Source Endeavor: Choose my music for my 20 hour cross-country drive Icon_minitimeWed Aug 19, 2009 6:02 pm

The Bronx - The Bronx (2008)
Wolfmother's self-titled album (best tracks: Dimension, Woman, Where eagles have been, Joker and the Thief)
Joe Bonamassa - The Ballad of James Henry (amazing blues guitarist, you'll love him if you're into that kind of thing)
Band of Horses - Cease to Begin (esp. Is there a ghost, No one's gonna love you, The general specific, Ode to LRC)
Anything by the Ramones
Little Richard - Here's Little Richard (the other king of rock and roll)

Quite a range there, hope you enjoy some of it.
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Jukebox Romeo
The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks
Jukebox Romeo

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PostSubject: Re: Project Playlist - An Open-Source Endeavor: Choose my music for my 20 hour cross-country drive   Project Playlist - An Open-Source Endeavor: Choose my music for my 20 hour cross-country drive Icon_minitimeWed Aug 19, 2009 6:35 pm

i'll give you some local stuff to check out. the scene here's better than it gets credit for

The Skatastrophes - "'Bout Damn Time"

hope you don't mind a bit of ska. don't let the name fool you. they're better than most ska bands. definitely not the standard crappy horn lines and poppy songs you usually find

The Sidekicks - "Sam" and "So Long, Soggy Dog"

pop/punk like Dear Landlord is pop/punk. kinda like The Menzingers or a lighter version of Hot Water Music. good stuff

Max Stern - "Tales of the Last Great Midwestern Hero"

folky/acoustic punk from this 19 year-old kid from Cleveland. really catchy, great lyrics. definitely check this guy out. he's also the singer of The Skatastrophes, who are kinda maybe no longer a band, and the singer of Signals Midwest, a really good pop/punk band kinda like The Sidekicks, but they haven't released anything yet

i can help you out if you can't find any of these
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PostSubject: Re: Project Playlist - An Open-Source Endeavor: Choose my music for my 20 hour cross-country drive   Project Playlist - An Open-Source Endeavor: Choose my music for my 20 hour cross-country drive Icon_minitime

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Project Playlist - An Open-Source Endeavor: Choose my music for my 20 hour cross-country drive
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